Luqin Yummy took one of his hands.

"Push your power outward slowly, not too hasty, not too slow, and follow my thoughts......"

At this point, the two closed their visions as they spoke.

Feel a hint of resistance in the palm of your hand!

"Driving ......"

The gentle sound is like a giant blue whale, swimming in the endless ocean.

The warm sunlight shining on the cool waters allows them to communicate with their minds.


Layers of rippling light shone out from the arms of the two, causing the two blades to slowly squirm outward!

At the same time, there seems to be a magnetism between the two blades, and the amount of force used is the amount of force that will be returned.

And at this time, they actually stabbed at both sides!


Luqin reminded Lu Yu eagerly, her palm became more powerful, and the other hand grabbed Lu Yu's palm and conveyed her thoughts to him.


The three statues behind Lu Yu's head immediately begged for the body.

Behind Lu Yu's soul body, he took a big step and pushed forward violently!


A soft crunch sounded, and the space began to shatter rapidly.

"Damn, you ......"

Luqin Youmiao had nothing to say for a while, and always felt that Lu Yu was too domineering in his body.

And almost all of his idols were born for attacks!

Her image is different, for the sake of life pranayama, she has a strong recovery ability, and under the thrust of power, she is not as good as Lu Yu.

"Sorry, this ...... I'm also a first-time visitor, a bit unfamiliar. "

Lu Yu, this time the soul body made him feel extremely pleasant, because he could open his heart.

But it's extremely embarrassing, and I always feel clumsy here!

"But these two sword pieces are going to be pushed out, and I'm bleeding, and I'm afraid it's not good for me to wait for a long time. "

Luqin Miaoyao found that Lu Yu's eyes were looking at her, as if she was listening carefully.

This kind of Lu Yu, who seems to be a student mode, makes her unable to blame at all.

"I have a way, give me all your thoughts, and I'll push it alone. "

Lu Yuxiang's Luqin tried to persuade him, pushing alone, and the power he had must be stretched out to both sides.

It is better than the two using different forces, or the trouble caused by the slight difference between the minds.

"This ......"

Luqin Youmiao turned her face slightly sideways and looked at the huge black light curtain in front of her.

"Is there anything inconvenient? or I will give you my heart, and you will come?"

Lu Yu felt that the crisis between the two was too big, and it was better to hand it over to one person, which would be more convenient and fast.


Luqin Youmiao hurriedly shook her head, but still made the final decision, and said, "It's better for you to come, but don't snoop on the other party's privacy!"

"Of course. "

Lu Yu suddenly laughed at this sentence and said, "Don't grind, come on, otherwise the responsibility of your sister will definitely be added to my head immediately, and I can't stand it." "

"Good. "

Lu Qin chose to believe it, that is, she saw that the soul body was extremely strange, and it actually flowed towards Lu Yu's body like water, melting like cold liquid.


Lu Yu was all over his body, and the brilliance of the Divine City rose to the sky.

In this dark and light space, Lu Yu was like a huge sun, his hands on the sword blade, and the power of his soul and mind surged, pushing out along the two sword blades at the same time.


The two sword blades colluded with each other and sparked, and under Lu Yu's giant palm, the six god statues spun wildly.

Lu Yu actually pushed the two sword blades towards each other at the same time!


A crisp voice sounded, and the two giant swords actually stopped deeply, and the power of the counterattack was even stronger!

"Damn, it can't be something happening again, right?"

Lu Yu's heart jumped fiercely, and the crisp sound just now sounded, making him have to stop his wrist at this moment.

If the Godhead is broken, he's in big trouble!

"It's fine. A will came out of Lu Yu's mind, and he said, "This is the interplay between the sword blades, their false voices, and the conspiracy to disturb their mood.


Lu Yu only turned his head slightly, and this was what he found in his own brain domain, only the size of a soybean grain Luqin Youmiao curled up in the corner, as if the soul body was a little uneasy.

"It seems that a strong man like you is also full of a sense of crisis. "

Lu Yu sighed, such a strong man was originally fighting heaven and earth, and he was not afraid of anything.

But when you see her soul body, it's like seeing her as a person!

"Hey, didn't we say yes?"

Luqin raised her head and glared at Lu Yu, but that small face made people look even more cute and funny.

"Don't be angry, I'm here. "

At this time, Lu Yu drummed up the divinity and the power of his mind around him.

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