Chinese restaurant.

A new day of business has begun.

Today's noon is still full of guests.

And almost every table listened to two new specialties.

That's colorful tofu and a modified version of steamed sea bass.

Before leaving, Yi Xiaotian deliberately took the time to teach Colorful Tofu to Zhang Liang.

Although the difference between the taste and the one he made is still not small, it is already a tensor pressure box.

Although the customers regretted that they couldn't eat what Yi Xiaotian made.

But Lin Shuwei and Tensor's cooking skills are very exquisite, and the taste is also very good.

Everyone was full of praise after eating.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience watched it unconsciously, and their saliva flowed on the screen.

"I really want to try the craftsmanship of the two chefs, I can't stand it through the screen."

"It's a pity that Xiaotian is gone, if he is still here, I will immediately buy a ticket and fly over. "

"I always feel like something is missing today!"

"Upstairs, I feel the same way as you, I feel that the Chinese food of the past two days is suddenly not as attractive as before. "

"I think there should be a lack of new guests, right? Or is it a lack of Xiaotian's music?"

"Yes, yes, yes... I said how do you feel that something is missing, it's the song of Xiaotian!"

"By the way, when Xiaotian was there before, he would inevitably come to a few songs, and it was enjoyable to listen to. "

"Anyway, haven't there been any new guests coming over lately? "


Back kitchen.

Lin Shuwei and Zhang Liang are unhurriedly cooking their own dishes.

Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai are responsible for serving the dishes.

Li Fei bent over and stood by the sink washing dishes and dishes.

Huang Xiaoming walked around inside and out, dealing with the special requirements of the audience from time to time.

Maybe it's too tired to bend over.

Li Fei held his waist with his hands and slowly straightened up.

A little complained: "Store manager, when will our new guests arrive, if we don't come to help, I'm afraid my waist will break." "

Hear the words.

Huang Xiaoming smiled and comforted: "Xiaofei, Xiaoqin has just left for a short time, and you are thinking about the new guest, but don't worry, people have already sent me a message just now, saying that they will be there in a while, and when she comes, I will directly let her take over your work, how about it?"

Li Fei hasn't responded yet.

Zhang Liang immediately asked, "Store manager, I want to ask, is it a man or a woman this time?"

After asking, the eyes of the rest of the people also looked at Huang Xiaoming curiously.

Zhao Liying suddenly smiled: "I think you must be looking forward to beautiful women, are you tired of us." "

Seeing her dig a hole for herself between her words.

Zhang Liang hurriedly explained: "Li Ying, you misunderstood me, I was about to say that I wanted a male guest, after all, the male guest has great strength and is a good worker, and you three goddesses are all good-looking, how can we get tired of it." "

Zhang Tianai and Li Fei sneered.

Zhang Liang's words made them feel very useful, but fortunately he explained quickly, otherwise the three girls would have suffered it if they joined forces.

Li Fei grinned and said, "Brother Liang, I see that you definitely still want a female guest in your heart, you just had a hard mouth." "

Zhang Liang pretended to have an exaggerated expression and said, "Xiaofei, don't wronged me indiscriminately, am I that kind of person?"

However, he just finished speaking.

Lin Shuwei complained ruthlessly on the side: "Measure, whether you are such a person or not, everyone knows it in their hearts, I don't think you can explain it." "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Liang suddenly smiled helplessly.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience saw such a funny scene of several people, and they swiped the screen one after another.

"Has my brother Liang become the funny person in charge of the Chinese restaurant now?"

"It's miserable to go from a super model to a comedian!"

"Tensor is really hard, sandwiched between three beauties. "

"Is this pain and happiness? If I could spend time with the goddesses every day, I would wake up laughing even if I dreamed."

"I like tensor more and more, and I feel that his variety show style is getting more and more sufficient. "

"Sure enough, if there is tensor, it is impossible to chat seriously, haha..."

"So, is it a male or female guest this time?"

"I'm curious, Store Manager Huang quickly reveal it, it's best to say the names of the guests, hehe. "


In the kitchen, Huang Xiaoming looked at the scene in front of him with a smile.

Seeing that everyone was laughing and laughing, it was almost over.

He said: "Let me tell you, the coffee table of the guests who came this time is not small, and like Li Ying, she is also a big beauty." "


It turned out to be a beautiful woman again.

Zhang Liang immediately followed up and asked, "Store manager, it shouldn't be your old partner Sister Zhao Wei?"

As soon as these words came out.

It immediately made everyone feel that the possibility was very great.

After all, Zhao Wei is one of the permanent guests of Chinese food in previous seasons, although he has not continued to participate because of schedule conflicts.

But it's still very possible to finally come over and be a guest flyer.

However, Huang Xiaoming seemed a little crying and laughing at this sentence.

He shook his head and denied: "I can tell you very clearly, it's not her, okay, let's hurry up and work, our guests are estimated to be here in a while, and you will know when you see it with your own eyes." "

Seeing that Huang Xiaoming was still the same as before, he was tight-lipped.

Everyone was suddenly a little helpless.

can only honestly do their own things.

However, the gossip hearts of netizens in the live broadcast room were suspended.

"Who the hell is it? Store Manager Huang does this every time, saying that half of it is left and half is too annoying. "

"I think it's very likely to be Yang Zi, after all, there are two popular TV series that are now hers. "

"It's really possible that what I said upstairs said, but Yang Zi's coffee position shouldn't be high enough!"

"It shouldn't be Da Mimi, she's the boss herself. "

"Speaking of being her boss, Fan Binbin should be the one who has always had a high status. "

"Store Manager Huang is really good at selling Guanzi, and he just doesn't say it. "


Half an hour later.

The number of customers in Chinese restaurants has gradually decreased.

Huang Xiaoming and the others can finally be a little idle.


A tall woman wearing sunglasses and covering most of her fair face suddenly walked in at the door.

Her appearance immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

Because this woman's figure is just too perfect.

Although Ha's sunglasses cover half of her face, they can't stop her invincible charm at all.

After entering the door.

At a glance, she saw Huang Xiaoming standing behind the cash register.

immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "Brother Xiao Ming, I'm here, hehe..."

The sound is crisp and delicate, which makes people listen to it intoxicatingly.

At this time, Zhao Liying walked out of the kitchen.

When she heard the voice, she looked up suddenly.

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