Anne nodded heavily.


Seeing Yi Xiaotian's somewhat confused look.

She quickly explained her purpose again.

After all that's said.

looked at Yi Xiaotian with a serious expression.

He asked, "Is it okay sir?" I really need your help now, even if you can't sing, it doesn't matter, I can write some simple melodies, and then you just need to sing a few simple harmonies, so that there is absolutely no difficulty for you, the only thing that may make you feel troublesome is that it will delay a lot of time!!"

Looking at Anne's sincere eyes.

Jiang Shuying looked at Yi Xiaotian.

I saw that there was no emotion in his eyes.

I couldn't help but be curious: "Xiaotian, do you want to agree? Anyway, we have something to do today, so why don't we just participate!"

Let's be honest.

She has never participated in a foreign show.

I was unusually curious.

Jiang Juan also has some expectations for this.

The woman's curiosity seems to be heavier, and even Yi Wan'er is looking at Yi Xiaotian expectantly at the moment.


The three female companions all hoped that Yi Xiaotian would agree.

Although Anne did not understand Chinese.

But her intuition told 010 that the three girls next to her were probably helping her speak.

She couldn't help but cast a grateful glance at the three of them.

See this scene.

Jiang Shuying and the three of them also laughed.


Yi Xiaotian shook his head at this time, and said: "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested in this, and I'm afraid that if I participate, I'm afraid it will only hold you back, I think you can find someone here with stronger musical ability, well, at least not like me!"

Hear this.

Anne was visibly stunned.

I couldn't have imagined that this man would reject himself so simply.

There have been similar program formats before.

Generally, as long as you go out by yourself, you will definitely be able to catch it.

There has never been a boy who can refuse his charm.

Let's be honest.

In order to prevent being rejected by the man in front of her, Anne deliberately lowered her posture just now, which can be described as very low.

It's a complete picture of begging.

But the result is still a rejection.

This made her very puzzled, could it be that her charm was not good? Or was it that for this yellow person, her charm was not as good as her female companion? ?

Anne focused on Jiang Shuying.

She felt that her charm should not be worse than hers, and she should even be better in appearance.

Could it be that he is worried that his girlfriend will be jealous??

As soon as the thought came to mind.

Anne thought it was a very possibility, and it should be 90 percent like that.

Come to think of it.

She turned her head to look at Jiang Shuying.

Said: "This young lady, I'm really embarrassed, can I borrow your boyfriend to use it? Don't worry, we're just going to record a song, and there will be no other excessive behavior." "


This time it was Jiang Shuying's turn and the four of them were stunned.


What is the situation, why did Yi Xiaotian just refuse, and turned his head to ask Jiang Shuying.


Jiang Shuying quickly came back to her senses.

I saw her grin and said, "Boyfriend?aha, he is indeed my boyfriend, of course, I am an extremely generous person, if you want to borrow it, just use it, even if you make some intimate relationships, it doesn't matter, hehe..."


Anne circled.

What does it mean that it doesn't matter even if you make some intimate gestures?

Are you so comfortable with your boyfriend?

Or are you reassured by my charms?[]

When did he fall to the point of an air man?

No, (abej) now is not the time to think about such nonsense.

She shook her head vigorously.

Then he was very grateful: "Thank you, thank you for the generosity of this young lady, that, this gentleman, there is not much time left for us, let's leave quickly!!"


It doesn't matter if Yi Xiaotian agrees or not.

stepped forward directly, grabbed his wrist, and trotted towards the position of the program team.

Yi Xiaotian can be said to be in the circle throughout the whole process.

I was traded by these two girls??


Now that it's a fact, it's a small favor, and no one here knows him anyway.

And he's just a passerby.

I'm just making a soy sauce.

Let's just experience foreign variety shows.

Behind him, Jiang Shuying and the three of them also followed closely.

"Haha, I didn't expect this kind of episode to appear today, it's interesting!!"

"My brother shouldn't be a big problem, after all, he is also very creative. "

"Haven't these people heard Xiaotian's name?His creative ability should be considered super strong!!"


The three of them talked as they walked.


My heart was full of expectations for Yi Xiaotian's performance this time.

Although it was not created by Yi Xiaotian this time, his singing strength is also very amazing.

It's not just a wide vocal range.

The pitch is also strong and terrible.

Coupled with his in-depth understanding of music theory, it must have surprised Anne!!

The other side.

Anne had already taken Yi Xiaotian back to the program group.

In the live broadcast room.

Countless spectators saw Anne running over with a yellow man.


When I saw Yi Xiaotian's face clearly.

The audience couldn't help but exclaim.

"Wow, this man is so attractive, no wonder Anne is so fancy. "

"This person is simply grown in my aesthetics, this is too handsome!!"

"Sure enough, handsome guys know no borders, this is so beautiful, I can't help but drool. "

"Isn't this one arranged in advance by the program team? "

"Hehe, Anne is so worth spending so much time, I want to vote for Anne just by seeing this face. "

"Haha, I also don't think it's necessary to listen to music, I'll vote for Anne!!"


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