The agent's analysis made Liu Qing feel somewhat reasonable.

The rage that was originally full has also dropped slightly.

However, if he wants to stop there, he is extremely unwilling.

After thinking about it, he said: "Ah Fang, let's do it, give them a little lesson first, if they are still disobedient, then don't blame me for being rude."

Liu Qing sneered.

saw Liu Qing's hideous expression.

The agent Li Fang only felt that his scalp was tingling for a while.

Since Liu Qing's debut, she has been by her side.

Although the image created for the outside world has always been kind, loving, positive, full of positive energy, and always grateful to fans.

But only she knows.

In fact, Liu Qing is a real villain who is determined to repay and narrow-minded.

When he first debuted before, all those who offended him.

After Liu Qing became popular and became a top traffic, he used various means to retaliate.

as his agent.

Sometimes some of her actions make her feel chilly.

Therefore, Li Fang has a trace of fear for himself as an artist.

Because of this, she has thought more than once about leaving the industry completely.

However, when she thought that she knew so many secrets about Liu Qing, she felt that her idea could only become a luxury.

After Liu Qing finished speaking, he didn't pay attention to this matter.

Li Fang could only reluctantly agree.

In his mind, he was desperately thinking about what way to take revenge on them a little, but not hurt the harmony of both parties.

After all, she still wants to facilitate this cooperation after that.

At least maintain a superficial relationship, and not completely tear the skin.

saw that Li Fang was still staying in his office.

Liu Qing was suddenly displeased and said: "What? Is it difficult for you to do such a small thing?

As he spoke, there was a majesty of a superior emanating from him.

made Li Fang's body tremble subconsciously.

She said weakly: "Boss, you also know that my brain is relatively stupid, but this method is not so easy to think of, why don't I give you an answer tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, wait until tomorrow the daylilies are cold, it's such a waste, and you can't do such a small thing. "

Li Fang's words suddenly made Liu Qing angry again.

He glared at the assistant fiercely.

If it weren't for the fact that she had been with her for many years and knew everything about herself, I really wanted to fire her directly.

"Forget it, if I count on you, I'm afraid I'll be yellow a long time ago, you are like this, immediately find someone for me to spread the news on the Internet for a while, just say that I am going to be temporarily changed by a certain crew, don't disclose the specific group first, say it vaguely, and then find me a group of water armies to shout grievances to me on the Internet, remember, you must give me a hot search, I want them to see my popularity and the consequences of this matter after it is completely broken, understand?"

After Liu Qing finished speaking, he didn't look at Li Fang again.

He knows that Li Fang's execution has always been very good.

Next, just wait and see what the crew is doing.

Presumably, they will come to the door and beg for themselves.

As soon as he thought of this scene, Liu Qing's heart swelled with a burst of pleasure, the physical and mental pleasure that this kind of revenge brought to him was incomparable to anything else.


On the set.

In front of the camera.

At this time, Jiang Shuying and Yi Xiaotian had completely entered the state.

In the next scene, the female protagonist Jiang Shuying will be summoned into the office for the first time by the male protagonist Yi Xiaotian.

In a one-to-one scene built by the crew.

Jiang Shuying stood outside the door of Yi Xiaotian's office.

He exhaled deeply and tidied up his already neat clothes.

Once you've made sure there's nothing rude.

She stepped forward and tapped her finger three times.

Bang bang bang ...

Hearing a knock on the door, Yi Xiaotian's clean and soft voice immediately came from inside: "Please come in!"

Although I knew that I was filming.

But at this moment, Jiang Shuying felt a little more nervous in her heart.

She took another deep breath.

Then he gently pressed the doorknob, pushed the door and walked in.

The sound of black stiletto heels tapping gently against the ground kept ringing.

However, Yi Xiaotian behind the desk didn't seem to hear it, and was still immersed in the documents.

Seeing that he came in, Yi Xiaotian didn't make any moves.

Jiang Shuying couldn't help but chuckle in her heart.

She knew that Yi Xiaotian was easy to indulge in as long as he read a book.

When he and Zhao Liying went to buy tofu for the first time, he had been immersed in the textbook.

She still remembers that scene vividly.

Behind the camera.

The director was also nervous.

Then came the time for Yi Xiaotian's performance.

I hope the performance is not too bad.

On the side, Yi Wan'er was also looking at her brother intently at this time.

My brother is filming for the first time in his life, he must be very nervous now, he is so nervous that he can't breathe just by sitting on the sidelines.

She thought silently in her heart.

Brother must come on!

It was as if I felt her prayers.

Under the gaze of countless eyes on the set.

Yi Xiaotian's eyes gradually shifted from the document to Jiang Shuying's body.

In order to highlight the temperament of the protagonist Sven.

Yi Xiaotian also deliberately wore a pair of rimless glasses.

Seeing that Yi Xiaotian finally looked up at himself.

Jiang Shuying's heartbeat also accelerated.

She also looked straight into the past.

Suddenly, a pair of extremely clear eyes hidden behind the frame met her.

Yi Xiaotian's temperament with eyes was completely different from before.

He was handsome and slightly immature before.

At this time, he is completely impeccable in terms of temperament and appearance.

To be honest, this is simply the dream man she has always fantasized about.

Originally, Jiang Shuying should have started to say lines at this time.

The male and female protagonists reunite here after many years, and for the female protagonist who has had a crush on the male protagonist for many years, the expression should be extremely shocking.

When Yi Xiaotian raised his head, the two sides met their eyes.

The heroine played by Jiang Shuying should have exclaimed 'ah' first, and then made an unbelievable expression on her face, and pointed at the male protagonist and said, 'It's you!'


The male protagonist will pretend to be surprised and ask her, 'Do you know me?'

In fact, the male protagonist recognized her at the first glance of the female protagonist, but he pretended to be reserved and asked.

And at this time.

Jiang Shuying seemed to have completely forgotten to say her lines, and stared at Yi Xiaotian with a stunned look.

Their eyes met in mid-air.

It's like there's a spark about to burst out.

Behind the camera.

Just when the director was about to shout to remind Jiang Shuying to say his lines.

Yi Xiaotian took the initiative to speak at this time.

"Are you the new CFO from the headquarters? Have we met somewhere before, and we always think you look familiar!"

He sat quietly behind his desk.

The voice is faint and very soft.

With his temperament at this time, he looks like an image of a superior person.

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