This song turned out to be from Yi Xiaotian.

Mildew felt that her mood needed to be calmed down.

Originally, I thought that this was created by a great god.

But I couldn't think of it.

It turned out to be Yi Xiaotian again.


Plus the song he sold to Taylor.

In more than half a month, he has come up with three songs that can explode.

It's just awesome.

Mildew no longer knows how to shape Yi Xiaotian's talent.

After a moment of silence.

She decided to share the song on her social platforms.


A fresh dynamic has been edited: share a new song "theshow, the singer is a newcomer named Annie, but the voice is perfect, the crisp voice and this song are not too good, the recommendation index is off the charts (like, like, like).

At the end, several thumbs-up gestures were added.

It didn't take long for 02 to send out.

The number of comments on her page kept popping up.

Likes and retweets are also rising.

"Wow, my goddess actually listened to this song, and sure enough, I have the same aesthetics as the goddess!"

"I've listened to this song too, and the ranking has risen so fast, but this singer is really a newcomer, and I haven't heard it before. "

"This is a French singer, with this song, I believe that it will definitely soar in fame. "

"When I saw the goddess's recommendation, I immediately downloaded this song, and it was really amazing!"

"It's really good, I feel like I'm in love for the first time!!"


A few casual glances at the comments.

Unexpectedly, so many people have listened to this song.

But also, the ranking of this song has risen so fast, I am afraid it has attracted the attention of many interested people.


It's the same as Mildew guessed.

At this moment, Taylor is also paying attention to the new song "theshow", which has skyrocketed in the past two days.

Because I know that this is Yi Xiaotian's lyrics and music.

So Taylor is also paying special attention to it.

Although the tune she bought herself has not yet been recorded.

But she is still very confident in this song.

But this Yi Xiaotian is really powerful, after selling himself a song, he actually came up with another hit song.

It's very difficult for someone else to create one.

For him, it's as simple as drinking water.

Sometimes I really have to convince these people of their talent.

Although his voice is relatively good, he can only be regarded as above average in terms of creation.


For those who are gifted.

She was really both envious and admired.

However, the song's fame also made Taylor more confident in his next plans.


As long as Yi Xiaotian is more famous, the more prominent his creative talent will be.

The more beneficial it is to your own plans.

Originally, she had to put some effort into designing, but now it seems that this Yi Xiaotian is really powerful.

It directly saves a lot of links for yourself.

Come to think of it.

She also added a lot of interest to Yi Xiaotian, whom she had never met before.

When this is over, be sure to find a chance to visit it in person.


Running Men Program Group.

The interval between program recordings.

Deng Zhao is used to listening to music with headphones on every break, and relaxes himself.

Today is no exception. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Open the music software.

Originally, I habitually wanted to find a song that I had a single loop of.

Maybe I'm a little tired.

Well, find out if there are any new songs that are better.

Thinking like this, his hand had already clicked on the new song chart. []

The next second.

The eyes can see "theshow", which is firmly ranked first.

Since the song reached the top of the list, there has been no change in the ranking, and the number of downloads is far ahead of the second place.

The two sides are not a heavyweight at all.

Since it can be ranked first, I think there is definitely something outstanding.

Deng Zhao couldn't wait to click the play button, lay down on the chair and listened.

The eyes were unfocused, looking at the hot people who were chatting on the side.


The spirit of young people is good.


The sound of music in my ears has come out cheerfully.

After hearing the melody, Deng Jian subconsciously gathered some spirit and listened attentively.

It seems that this song is really good, and the intro part alone is already very catchy.

A few minutes later.

Deng Shu slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and said secretly: Sure enough, it is worthy of being the number one song, this song is really good.

The melody was so magical that he couldn't help but click on it and listen to it a second time.

After a few more minutes, he simply set it up to a single loop.


It's really good.

It's not a single loop, I'm sorry for my ears.

I'm afraid this singer called Annie is going to be popular, and this song is good enough to make her famous.


He couldn't help but wonder who the creator of this song was.

Probably this singer called 530 Annie?

If she was the one who wrote and sang, then she would definitely have found a treasure singer.

Maybe we're going to see the rise of a diva again.


Why do I say again?

Deng Zhao directly flipped to the top of the song, which was very clearly written, lyrics: Yi Xiaotian, composer: Yi Xiaotian, arrangement: Yi Xiaotian......

It wasn't until the singing column that it was written: Annie!!

See here.

Deng Zhao felt as if he was stupid.

The whole person didn't know what to do to react.

This song was actually written by Yi Xiaotian, I originally thought it was a foreign song, but I never expected it!!


Chen He noticed Deng Xuan's anomaly.

Curiously asked, "Brother Zhao, what's wrong with you?" There seems to be something wrong with your expression, isn't there something uncomfortable?"

Hear this.

The eyes of the others also looked at them curiously.


Deng Xuan's face looked a little wrong.

But it doesn't look like it's uncomfortable, it's more like it's because of something that surprises.

Everyone couldn't help but be curious.

Isn't he there listening to the songs?

Did you hear something indescribable?

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