As he spoke, the saliva in his mouth unconsciously secreted out.

He even slipped out without any image.

made Li Fei and the others on the side squint at him for a long time.

"Brother Liang, I just found out now, it turns out that you are the most exaggerated one, Sister Yang Mi didn't even open your mouth, you started to praise so violently, in case she says it's not delicious, even if Xiaotian is your master, you can't pat yourself like this, you said all these things, then how will I shoot it for a while!!"

The righteous words she said before gradually changed later.

Hearing the words of the two of them, Jiang Shuying laughed.

Said: "I said that you two are really too superficial, our Xiaotian's cooking skills are recognized, do you still need to praise it?" Although the rice hasn't said how it tastes, I can already tell from her micro-expressions that this is definitely super delicious." "

In the live broadcast room.

The audience also had a pair of huge eyes open at this time.

"What the hell does it taste like? Yang Mi can't be stupid, why hasn't he reacted yet? "

"Don't you see people enjoying it? The way you close your eyes and enjoy it shows that this bun definitely tastes amazing!!"

"That is, our Xiaotian's cooking skills are absolutely top-notch. "

"If I were on the scene, I would never wait obediently, so many delicious foods can be grabbed and eaten at will. "

"Alas, I'm hungry again, I just ate a bean brain, it tastes good, but I don't know how this one is made by Bi Xiaotian?"

"Xiaotian makes tofu is a must, the beans are grown by themselves, ground by themselves, completely natural and pollution-free, and you must definitely give a thumbs up if you have eaten it. "

"Xiaotian's cooking shouldn't be enough for everyone to eat, I'm really cowardly and I'll grab it for a while. "


In the restaurant.

Jiang Shuying and the others were talking in a whisper.

And Re Bao stared at the expression on Yang Mi's face expectantly.

This is the first time she has participated in the preparation of breakfast, and it is with Yi Xiaotian, who is so skilled in cooking.

Although she couldn't help but taste one secretly, the taste made her exclaim even more.

But she wants to be recognized by more people.

It's like your own child, and this kind of show-off mood is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Yi Xiaotian was also a little nervous.

Although he knew that he might be doing well, after all, it was based on the information in his memory, and his confidence in this was quite lacking.

A moment later.

Yang Mi finally put down her chopsticks.

She sighed deeply and said with satisfaction: "Xiaotian, how do you make this bun? After eating your buns, I really feel that I have really lived in vain all these years, this is also so delicious, I was so anxious just now that I almost bit my tongue." "

As she spoke, she couldn't help but give Yi Xiaotian two big thumbs up.

This is not a low evaluation.

After hearing this, Yi Xiaotian finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

Re Bao was even more happy: "Hahaha... Sister Yang Mi, I didn't lie to you this time, you can taste the others, I promise to make you cry!!"

Yang Mi nodded heavily.

She smiled and said: "Hot Bab, I have always been more convinced of you in terms of food, but this time I am even more convinced, such a delicious breakfast, have you secretly learned from Xiaotian? "

Re Bao was stunned when he heard this.

Although he followed Yi Xiaotian to start, he also observed his practices very carefully.

But in many key places, she said she couldn't understand it at all.

Although I want to learn, my strength does not allow it.

Rebao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Sister Yang Mi, you also think too highly of me, although I have studied with Xiaotian for a long time, but his breakfast is really not something that can be learned once or twice, there are many doorways in it, if you want to learn, I estimate that it will be difficult to learn well in ten days and half a month!"

"Oh, is it so difficult to learn? Hot Baba shouldn't be that you're too stupid, I'm a little weak when you say it, just now I was thinking about letting the master teach me this master, no, I can't wait to taste it." "

Tensor doesn't believe the Tao.

As he spoke, he came to the table with chopsticks in his hand.

See this action.

Li Fei exclaimed 'ah', and also rushed over with chopsticks.

"Brother Liang, you have already eaten it just now, and now you are still grabbing it, it's too much!!I haven't even tasted it, I want to eat it too!!"

Seeing such childish behavior of the two.

Huang Xiaoming shook his head and smiled helplessly.

If you don't know, you think you're doing a show with a group of children.

But in the blink of an eye, the breakfast on the table was being wiped out at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The smile on his face froze.

And at this time, Zhao Liying, Zhang Tianai and others, who were originally standing on the sidelines, also joined the ranks of scrambling with chopsticks at this moment.

This posture is completely not intended to give him half a point.

Huang Xiaoming was anxious, and he shouted, "Hey, hey... I said, are you like this? Didn't you all have breakfast just now? Can you talk about some order, can you come one by one?"

Half an hour later.

It was as if the crowd hadn't heard it at all, and the movements in their hands were even more frantic than before.

And the expression on his face is also richer.

There were also bursts of exclamations.

Zhao Liying: "This taste is simply amazing!!"

Zhang Tianai: "It's delicious, it's really worthy of the breakfast made by Xiaotian, fortunately I kept my stomach, otherwise I would really die." "

Jiang Shuying: "Haha, I finally ate the breakfast made by Xiaotian, I am so happy, how did I make such a delicious taste." "

Hot Pick: "Mmmmmmmm It tastes better than when I ate it just now, and Xiaotian's cooking skills are really amazing!!

Li Fei: "No, no, no, my stomach is already full, but I still want to eat, what should I do?"

Tensor: "The master did it early and was really top-notch, I'm afraid I can't compare to this level even if I practice for another ten years." "

Lin Shuwei: "Xiaotian's cooking skills are still good, it seems that I really have to ask him more in the future." "


At this time, only Yi Xiaotian and Yi Wan'er did not join the battle group.

Yi Wan'er had already held the chopsticks in her hand, but just as she wanted to rush in, she was stopped by Yi Xiaotian.

I saw that he didn't know where to bring out another plate of breakfast.

Yi Wan'er immediately cheered when she saw it, because it was all her favorite food.

She couldn't help but hug Yi Xiaotian and kissed her fiercely, and said excitedly: "Brother, I really love you to death, hahaha..."

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