
It turned out that it was because of what happened yesterday.

Yi Xiaotian was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that even Sophie had seen it, and it seems that this matter is really hot in France.

However, Anne didn't even know her.

That's right, too.

After all, Anne was born into a very ordinary family.

It's just now.

Sophie may be continuing to wait and see if she didn't sign a contract with her, believing that with Anne's strength, she will shine sooner or later.

If only I could introduce her to Sophie in advance.

Perhaps there will be fewer thorns on her path to success.

Come to think of it.

He nodded: "I see, in fact, Miss Anne's musical talent is beyond doubt, although I did participate in yesterday's song, but the main tone is still done by Anne, I just adapted it on her basis." "

Hear here.

Sophie nodded repeatedly.

She knew that Yi Xiaotian was highly recommending Anne to herself.

After carefully recalling the video I watched yesterday, I still have some impressions of the part of Anne in my memory.

This is a very beautiful girl.

The eyes are deep, the nose bridge is high, and she looks like a typical beauty from the French 853 country.


The fact that she was able to wait so long for her goal at the beginning shows that she is a very purposeful person who knows what she needs.

Such people often do things with half the effort.


If she was really signed, it might be a good thing.

Come to think of it.

She looked at Yi Xiaotian seriously.

He said: "Mr. Yi, it seems that you are really optimistic about this Miss Anne, but I don't know her very well, can you help me ask her out?

He groaned for a moment.

Sophie already had an idea in her head.

Hear her words.

Everyone felt that Sophie in front of them seemed to have changed in an instant.


I've become much more savvy.

Jiang Shuying leaned on Jiang Juan's ear and said, "I really can't see it, Miss Sophie has thought so much in such a short period of time, if it were me, she would definitely not have such a quick response!"

Jiang Juan nodded.

said: "You're right, she is the boss after all, and all decisions are responsible for the company and employees, after all, there are still so many people,"

"Well, but Sophie is ready to take the song together, to be honest, now Anne is in the throes of popularity, yesterday's traffic is still there, especially that song, it is estimated that it will be popular for a while, the copyright of this song should be jointly owned by Anne and Xiaotian, so if Sophie wants to buy that song too, she must need Xiaotian to nod, so if you say that, he can also get a sum of money, such a popular song, it shouldn't be less!!"

Jiang Shuying analyzed.

After saying that, even she herself was a little shocked.

Jiang Juan was also a little surprised by her analysis.

"Well, in this way, Xiaotian seems to be able to get a lot of income again!!The value of this song will definitely not be less than one million, euros!!"

The two looked at each other.

I've figured it out in my heart, if this thing can be done.

This trip to France by Yi Xiaotian is afraid that it will bring him an income of no less than 600,000 euros.

Such a ability to absorb gold.

Even Jiang Shuying was a little envious. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sure enough, talented people are different.

You don't need to take the initiative to make money, and the money will be automatically sent to the (ACFD) door.


Bundchen also turned this thought in his heart.

She looked at Sophie and said to herself, it seems that the biggest winner of today's meal is still her old friend. []

I can't say that I have gained nothing.

Except, of course, Yi Xiaotian's friendship.

Although Sophie also did not sign Yi Xiaotian, she unexpectedly got a newcomer.

And it also comes with its own traffic and its own popular songs!!

It's really wishful thinking.

Sure enough, he is still much worse than Sophie in this regard.

For these thoughts, Yi Xiaotian was naturally very clear in his heart.


This was originally a win-win situation, and he was naturally introduced by Le.


The three Anne sisters are watching TV at home at the moment.

Both parents are ordinary migrant workers.

Although not as rich and expensive.

But a family of five is very comfortable.


The couple found that their three daughters didn't seem to be in a good mood when they came back today.

"Annie, weren't you invited to Fashion Week today?

Mother Anne asked curiously.

Father Anne glared at her.

For his three daughters, he loves him very much.

He comforted him: "Anne, you must know that everyone in this world is good at different, God has given you musical talent, and you yourself are also very good-looking, but you can't compare with those models, they rely on their own appearance to eat, and you don't need to, don't use other people's strengths to compare your weaknesses, this will only make you fall into meaningless irritability!"

The words of their parents made the three Anne sisters subconsciously look at them.


Nina burst out laughing.

said: "Mom and Dad, things are not what you think, we are not unhappy because of this matter!!"


Isn't it?

Anne's parents looked at each other again.

They all saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

"Could it be that I guessed wrong?

Father Anne felt that it was only with great difficulty that he had just said something meaningful.

I didn't think it was useless!!

Mother Anne asked curiously, "So what are you three doing with a bitter face? Could it be that something else has happened?"

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