Tan Si thought slightly, and whispered to Lu Yu to hit Lu Yu, interspersed with this piece of virtual space, and went deep inside!

Lu Yu looked at the "familiar faces" in the distant team, and the two guys had some use value.

He smiled indifferently, led a few people into the dense forest, saw that a few of them were stationing, stretched out his hand, and the divinity beat these people unconscious.

"Now we've found their clothes, and now we're changing into their clothes, but we're defeated, you know?"

He looked at the crowd and smiled.

"This ...... Still don't understand. "

Si Yan shook his head, if that piece of mine needs to be visited, then it would be good to go directly.

Now that the defeated army is defeated, it will definitely have to assemble with the human army.

When the time comes, once it encounters danger, I am afraid it will be difficult to clean up.

"The reason why the "defeated army" in our eyes is to flee with them is that most of the evil gods on the left and right attack unintentionally. "

"Our defeated army wants to attract the attention of that group of evil gods and arouse their fighting spirit, understand?"

Lu Yu smiled indifferently, the white robe was draped over his body, and the two words of justice behind him were the signs of the camp.

The whole body slowly bloomed with divine light.

"So you're trying to lure them deeper into the target!"

Tans's eyes lit up.

"That's right, the news among the human race is still spreading, and the evil gods should also know that something is going to happen to the ancient gods. "

"Once the ancient gods are about to come out, they must be a mortal threat to the side of the evil gods, and the evil gods will definitely come out to interfere!"

Demon Wine's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but admire Lu Yu, and followed behind Lu Yu, wearing a robe of justice.

However, most of them were dusted by their divinity, at least a little.

They look more like a losing team!


Under Lu Yu's head-on killing, they not only did not win, but were defeated miserably.

Hurriedly fled the war zone.

"Chase! Chase ......"

The evil god looked at the opportunity to break through, and most of the spirituality exerted by the team led by Lu Yu belonged to the Eternal Sun level, which happened to be the evil god's favorite one!

There is also high-quality food at the low level!

Under this difficult siege, if there is a chance to taste it, the evil god will not easily refuse.

"It's coming!"

Si Yan walked beside Lu Yu, urgently told the people around him about the movements, and then rushed into the valley.

"Okay, in their ranks, are there powerhouses at the level of the Evil God King?"

"Nope. "

Si Yan shook his head, powerhouses at the level of the Evil God King generally don't appear easily.

"Run again!"

Lu Yu said anxiously, the current group of minions is not enough time for them to make a move.

They rushed forward urgently, it was the occasion of the evil gods who were fighting!


Lu Yu pulled out the long sword in his hand, and in an instant, the power of the Eternal Sun level accompanied the sharpness of the long sword in Lu Yu's hand, and the long sword in his hand crossed.

Several evil gods were sneak attacked, and purple blood flowed behind them!


A scream rang out, and the evil god with a huge eye open.

A purple light shone towards Lu Yu.

"Boy, I didn't expect you, a human being, to dare to sneak attack behind my back, and now I'll let you die!"

A roar rang out, and patches of earth thorns shot out from the sky above the earth.

"Let's go!"

Lu Yu glanced around, and hurriedly rushed into the mountain peak.

But he had a few more godheads in his hands.

"How's it going?"

Lu Yu looked at Qiao Sanif on the side, and by the way, he sharpened his combat power.

Qiao Sanif gasped, his eyes were full of excitement, he took out the two godheads in his hands, and said, "This group of evil gods has been killed, and besides, there are many masters patrolling around, and the attack is quite simple!"


Lu Yu nodded, and his body stepped between the valleys, which had already become a defeat.

After a while, I met a team.

"Bold, who are you who brought it? Don't you know what kind of crime it is to run away without confronting the evil god head-on?"

A white-haired old man with a fair face and a bloated body fell from the sky.

The brilliance of divinity floated above the fist, and in an instant, the palm of the hand was opened, and the momentum of divinity was splashed in all directions. 、

Everyone detoured to Lu Yu's team, surrounded vertically and horizontally!

"Say it quickly. "

"Say it quickly. "

"Say it quickly. "


The soldiers who rushed over looked at Lu Yu's squad and glared angrily.

I didn't expect there to be such a scum in their ranks!

"Damn! Lu Yu, let's kill it!"

Tan Si looked at Lu Yu and said, since this team is blocking their way, they can only kill them!

Their real goal is not to make this group of small targets, but to make the whole battlefield chaotic.

What's more, the battle is too extensive, and a big battle between the evil gods and humans has begun vigorously!

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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