While he was thinking so.

Lena and her fellow passers-by have begun to sing.

She has a great voice.

As soon as he opened his voice, he won applause from all around.

"Wow, this female singer's voice is really amazing, I love it to death. "

"Ahhh What a surprise, it's such a surprise to have such a nice voice. "

"I have a hunch that they will definitely be number one. "

"Well, I feel like the intro of this song is really good. "

"Awesome, I can write ~ such a good melody in such a short period of time. "


Jiang Shuying and the three of them looked at each other at this time.

They all saw the look of amazement in each other's eyes.


When this Lena first came on stage, the three of them were not very optimistic about her when they saw her like this.


Hear her voice so moving at this moment.

It's impossible not to be surprised.

"Huo, I really can't imagine it, sure enough, people can't look good!!"

"Indeed, such a good singing voice is very strong. "

"Suddenly I feel that my brother and they may not be able to win the championship this time, what should I do??"

After all, the second has a four-point bonus.

At the beginning, they were three points more than Annie, and their current songs are also very good, so I'm afraid the score will definitely not be low.

And the male singers of the first team have changed their faces at this time.


First, I have missed myself.

Alas, it's still the strength to ask!!

His face showed a look of extreme loss, which made the passers-by and guests on the side look very distressed.

In the field, Lena was still singing at this time.

"It's really good, although it's a lot worse than those classic songs, but it's still good!"

"Indeed, it is really powerful to be able to create such a song in such a short period of time. "

"This is a real singer-songwriter, it's too strong. "

"But is her song really a chorus type?"

"It seems that the part given to passers-by is less than that of the first team, and the handsome passer-by only hummed in the middle!"


A few minutes later.

There was a break in the singing.

Immediately, there was a tidal wave of applause.

Lena was very satisfied with the reaction of the audience, which showed that everyone recognized her song.

The handsome guy partner standing next to her was also very happy.

It seems that he still played a role this time?

In a word.

Judging from the reaction at the scene, his partner performed quite well.

"Congratulations, it looks like we can get the first place this time!!"

The male partner said excitedly.

Lena glanced at him and said with a smile: "What you said is good, if nothing else, we should be the first this time, thank you so much this time, the cooperation just now is quite good." "

Affirmation for Lena.

The male partner looked very excited.

Although the part he sings is almost negligible, this sense of participation gives him a sense of accomplishment.

Not for a while.

The large screen in the square shows the final score of this team.

The combined scores of the judges and the audience resulted in a final score of 87, plus 4 additional points, for a final score of 91.

It was five points higher than the previous team.


Such a score is still a little lower than Lena's heart is overdue.

Originally, she thought that her song should have 90 points, and if she added additional points, it should have at least 94 points.

Pity. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I seem to have made a mistake in my expectations.


The judges also explained the points deducted this time.

Similarly, because the chorus part of Lina's song is really pitiful, like the first team, it can be regarded as a loophole in the rules of the program group.

The judges were not very satisfied with this. []

After hearing this explanation, Lena could only accept it.

She believed that the other groups would also choose such a safe way, after all, they would sing with a passerby casually, and they didn't know what their specific strength was.

If something goes wrong, the points will only be deducted even more.

0 for flowers0


The safest thing is to sing them a small part as much as possible.

In this way, nothing goes wrong.

"Ninety-one points, the highest score is out, and the next few teams shouldn't be able to surpass this score. "

"Haha, I knew Lena was going to explode this time, come on. "

"The first is stable, plus this time, Lena has already won the first place three times!!"

"Lena is still better than Annie, and this time it was easy to win. "

"Anne is still rehearsing with her friends, haha, hopeless!!"



Two teams came to the stage one after another.


None of them performed very well, and the third team ended up scoring 85 points.

And the worst is the fourth team, seeing that the first three teams are not enough because of the part of the passerby and guests singing, so the singer of the fourth team decided to take a risk secretly.

gave himself a lot of lyrics to passers-by.

Get ready for an adventure.

It's a pity.

Because of nervousness.

This passer-by little beauty finally sang out of tune, and it was very weird.

The scene was very embarrassing for a while.

In the end, they only got a score of 67!!

Such a score made the male singer almost ashamed to not raise his head.

And the little beauty who passed by was even more embarrassed.

Originally, I thought I sang well, and my performance in KTV was usually very exciting, but I didn't expect to lose such a big person this time.

Sure enough, it takes skill and courage to sing in front of many people.

"I think the results are out, Annie and the others can take the initiative to give up and admit defeat!!"

"Indeed, I also think that Anne and they do not need to compare. "

"No, Anne must have adopted a more conservative strategy. "

"After watching the performance of the previous team, if you still want to take risks, it can only mean that Anne can't help it. "


In the live broadcast room.

The audience left their own analysis and commentary in the barrage.

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