I'll go.

This news has already been on the hot search.

And he and the others didn't know any news.

However, I have been busy with Master's affairs for the past two days, and it is understandable that I don't know~.

He quickly clicked in and took a look.


He saw the official Weibo posted by Tianyu Company one day.

It reads.

"Regarding the recent speculation of netizens that the company wants to buy the film and television adaptation rights of the novel in Mr. Yi Xiaotian's hands is true, the company has sent someone to contact Mr. Yi Xiaotian, and it is not convenient to announce the final specific transaction amount. "

Tianyu Company??

This company should have been established for a short time.

The reason why Tensor knows about this company is because the father of the owner of this company does have a lot of weight in the circle.

I didn't expect that.

They would have read Master's novels.

I remember that Liu Tianwang also called me before and asked for the adaptation rights of this novel.

It seems that this is a competitor.

However, if the master comes to his senses, according to his character, he will definitely hand over this film and television adaptation right to Liu Tianwang without hesitation.

When the time comes.

On the side of Tianyu Company, I am afraid that it will inevitably offend.

It is said that the owner of this company has a very arrogant temperament and never takes anyone seriously.

Plus her parents' influence on the circle.

If Master offends her, I'm afraid there will be no good fruit to eat in the end.

In the opinion of tensors.

Master will definitely enter this circle in the future.

Come to think of it.

He couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

Li Fei also noticed Tensor's expression, she had just finished picking vegetables.

He walked over and asked, "Brother Liang, it seems that there is something wrong with your expression, are you worried about Xiaotian?"

Seeing Li Fei's concerned expression.

Tensor looked up and smiled at her.

Then he pointed to the barrage that kept floating on the screen and said, "Master is in the headlines again, because someone wants to pay a high price to buy the film and television adaptation rights of his novel!!"

What the??

Li Fei was taken aback.

Although Liu Tianwang had called for the first time and said that he wanted to buy it.

But in Li Fei's opinion, the most he is friendly and supportive.

I didn't expect that there would be people who would be willing to pay a high price to buy it now.

This was a bit of a surprise to her.

"Who is that man? How much does he have to pay for it? But now he can't buy it even if he wants to, Xiaotian is still in a coma in the hospital. "

Li Fei asked curiously.

Tensor nodded.

explained: "The buyer is Tianyu Company, you should also know this company, that is, they want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of the novel in my master's hand, and the Internet said that the bid was 8 million to 10 million, and the specific amount was not officially disclosed, but according to my understanding of them, it should be more than less!"

It turned out to be Tianyu!!

Li Fei naturally knows about this company.

They are famous for their wealth.

Li Fei said suddenly: "Since they are offering such a high price, this should be a good thing for Xiaotian, right? About 10 million, this is not a fraction for Xiaotian's brothers and sisters!!"

"What 10 million, what are you talking about?"


Huang Xiaoming walked in with two cups of yogurt.

After hearing Li Fei's words, he subconsciously asked curiously.

He handed two more cups of yogurt to the two of them.

Zhang Liang and Li Fei immediately reached out and took it, and thanked them repeatedly.

After tasting a bite of yogurt.

Li Feicai told Huang Xiaoming again about the topic he had just talked about with Zhang Liang.

"What? You say Tianyu wants to buy film and television adaptation rights? Spend 10 million?"

Huang Xiaoming was surprised.

Seeing his expression, Li Fei smiled and said, "Brother Xiaoming, I was as surprised as you when I first heard the news." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After a pause, she took another sip of yogurt.

Before he could swallow it, he continued to say excitedly: "But I think it's a good thing, Xiaotian and Wan'er are about to move to Kyoto, and this 10 million can at least ensure that they don't lack money to spend on living there, right?"


Her words did not attract the approval of Huang Xiaoming and Zhang Quan.

Huang Xiaoming frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I don't think this matter is so simple, at that time, Liu Tianwang also wanted to have the film and television adaptation rights of this novel, although later said that if there was a better buyer, he would not mind, but according to Xiaotian's character, he must have already given the adaptation rights of this novel to Liu Tianwang in his heart, and other people want to buy it again, but the quality is low." "[]

As soon as these words came out.

Tensor agreed.

He said: "What I was worried about just now is also this problem, if the master really refuses Tianyu at that time, I am afraid that he will definitely offend people!!"

After listening to the analysis of the two.

Only then did Li Fei realize that what he was thinking was too simple.

She pondered: "I think this should be a normal business practice, it's not that Tianyu will definitely be able to win it if he wants to buy it, other people may have better conditions, if they can't buy it, they will be angry with Xiaotian, it's too domineering." "

0 begging for flowers

Hear the words.

Zhang Liang smiled bitterly and said: "If this is the case, then I won't be worried, the key is that the little princess of Tianyu has never encountered any setbacks since she was a child, and she is also very arrogant, and everyone who has come into contact with her is afraid of her family's power, so let her have three points, if she really loses the battle here, I am afraid that her face will not be able to pass!"

After saying that, he sighed deeply.

"Zhang Liang is right, this is exactly what I'm worried about, but we don't have to worry too much, after all, they can't cover the sky with one hand in the entertainment industry, even if Xiaotian offends them, at most he will have a lot less resources, he is still young, who can say what will happen in the future. “

Huang Xiaoming's words made Zhang Liang and Li Fei's worries somewhat relaxed.

All three of them spoke in low voices.

So the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hear it at all.

This is also to prevent the topic from being leaked out.

After all, it's an offending thing.

Jingle bells...

Jingle bells...

At this time, Huang Xiaoming's hand suddenly rang.

When I picked it up, I found that it was an unfamiliar number.

Hearing the phone, Zhao Liying and Lin Shuwei all came around.

Everyone thought it was Yang Mi's good news call, maybe Xiaotian finally woke up.

Zhang Liang said excitedly: "Brother Xiao Ming, hurry up and answer it, it must be Yang Mi or Shu Ying's call." "

Li Fei urged: "Hurry up, pick up... It must have dawned awake..."

Lin Shuwei sighed with emotion and said, "It's not easy, have you finally woken up, I hope it's good news." "

Zhao Liying looked at the mobile phone in Huang Xiaoming's hand with a blank eye, and couldn't wait to grab it directly and pick it up herself.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience was also very anxious.

"Why are you still stunned!!Pick it up!!"

"Pray and pray, hope is the news that Xiaotian has woken up. "

"Are you finally looking forward to good news, I'm so anxious!!"

Looking at Huang Xiaoming's expression, it seems that something is wrong. "

"Let's look at the voiceover, let's hear the good news first. "


The barrage poured out wildly, and soon it filled the screen.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming suddenly said: "This number should not be Shu Ying and Rice!."

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