Brother Xiaotian actually planned not to go to his grandfather's birthday banquet.

If only Grandpa knew.

I'm afraid that the entire birthday banquet will be canceled.

At that time, I don't know how big a temper I will be, and Qin Xiaoru's gang will definitely be unlucky.

Although she has never dealt with herself.

But Qin Xiaoqin didn't want to disturb her grandfather's birthday banquet because of this.

That's it once a year.

This day can't disturb grandpa's mood no matter what.

Not to mention.

He has finally been in a good mood for a while recently because of Brother Xiaotian's appearance.

"Don't, Brother Xiaotian, I'm just afraid that you will think so, that's why I called you so quickly, Qin Xiaoru's little girl is simply a demon king of the world, but no one in our family will take her seriously, and grandpa has long wanted to teach her a hard lesson, this is just right, you taught us a lesson, maybe grandpa will thank you for knowing it." "

On the phone.

Heard Qin Xiaoqin's words.

Yi Xiaotian was obviously surprised.

Unexpectedly, she actually said such a 01 word in her mouth.

How unpopular this Qin Xiaoru is in the Qin family.


It's also possible that this is just Xiaoqin's words to comfort herself.

I thought about it.

He still refused politely: "Xiaoqin, I think I'd better not go, after all, it will make everyone embarrassed at that time, and I don't want you to be caught in the middle and be in a dilemma." "

Seeing that Brother Xiaotian had a firm idea.

At this time, Qin Xiaoqin couldn't help but be anxious.

She had an idea.

Suddenly, he said: "Brother Xiaotian, you have to go this time, if you don't go, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it to my grandfather, he also specially explained yesterday that I want to invite you over, my grandfather still wants to listen to you sing, he is now your loyal old fan." "

Now I can only move my grandfather out.


After hearing this, Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but hesitate a little.

Let's be honest.

The old man is still quite good to himself, he was so active in arranging a hospital for himself before, and also arranged the best ward.

That's it alone.

I should sing a song to him in the past to celebrate his birthday.

It's just that.

Just now I hit her granddaughter with my own hands.

This matter must not be hidden from him.

If I go then, won't it be embarrassing for everyone?

But now Qin Xiaoqin said vigorously.

His originally firm thoughts couldn't help but loosen a little.

Qin Xiaoqin saw that Yi Xiaotian was silent for a long time and did not speak.

She continued: "Brother Xiaotian, you must not go, this time I begged you, okay, just do me a favor, as long as you go this time, I promise that you will be fine, if you don't believe it, I can swear a poisonous oath!"

Seeing that Qin Xiaoqin said so.

Yi Xiaotian was also helpless for a while.


He nodded his head in agreement.

No way.

He was afraid that if he didn't agree, Qin Xiaoqin would catch up with him after a while and kneel down to beg him.

After hanging up. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Mi, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, asked curiously, "Is it Xiaoqin calling you? She is begging you to go to Old Man Qin's birthday banquet?"

Yi Xiaotian nodded.

said: "Yes, I didn't plan to go, but I really couldn't stand her pleading, so..."

Hearing Yi Xiaotian's words.

Yang Mi suddenly became curious. []

"Well, aren't you even ready to sing the songs? Why did you suddenly decide not to go? What the hell is going on?"

Yang Mi had seen Xiaotian lying in front of the piano before, not only composing music.

Suddenly I heard these words.

Naturally, she was very confused.

See ask.

Yi Xiaotian told Yang Mi about the scene that happened in the cafeteria before.

After listening.

Yang Mi was already dumbfounded.

"You, you mean you beat Old Man Qin's granddaughter? Xiaotian, you're too bold, aren't you!"

After the shock.

She suddenly remembered.

When Xiaotian came back just now, there was obviously a girl behind him.

It's just that when I saw someone in the house, I ran away like a frightened bird.

"So the girl who ran away just now is the school flower of your school? is the girl you said offended Qin Xiaoru with you? is it called Wu Yuxin?"

Yi Xiaotian nodded.

said: "Yes, it's her, I originally thought she was a little soft, and I didn't think she was quite rigid when she really faced things." "

Seeing that Yi Xiaotian said this, he seemed to be still thinking about Wu Yuxin's appearance in his mind.

Yang Mi couldn't help but pout.

793 said: "I was bullied by people kicking my nose and eyes, if I can bear it, it is not called soft, it is called cowardice." "

There was a pause.

She said again: "Also, the quality of your school's jokes is not very good! The appearance is not as high as mine, that is, the figure is better than me, Xiaotian, you shouldn't have taken a fancy to her, if you dare to step on two boats with one foot, I will clean you up on behalf of Rebao!"

Yang Mi's words suddenly made Yi Xiaotian cry and laugh.

Just now, he was obviously talking about Old Man Qin's birthday banquet.

She was compared to Wu Yuxin in a blink of an eye.

"I said Sister Yang Mi, your appearance is already quite top-notch, Yu Xin can compare with you in this regard, isn't it more than enough to be a school flower! "


Yang Mi stared at Yi Xiaotian's face suspiciously.

Said: "Are you sure Re Bao knows about the existence of this girl?, but since she was able to carry this matter down with you at that time, it was indeed quite good, in the face of a behemoth like the Qin family, most people don't have that courage." "。

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