When Fa Li Cai'er saw the blood, her eyes rolled and she fell straight down.

"So scared?"

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth twitched fiercely, he was stunned by such a small wound, he was not afraid of other people's blood, but he fainted when he saw his own bleeding.

Sure enough, he is a talent and dares to stand up for himself!

At this moment, he looked at the people around him, and everyone did not dare to move.

"Turn your head!"

"No, no, don't dare...... yes, big brother, let us go now, we are just little gangsters...... In the future, we will definitely not get involved in this kind of thing anymore......"

Everyone begged Lu Yu for mercy, and they fought in place, only daring to look into the distance.

I didn't dare to look at Lu Yu's fierce eyes at all!

"Turn around!"

Lu Yu's voice was mixed with a wisp of murderous aura, his eyes looked around coldly, and his spiritual power was released invisibly!


There was a crunch sound in his body.

Lu Yu felt that his spiritual power seemed to be a little loose, but now his divine power really didn't react, which made him a little dissatisfied!

The bodies of the crowd were wooden.

However, listening to Lu Yu, he was also so frightened that he was clever, and quickly turned around and fell to the ground with a plop towards Lu Yu.

"Big brother, you just treat me as a fart and let me go...... I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes, and I don't know gold and jade with my eyes......"

Everyone wailed and cried, and at this moment they all kowtowed to Lu Yu, like pounding garlic.

"Get up!"

Lu Yu looked at these people and was afraid of him, and sat in place and looked in all directions.

"Yes yes yes ......"

Everyone stood up one after another, and at this moment they no longer dared to hold any weapons in their hands.

Just raised his head to look at Lu Yu, and then carefully looked at Lu Yu's face, whether he was angry or laughing.

"Big brother, what do you want us to do?"

The man with braided hair looked at Lu Yu and said softly.

I also want to know what Lu Yu's reputation is, whether he killed them, or let them go?

"Go, search the two of them, I want to see spiritual things from them, if not, I'm going to settle accounts with a few of you. "

"And if there are people among you who have special classes, I won't come out one by one!"

"Yes yes yes ......"

Everyone heard that Lu Yu was going to let them go, and at this moment they hurriedly searched for everything on the two brothers.

Anyway, as long as they can live at this moment, it will be their great luck.

"Get out of here!"

Guli Aye suddenly opened his eyes, took a long breath, wiped a handful of blood from the corners of his mouth, and stared at Lu Yu coldly.

"Damn, you just told me to faint, don't you know how to write dead words?"

He looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily, and at this time he took a big stride, and the long sword in his hand shone on Lu Yu's face.

"I'm not dead, I can only send you to see your brother, maybe the Grim Reaper will be happy to see the two of you. "

Lu Yu looked at Guli Aye walking in front of him, he also stood up at this moment, barely able to take a step, and walked towards Guli Aye relatively smoothly!


Gulayah was stunned for a moment, and when he saw a broken sword in the grass, he realized that his brother was dead!


"I don't share it with you. "

He looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily, raising his long sword high.

In an instant, the spiritual brilliance of the Bright Moon level surged all around, making a burst of light between this piece of grass!


At this time, he turned into a streamer, more than ten times faster than just now.

At this moment, he slashed at Lu Yu's head, and in his eyes, Lu Yu was already a dead man!

"It's good to come!"

Lu Yu let out a long breath, and a burst of golden light suddenly erupted in his eyes.


A spiritual power that could not be seen with the naked eye suddenly turned into a spiritual sword and stabbed out fiercely forward.


Guliaye didn't know why, and his eyes widened so that the boss fell straight to the ground at this time.

Blood kept gushing out of his mouth, and when he tilted his head, he died straight away!

"This, this, this...... The great god spares his life, spares his life......"

Everyone had already knelt in the habit of kneeling, and they knelt down to Lu Yu like begging for mercy, and everyone begged Lu Yu to forgive them.


Lu Yu had a little bit of faith in his mind.

Every time this group of people kowtowed, Lu Yu felt that this trace of faith power was hooking his divine power.

"There's a play!"

Lu Yu's eyes lit up, it turned out that this group of people was a bit interesting!

"Bring it!"

"Yes Yes ......"

Everyone flashed and walked towards the brothers.

"I'm just letting him go alone now, and now a few of you continue to atone for your sins!"

Lu Yu looked at these guys and dared to leave together.

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