"It's disgusting that you begged for mercy in a hurry, and now you dare to show off your might in front of your people, it's really amazing!"

A grand voice sounded from above the sky, under the red rolling clouds, thousands of miles away.

It was like an end of the world, which made people's hearts tremble.

The imagery of the original god, with their eternal sun, how could they perceive the majesty of his boundary, and the truth of the realm in front of him.

Ovi Jiage watched his old acquaintance chase after him, for his own face, but also for the justice in his heart!


An old voice rang out.

Ovie's figure turned into a golden glow, blasting up the big face above the sky.

"Wow! Genshin Impact! Sure enough, it's Genshin Impact, and even the Evil God King doesn't have the slightest fear, and now it seems that some people really dare to brag behind him. "

Everyone's eyes looked at Lu Yu one after another, just now Lu Yu also said that the original god is just two swords, and now he dares to kill the evil god king.

"Yes, some people are good, they are obviously the eternal sun, but their hearts are very sour!"

There was even more provocation in the eyes of several people.

"You ......"

Tan Si was just about to step forward to theorize with everyone, but was stopped by Lu Yu stretching out his finger.

"Three. "

"What do you mean? I guess it's going to hit us three times down, right?"

"It's really funny, looking at their little arms and legs, do you still want to fight?"


Everyone looked at Lu Yu's indifferent appearance, but they laughed out loud.

"Don't say it, this kid's face is a little better-looking, but if he starts fighting immediately, I'm afraid I'm going to be scared to pee my pants. "


Everyone looked at Lu Yu one after another.

Ovie Gag was already sitting on top and killing his hands.

But looking at Lu Yu in front of him, he was just standing here, and he couldn't do anything else, he could only count.

"II. "

"Hey, count!"

The team leader stepped forward, took out the long sword in his hand and patted it, and said, "My sword has the power of a true god, otherwise the two of us will have a competition." "

"You're not worthy!"

Demon Wine sneered, and stood forward, the spiritual brilliance on the palm of his hand floated, without Lu Yu not exposing them, there was no need for them to fight.

But the light in his eyes is like a tiger's eyes, in fact, people can't tremble in their hearts.

Following Lu Yu, after a long time, slaughtering the evil god has become a matter of course in their eyes!


The team leader seemed to be shocked by the killing god in the eyes of the demon wine, and took two steps back.

But it's not right to think about it, he is a true god, and the demon wine is just an eternal sun.

"It's so arrogant, who the hell are you talking to!"

He sneered, and the divine brilliance between Zhou Shen suddenly floated.

"One. "

Lu Yu watched as the clouds above the canopy of the sky were shrinking sharply.

The red clouds of thousands of miles have been left for thousands of miles.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The team leader watched Lu Yu finish reading the sound and found that there was no movement around!

"It's coming. "

Lu Yu looked at the red mist above, and without warning, a huge sharp mouth floated.

The strong suction force caused the surrounding peaks to rush towards the sky!


Countless people couldn't help but dance with their hands, but the divine brilliance around them still couldn't protect them.

Everyone flew into the mouth of the huge cloud above the sky!

"This, this, this...... What's going on?"

The team leader looked at the left and right urgently, and found that they had lost control, especially the divine brilliance in his body had turned into air!

"Let's go. "

Lu Yu looked at the wind pressure around him and smiled indifferently.

They don't look like other people, and there is no way to do it.

Everyone behind Lu Yu can step into this tornado.

"Here, don't go, take me for a ride!"

The team leader looked at Lu Yu and the others and said cautiously. 、

Lu Yu could move freely in this tornado, so there should be no problem for them to escape.

"Do it yourself, don't fall to your death right away. "

Lu Yu looked at the team leader and smiled indifferently, and glanced at the demon wine, Tan Si, Qiao Sanif and others who were not accompanying him behind him.

The three of them naturally understood what Lu Yu meant, and they would be defeated in this team.

With this huge retreat, they are rushing towards safety!

"Six Divine Natures, Sword!"

Lu Yu raised the dagger in his hand, but did not release the divine brilliance of the idol

Six divinities erupted wildly from beyond his body.


A pillar of light is like a ray of morning light between heaven and earth.

In the black tornado, a linear light slashed out from Lu Yu's line of sky.

"Boom Boom Boom ......"

Huge explosions surged around, and the tornado split wildly, and a scream was heard.

"Ah~ Who are you? dare to walk in the crowd and sneak up on me!"

The Evil God King of Rakkodota was furious, and this scene was like swallowing a lowly beast!

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