Her eyes looked at Liu Yuxin.


Obviously, Liu Yuxin didn't mean to let this song out.

Mildew could only sigh in his heart~ sigh.

It seems that we can only wait for the next opportunity - .

Just when she was full of disappointment.

At this time, Yi Xiaotian suddenly said: "Miss Mildew, I have a song here, maybe it will be more suitable for you, why don't I sing it for you?"


Hear this.

Everyone present looked at Yi Xiaotian.

The meaning of this was clear to them.

"Wouldn't it, Xiaotian is going to sing a new song again??"

"Oh my God, how many songs are still hidden in Xiaotian?

"It's really worthy of being my idol, and I've admired the five-body body to the ground. "

"It's so difficult for people to write a song, why is it as easy as talking when you come to our Xiaotian?"

"Is this a goddamn talent? I can't even envy it!!"


Hear this.

Mildew was also slightly stunned.

Immediately reacted, she said with surprise on her face: "Yi Xiaotian, is what you said true?Quick, sing it to me, I can't wait!!"

Christine also glanced at Yi Xiaotian with some surprise.

The big boy has been surprised by her many times.

It's unexpected.

There is such an operation, and a new song will come directly on the spot, how high is this talent.

Anyway, Christine felt that she couldn't do it like this.

There is no opinion on seeing mildew.

Yi Xiaotian said with a smile.

"I think you should like this song, I'll sing it to you!"

After all that's said.

He had sat back down at the piano.

Followed by.

The melody of the piano began to play.

However, this time, the opening melody is very light, and people feel the urge to rhythm when they listen to it.


Yi Xiaotian had already sang.


When I first saw you, we were both young

I closed my eyes, and the past replayed in my mind

I was standing on the balcony, and the air was thick with the smell of summer

See the lights, see the lively ball, the gorgeous costumes

I see you struggling to squeeze through the crowd


The song he sang was entirely in English.

When Yi Xiaotian sang.

Mildew seemed to have become completely magical, and she felt as if the melody had been written for herself.

in the mind.

These notes seem to have surfaced at one time as well.

But she couldn't connect them together.

After hearing this at this time, she covered her head with both hands and looked at Yi Xiaotian in disbelief.

This man.

It was as if he had been born for himself, and sang the notes she wanted most.

Oh, my God.

He must have been deliberately arranged by God to come to his side.

Otherwise, how could he pay so much attention to him, and send a ghost to his side.


The songs he wrote hit me so right.

Come to think of it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was no room for other people in her eyes, and she was completely the existence of Yi Xiaotian's figure.


Christine was also hit hard by the song.

Let's be honest.

This melody is simply perfect, coupled with Yi Xiaotian's slightly playful singing, it makes Christine can't help but want to scream.

This is the first time she has such an urge to listen to a song.


Not to mention Liu Yuxin and others.

Although everyone doesn't quite understand the meaning of the lyrics.

But the melody is so gripping. []

0 for flowers0

"Wow, it's good, it's so good, it's so good. "

"I think it would be a great happiness for anyone to live with such a man in the future. "

"I really want Xiaotian to write songs for us in this box. "

"It's so good, my heart is melting. "


The exclamations of the crowd were accompanied by melodious singing.

At this time.

Yi Xiaotian sang more and more intriguedly.

As his singing voice gradually improved.

Mildew and Christine couldn't control their bodies anymore and got up and danced gently.

Look at this scene.

Yi Xiaotian looked at them with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The upper body also moves to the beat.

Seeing this, the others couldn't help but jump up.

It's a pity.

The time for a song is simply too short.


I've talked to your father, go and pick out your white wedding dress

This is our love story, baby please promise me

Oh, I can't help but think again,

The first time I saw you, we were young."

As the last few lines of the lyrics are sung.

The beautiful melody also stopped abruptly.

After singing.

Yi Xiaotian looked at the reddened mildew with excitement on his face, and asked, "How is it?"

He knows.

Mildew will love this song.


I saw that she nodded without hesitation.

"Like, it's incredible, this song is like it was written just for me!"

There was a pause.

She looked at Yi Xiaotian cautiously.

Then he asked, "Well, are you going to sell this song too?"

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