Lu Yu's six-sided idol suddenly disappeared, and huge mirrors shone from all around!


Lu Le Hu Kanzi repeats his old tricks, the space of this mirror is terrifying, but his ability to reset is not weak.

Suddenly, countless mirrors collided with each other.


"Lu Yu, Lu Yu, you do have more skills, but what can you do now?"

Lu Le Hu Kanzi's affection was like light, he saw Lu Yu's trace, and he killed it with a sword!

"Hitomi Hell Dragon King Hitomi

Dragon's Body

Fear Domain

Spider dragon spinning silk

Hell Dragon King Foil

Destroying the Light


The light in front of him turned sharply, and he saw that the layers of domains and attacks on Lu Yu's body were slashed open, and he was suddenly dazzled!

"It's endless!"

Lule Hukanqi is going crazy, the realm is terrifying, and the ability is super strong!

“...... Figurative!"

When looking at the attack around him, he had no choice but to do so in a concrete way.

Layers of runes lit up from all around, and the Lule Hukanzi Fear Realm launched a spiritual space in all directions!

"What's the big deal about how much it will be......"


There was a tingling pain in his back, and he saw that Lu Yu had already pierced his idol with a sword.

Actually broke the flesh directly from his back!


The dazzle just now made his idol keep turning, and he was very busy.

When he was busy, this interface was raided by Lu Yu's move!

"Learning, learning!"

Lu Yu gritted his teeth at this time, Lu Le Hu Kanqi is really a talent, what he wants is not to run, but to kill this Lu Le Hu Kanqi or kill him!

Otherwise, let him survive, but it's a shame that he has learned all his tricks!


A burst of blood spilled behind Lu Yu, and he saw that there was no one behind Lu Yu, but Lu Yu himself was concretized in the shadow space!

"Let's go!"

Lu Yu was annoyed for a while, not knowing when he would have such a perverted ability.

His body is invisible!

The power of the original god of the idol is blessed, and he makes all the illusions around him converge at this moment!


Lule Hukanzi looked at the sudden moment in front of him.

He lowered his head and stretched out a finger from the bloodstain on the ground.

"It seems that it is still the blood of the true god, you are not even the original god, as long as I catch you, then you will definitely die!"

The flesh and blood behind him were squirming at each other, and it was so intact that it revealed a piece of healthy skin!

Lu Yu raised his dagger and looked left and right at the curse just now, was it useless?

He lost a little when he went out with a curse, it's not useless, it's that Lule Hukanzi is pretending to hold on!

Less is useless, but more and more curses are not necessarily!

"Come out, come out, what kind of hero is hiding here. "

Lu Le Hukanzi shouted frantically around, "Now you are hiding there and not moving, I really can't find your whereabouts, and your mirror space can hide you, but when my helper comes soon, it will be when you die without a burial!"

There was no answer to his shout, and the surroundings were as calm as if they were another space.

I didn't expect Lu Yu to be more than him, this is the most terrible situation!

His eyes looked at Shi Jin Yunyan, who was beating beans with Mi Meier!

"Okay, you're not coming out, are you? In that case, I'll kill your men first, so you can't help but come out, right?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his pace suddenly accelerated at this time!


Flames came from the sky, burning the sand on all sides of the sand one after another.

Because the figurative things are all presented to transparent shapes under the baking of this heat!


At this moment, Lu Le Hu Kanqi found where Lu Yu was.

As long as Lu Yu makes a move, there must be flaws and traces, and his embodiment suddenly turns into a long sword and cuts it down!

"Void, Death Light!"

A group of vibrations sounded around Lu Yu.

I saw a green light emanating from my body!


In the confrontation between the two, the place where the sand pile has turned into a sea of sand!

Lule Hukanzi seemed to be able to run on the surface of the sea at will, turning into a sandstorm and rolling frantically towards the landing feathers.

There are countless silver rays of light in this wind, and it is a long sword that can cut people in half at will!

"It's really strong!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but exclaim, Lu Le Hu Kanqi's attack power was indeed one of the strongest he had ever seen.

"Then let's try my new move, Six Divinity, Kendo Wheel!

Lu Yu raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes shining.


The two poles of light in the sky slowly turned, and the six divine beings rose to the sky!

"Not good!"

There was a hint of strength that Lu Le Hu Kanqi felt from the wheel seals of the six realms.

Especially when it was just unfolded, I always felt as if the horizon was cracked.

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