above the ground.

Everyone was killed or wounded, and those who were higher in the realm were able to survive just now.

"Still he escaped. "

At this time, an old man with a golden beard came, and between the waves of his arms, the wounded immediately recovered their injuries, and said, "Now you should retreat first, go to the large army, and don't run around again." "

"Yes. "

Everyone nodded, and immediately left here with the brilliance of divinity.

"Sure enough, playing the Tibetan game with Lu Yu can't be delayed, it's not false at all, but looking at the expression of this golden-bearded old man, it doesn't seem that he is chasing an evil god?"

Tan Si's brows furrowed slightly, and the situation in front of him seemed to be aimed at a pseudo-god, or someone who came to catch Lu Yu.

Demon Wine frowned in contemplation and shook his head.

"I don't agree with you. "

"The battle of the evil gods just now also attracted the original god, and the general direction of the evil god is to deal with the human camp. "

It shows that they divided the interests again, but the two sides did not negotiate. "

"Well, I do know a few eyebrows. "

Josanif nodded, if it is said that he is in the team, calm and thoughtful, then it is mainly demon wine.

He said, "This attack is not only for the evil gods, but also to make it easier to find the "evidence" of the false gods from the evil gods, so that they can spread the word and represent the ideas of many people. "



A huge mirror around Lu Yu had already made this Rakedota dizzy.

"Boy, you know that such a mirror space can't stop me, as long as I want to go out, I must be able to, but now, I want to kill you, and if there is a kind of I'll come out and fight me to the death!"

Rakkodota has accumulated the radiance of divinity in his hands.

He has just been pitted by Lu Yu once, and when he enters this realm space, there are endless streams, and it is clear that he is consuming his divinity!


Lu Yu walked behind Rakkodota, holding a white-bladed dagger in his hand.


A popping sound came out of the mouth of Ralkodota.

In an instant, the huge mirror was broken into powder.

"How is this possible?"

Rakodota looked at the shattered mirrors, turning into tiny mirrors one after another.

If he hits again, he'll only be smaller.

"How could it be?"

From the top of the multiple mirrors, Lu Yu's figure walked out again.

He had an indifferent smile on his face, and he was still clothed with that white justice.

"Hmph, your true body doesn't dare to come out to fight me, now this kind of realm is just your trick, and the six divine natures are no longer needed?"

He looked at Lu Yu and sneered.

From between his foreheads, he opened a pair of eyes towards the back of his head, and looked around to prevent Lu Yu from suddenly sneaking in!

"Interested in working together, I know you're interested in something, otherwise you wouldn't be here. "

Lu Yu was light and light, looking at the tower in front of him, he was a little interested.

"You're just trying to use me, human, you don't think I'm going to fall for you, do you?"

Ra Ke Duota sneered, and the radiance of divinity turned into a huge ball of pills.

In an instant, a purple ghost light broke through Lu Yu's mirror space!


The mirror space has just exploded.

An infinite cosmic space rises and transports.

Lu Yu rotated the claw of space in his hand, and in an instant, his body turned into a blood sea realm!

"...... Uproar"

The blood-colored sea rises into the sky, boundless.

The left and right sides of the tower of Ra and Kodo are pounding wildly!

"Damn, you kid doesn't really want to make a move, and always lied to my divinity!"

Ra Ke Duota gritted his teeth, Lu Yu This guy is extremely cunning.

Every time he attacked with all his might, it was as if it was hitting the cotton, making his divinity more and more consumed.

If this goes on for a long time, he will inevitably die at the hands of Lu Yu!

"Your old friend is here, play by yourself. "

Lu Yu felt something.

smiled indifferently, the claw of time and space in his hand turned, and in an instant, in the space that gradually disappeared, there was not even a shadow of the sea of blood.

"Don't go!"

Pulling Keduota suddenly felt a little wrong, and quickly followed behind Lu Yu and rushed into time and space.

"Damn, I didn't expect that old man with the golden beard to really chase him, you act with me and kill him!"

He looked at Lu Yu and said urgently, and a white light slowly emerged behind him.

The brilliance of that divine deity was 100,000 zhang tall just from the projection!

This is a typical bloodline of the ancient gods, using the bloodline of the ancient gods to stimulate the power of the ancient gods.

Then he has at least half the attack power!

If anyone underestimates this half of the attack power, then death must be fast, and Lu Yu will not make any mistakes!

"Thinking too much. "

Lu Yu smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The statue behind him was really strong enough, but the aura of the golden-bearded old man was very unfamiliar.

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