After Yuan Qian saw Jiang Yan appear.

It's also a tight heart.

The appearance of this counselor is too threatening, the temperament is elegant and mature, and the body exudes an intellectual atmosphere all the time.

It's almost addictive.

And after Yi Xiaotian saw Jiang Yan.

It's also a sight to behold.

It's different from the affinity of the eldest sister next door last night.

Today's Jiang Yan is more charming.

made Yi Xiaotian couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

It seemed that he felt Yi Xiaotian's gaze.

At this time, Jiang Yan's eyes also looked at Yi Xiaotian, in mid-air, looking at each other.

Jiang Yan suddenly turned her head like an electric shock.

I didn't dare to look at Yi Xiaotian's direction again.

Two smears of red light flew on his face.

made her look a little more charming.

"Wow, Mr. Jiang is really fascinated today!"

"She seemed to be looking at me just now, was she fascinated by my handsome face?"

"You can pull it down, and don't pee and look in the mirror. "

"Why is Teacher Jiang's face red? "

"Alas, I really envy Mr. Jiang's boyfriend in the future, it's definitely happiness!"


403 listened to the discussion coming from the audience.

Jiang Yan's face couldn't help but turn even redder.

Her cheeks were already unusually fair, and the sides of her face seemed to be smeared with rouge.

Looking at it makes people can't help but be excited.

After stepping up to the podium.

She settled down, and then said: "Before class, I will delay everyone for a few minutes to talk about two things, the first is to welcome the return of our class hero Yi Xiaotian, the last orientation meeting, he made our class in the eyes of the school leaders out of the limelight, although Xiaotian you have received your reward, but I still want to give you another verbal praise here, thank you for your contribution to our class, everyone applaud and thank you." "

After all that's said.

Zheng Shanshan couldn't wait to take the lead in applauding.

The applause in the class was very enthusiastic.

After all, Yi Xiaotian's performance that day was too exciting, even for some boys who were usually not used to him.

At this time, they all applauded heartily.

Half a minute later.

The applause gradually stopped.

Stage. Jiang Yan coughed lightly and continued: "The second thing I want to talk about is about the young singer competition that our school will host in the near future, and now the number of people who have signed up for our class has been as many as twenty-two, I believe that everyone is preparing for this competition very seriously, after all, the prize money of this event is unprecedented, and other schools are also innumerable, I hope that the students who participated in this competition can actively prepare and strive to get a good result." "

There was a pause.

Her gaze swept around the students in the audience.

Seeing Yi Xiaotian's face calmly, he flipped through the books on the table.

He didn't seem to care much about what he was talking about.

She couldn't help but name and said, "Xiaotian, how are you preparing? The school has high hopes for you this time, and I hope you won't let us down!"


Hear this.

Yi Xiaotian instantly raised his head and looked over.

Zheng Shanshan beside her looked at Yi Xiaotian in surprise.

Thought, didn't you say you didn't participate?

Is this preparing to surprise me?

It's not just Zheng Shanshan.

The word, Yi Xiaotian's back and right.

Many students have already started to talk about it.

"I'm going, Xiaotian actually participated in the competition? Didn't you say that you weren't interested?"

"It's over, it's over, with Xiaotian's classmates participating, isn't my first one gone?"

"Alas, I knew that Yi Xiaotian would definitely participate. "

"What's better than having him there, we'll have to fight for second place at most. "

"Although it's the second, it's also a bonus of 500,000!"

"......" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone has some complaints, though.

But they can only sigh a few words in their hearts, who makes themselves inferior to others.


At this time, I heard Yi Xiaotian suddenly stand up and say, "Teacher Jiang, I don't seem to have signed up for this competition?"

Hear the words. []

The students were even more surprised.

"Didn't attend? What the hell is going on?"

"It turns out that Xiaotian didn't lie!"

"Shouldn't the counselor sign him up on his own initiative?"


In the classroom, the students began to speculate wildly.

And beside Yi Xiaotian, Zheng Shanshan's big eyes were also full of doubts.

Not far away.

Yuan Qian turned her head and looked curiously at Yi Xiaotian, who was tall and jade.

Although I don't know why Yi Xiaotian was registered.

But that's fine, at least it's finally possible for me to be on the same stage with him again.

on the podium.

Hear Yi Xiaotian's question.

Jiang Yan smiled slightly.

Said: "Xiaotian, don't be excited, it's like this, the school leaders feel that this opportunity is rare, and you have such an excellent talent in music, it would be a waste not to participate, during your coma, we have consulted your sister Yi Wan'er, and she has signed and agreed on your behalf." "


Hear this.

Yi Xiaotian suddenly cried and laughed.

It turned out to be my sister's master for herself.

This girl didn't even tell herself about it.

Hurt yourself so passively.


Now that Wan'er has agreed for herself, he can't regret it anymore.

nodded helplessly: "Okay, since that's the case, then count me as one." "

Seeing that Yi Xiaotian agreed.

Jiang Yan sighed slightly.

At that time, it was also a helpless way to ask for Yi Xiaotian's sister's idea, after all, he couldn't find which hospital Yi Xiaotian was in at that time.

And Jiang Yan was not sure whether Yi Wan'er's opinion could replace Yi Xiaotian.

She was afraid that Yi Xiaotian would refuse on the spot just now.


It didn't happen.

With Yi Xiaotian participating in this competition, Jiang Yan felt much more confident in her heart.


At this time.

An upscale hotel.

Lucy had already done her makeup and finished her breakfast.

At this time.

She was waiting for her boss Zhao Mei to appear.

I looked at the time.

At this time, there were still two hours before the agreed meeting time between them and Yi Xiaotian.

There's still plenty of time.

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