On the set.

Yi Xiaotian's brother and sister were watching Jiang Shuying's performance in front of the camera intently.

And the one who played against her turned out to be Zhou Lei, who had dinner with them last night.

Zhou Lei's role at this time is the best best friend in the life of the heroine Jiang Shuying.

Jiang Shuying's character is an elite turtle with an independent personality and a good education.

In the play.

The two girls have been classmates since elementary school, and their relationship is very good.

After going to high school, he had a crush on the same boy at the same time.

This is the so-called school grass in schools.

is the same as the bloody storyline in general TV dramas, and the school grass family is very wealthy.

Although the roles played by Jiang Shuying and Zhou Lei are both school flowers in the school.

But neither of the two received any response from the school grass.

Excellent school grass is only focused on learning.

It made the two girls very sad.

Because of this, the relationship between the two people who are sympathetic to each other is even closer.

After graduating from college.

The heroine played by Jiang Shuying went abroad to study.

The second female played by Zhou Lei chose to work directly after graduation, and because of various coincidences, she was very lucky to enter a foreign-funded company many years later.

What surprised Zhou Lei even more was that.

The CEO of this company turned out to be the school grass they had been secretly in love with for many years!

This discovery made Zhou Lei secretly excited.

What I didn't do when I was in school before, is it that I have arranged it now?

Looking at the school grass, she is still handsome.

and the kind of aura that he usually shows at work, he is simply a domineering president.

Because of the extra layer of classmates.

In addition, the character of Zhou Lei is deliberately close in the play, and she has a very good appearance.

She gradually became familiar with the school grass.

After learning that his employees were actually classmates in high school.

Xiaocao directly transferred Zhou Lei to his side as a secretary.

At the same time, the female number one played by Jiang Shuying is very good because of her own excellent work ability and excellent work ability.

He was sent by the company's headquarters to work as an assistant to the young CEO in the ** branch.

And today's play.

It was the first time Jiang Shuying came to his place of work after he was ordered to return to China.


As soon as she went to work early in the morning, she met her best friend who had been separated from her for many years, that is, the second female played by Zhou Lei.

Reunion of girlfriends for many years.

Naturally, it is necessary to stage a show of girlfriend love.

And what they are shooting now is the surprise after the reunion, and the emotion after learning that they joined the same company.

It's just that.

When reminiscing, Jiang Shuying always felt that Zhou Lei's eyes were a little evasive.

At first she thought she was overthinking.

However, as the time for work approached, the two walked into the elevator together.

This look was already very obvious on her face.

This made Jiang Shuying even more puzzled in her heart.



Just as the scene was filmed here, the director suddenly shouted to stop.


Jiang Shuying and Zhou Lei's emotions were brewing at this time, and they both thought that something was wrong with them.

The two looked at the director suspiciously at the same time.

saw that the director obviously had irrepressible anger on his face at this time.

The two women subconsciously looked at each other.

I couldn't help but become more and more curious.

Jiang Shuying's coffee seat is relatively large, and he usually has a better relationship with the director than others.

She subconsciously asked, "Director, am I acting too emotionally?"


When Yi Wan'er saw this scene, she couldn't help but say worriedly: "Brother, obviously Sister Shu Ying acted very well just now, is this director too demanding, if that's the case, what should you do if you audition in a while?"

In fact, Yi Xiaotian also felt that Jiang Shuying's acting was very devoted.

Even if you don't say that the acting skills are perfect, you can't pick on emotional control and line skills.

If the director really thinks this is not satisfied.

That's a bit strict.

However, he did not have the same worries as his sister in his heart.

After all, what he came to audition for this time was just a supporting role.

It shouldn't be as strict as the protagonists.

He touched Yi Wan'er's little head and said with a smile: "It's okay, the director is strict, and the TV series will be better, right? You don't want to watch bad movies every day, do you?"

Yi Wan'er nodded weakly.

The other side.

To everyone's surprise, the director shook his head, but the anger on his face did not decrease.

He responded: "Shu Ying, it's none of your business, don't think about it, you acted very well just now." "

It's not even about filming?

Now Jiang Shuying is even more curious.

She couldn't help but ask, "Director, what's wrong? Is there an actor who is late?"

She knew that the director was notoriously disgusted with punctuality.

The eyes scanned around the set.

Suddenly, she remembered that the actor who was filming against her today didn't seem to have appeared.

It's all about this.

If you don't come back, I'm afraid you won't even have time to put on makeup.

However, when I thought of the other party's coffee position, and his super popularity at this time.

I'm afraid that if I'm a little late, everyone can only wait obediently.

No wonder the director is so angry.


After hearing Jiang Shuying's words, the director's anger instantly rushed up again.

He said angrily: "Now anyone can really come to be an actor, a little fresh meat with no acting skills, just because of those messy relationships, I have to come here, am I a garbage recycling station! What kind of thing, just be embarrassed to temporarily increase the price, Made, forget it if you don't come, I have a lot of actors here, and any one of them guarantees that the acting skills are better than yours!"

The director is older.

Obviously, this time I was also angry, and I dared to say anything.

Seeing this, the people on the set were suddenly so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Yi Wan'er even subconsciously leaned towards Yi Xiaotian's side.

Jiang Shuying also secretly stuck out her tongue.

has also worked with this director many times, and this is the first time she has seen someone so angry.

It seems that that little fresh meat has indeed gone too far this time.

Even a director with such a good temper can be anxious.

However, when she took on this drama before, she also deliberately went online to learn about the well-known male lead.

The information on the Internet basically says that he is handsome and has a good temperament.

I didn't expect to come here now.

Come to think of it.

She could only comfort: "Director, you can dissipate your anger, don't be angry with your body, our drama has only started for a long time, and the male protagonist is not saying that it can be changed!"

I don't know.

It's good that she doesn't say it.

As soon as the words came out, the director couldn't help but be even more angry.

Originally, it was just angry talking, but at this time, he was even more determined to replace the male protagonist.

Isn't it just a little fresh meat!

Labor and management, let you take a good look, in my hands, even a pure white can play better than you.

His eyes casually scanned the circle.

After seeing Yi Xiaotian sitting in the corner.

His eyes lit up.

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