"Good good ......"

When a few people heard Lu Yu, they quickly retreated their clothes and ran to the big river.

"What a shame!"

Fa Li Cai'er immediately covered her eyes and ran towards the manor.

"Whew. "

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, now his spiritual strength is strong.

And the power of faith just now was hooking the power of divinity, but now all he got was spirituality!

"Huiyue can't do it either, this Huiyue's strength is not strong enough now. "

Lu Yu clenched his fist, and the spiritual brilliance swirled on it.

"Chaos Revolver!"

Lu Yu called out for the Chaos Wheel Gun, but there was no sign in the space!

"At least I have to reach the peak of the Eternal Sun level, now what I need is spiritual power, I have to work harder!"

Lu Yu looked at the stone powder in front of him, held it in his hand at this time, and in an instant, this group of white stone powder had turned black.

In the middle of the Yamada Manor.

"What? You say it's that guy who dares to be so rude, tell me where they are, I'll deal with them now!"

Browneis listened to Farry's cry, and immediately lost his temper.

Immediately took out a long sword from the side and put on the old uniform with the word justice!

"No need, I've been slaughtered by Lu Yu!"

Fa Li Caier looked at Brontees and said urgently, blocking this Brontees' way at this moment.


Brontais looked at Farry in surprise.

He didn't seem to be glad that the two men were dead, but a shock and fear appeared in his eyes!

"Hmm. "

Fa Li Cai'er nodded and said, "Those two guys deserve it, Lu Yu originally planned to let them go, but then they raided again." "

"So Lu Yu killed them with his own hands, and he should have died!"

"Hey, we're in trouble, hurry up and clean up, we're going to get out of here. "

"Those two brothers were originally the sons of Gul Tingbai, and once the news of their death came back, we would be in a bad situation!"

Brantais was immediately anxious, and it was okay to get up and teach them both a lesson.

But if they are killed, a special section will come to them!

"But it's their fault!"

Fa Li Caier Ji Sheng, seeing that Brontais was so anxious, as if he had done something wrong!

"Hey, how many people have seen this matter now, and how many people can testify for you and Lu Yu. "

"What's more, he's a foreigner, you're a native of the country, just a person, but they still have a few people who can give perjury, clean it up!"

Brontees said urgently, shaking his head and sighing repeatedly.

He still had to throw this manor and get out of here quickly, otherwise they would be cleared overnight.

"No need to clean up. "

Lu Yu can already stand up and walk slightly, his qi and blood are smooth, but he only has the spirituality of Huiyue.

"You, you, you......"

Fa Li Cai'er stammered, watching Lu Yu go from being crippled to being able to walk now.

The appearance is dignified, the smile on the face is warm, and the handsome face that cannot be concealed! The temperament of the whole person suddenly changed.

Brontais was also surprised, and looked Lu Yu up and down.

"You're all right?"

"Yes. "

Lu Yu nodded at this moment, sat on the edge of the table, and said, "Can you bring me a cup of tea?"

"Of course. "

Fa Li Cai'er left her position at this moment, and walked towards the kitchen behind her with a white porcelain cup.

Brantais's brow furrowed as he walked over to Lu Yu.

When he saw Lu Yu again, he always felt that there was a small spring flowing in Lu Yu's body.

"I don't know how many people I've seen with these old eyes, but from your eyes, I really see a confidence that I have never seen before. "

"I don't know if your ontology is arrogant or if it's an affirmation of your own strength, but now we have to go!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said anxiously, no matter what, it's better to get out of here quickly!


Lu Yu smiled indifferently at this moment, spoke lightly, and didn't seem to take the matter in front of him to heart at all.

"You just have to tell me how many people there are in their family and where they are, and I'll deal with them." "


Brantais's eyes widened, listening to Lu Yu to "solve"!

These two words were definitely not misheard, and the corners of his mouth trembled in fright, staring at Lu Yu in disbelief.

"Dad, don't believe it, Lu Yu can really solve them! Say, stop hiding it, people are sincere!"

Fa Li Cai'er handed Lu Yu a cup of tea, and at this moment helped Brontais to sit aside.

"You give it to me. "Brantais doesn't appreciate Farrais.

At this moment, she stood aside and said, "Don't do business all day, crazy, their family is so easy to understand?"

"If I wanted to be able to do it, I wouldn't have to be ready to run, but I have two eternal suns. "

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