Hear the words.

Only then did Li Yan know that Liu Dehua was specially here for Yi Xiaotian.

She looked at Yi Xiaotian with some brilliance in her eyes.

This boy is really unexpected everywhere.

Although it has only been in contact for a long time.

But enough shock to yourself.

He has lived for twenty years, but he has never seen such a talented teenager as Yi Xiaotian.

She sighed: "Xiaotian, I was really blinded just now, but I didn't expect that even Brother Hua came specifically for you."

In the face of her compliments.

Yi Xiaotian hurriedly waved his hand, signaling that Li Yan had really won the award.

The tensor next to it is seen.

immediately smiled and said: "Master, no matter how humble you are now, I'm afraid it's useless, because the whole network knows that you are good at writing songs, haha..."

Hear him call himself so.

Yi Xiaotian only felt awkward, and he said helplessly: "Brother Liang, I think you still call me Xiaotian, don't worry, as long as I can cook, I will teach you seriously." "

Zhang Liang said: "Then how can I do it, I have already worshipped you as a teacher in front of everyone, and you will be my master in the future, and the most basic etiquette must be observed." "

See him so persistent.

Yi Xiaotian could only smile bitterly and said, "Okay, but I still have to think about writing songs for Brother Hua." "


Hear him say that.

Liu Dehua and Lin Aijia thought that Yi Xiaotian didn't want to write songs for them.

Lin Aijia hurriedly asked: "Xiaotian, we came to you with a hundred and twenty percent sincerity to invite songs, if you have any requirements, you can also put it forward, as for the price, it is not a problem, our boss is well-known in the circle for being generous." "

Liu Dehua coughed lightly.

Being praised by his assistant in front of so many people is still a little embarrassing.

And Lin Aijia thought that the boss was coughing to remind herself of something.

She thought about it carefully.

I don't think I said anything wrong.

Could it be that something is missing?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through her mind.

remembered what the boss told him before he came, that he would go directly to Yi Xiaotian to ask for four songs.

At a price slightly higher than the market price, this is a lot of income for Xiaotian.

She immediately added: "Xiaotian, our boss originally only lacked one song from this album this time, and most of them have been finalized, but the boss thinks that you write more to his appetite, so he directly pushed away some of them, and planned to ask you to write the four most important songs, and whether you are satisfied or not, as long as you agree, we will transfer the honorarium to you as soon as possible, which has shown our sincerity, how about it?"

After she finished speaking.

Liu Dehua nodded with satisfaction.

Originally, he thought that Yi Xiaotian was very talented, but later when he watched the live broadcast, he learned about his family background and serious illness.

He was immediately moved by compassion.

Even if Yi Xiaotian didn't write a song that satisfied him, he planned to fund Yi Xiaotian.

Listen to Lin Aijia say so much.

Obviously, sincerity doesn't need to be doubted anymore.

Huang Xiaoming also helped persuade: "Xiaotian, why don't you help Brother Hua write a few songs?" I don't think they seem to have any requirements for time, you can give them when you write them." "

Of course, the second half of the sentence is uttered entirely in a mocking tone.

Zhao Liying also said: "Writing a song shouldn't be such a simple thing, even if Xiaotian is talented, I estimate that it will be difficult for him to write four songs at a time, or Xiaotian you can write one first." "

Zhang Tianai said: "Xiaotian, if you feel that there is something difficult, just say it, no one here will force you." "

In the live broadcast room.

When the audience saw this scene, they couldn't help but comment.

"No, Xiaotian won't be exhausted by Jiang Lang!

"I'll just say, which songs must have been created and accumulated by him in the past few years, how could he have created them so quickly, that is writing songs, not copying homework. "

"It makes sense upstairs, it's really hard to write four songs at once, and you have to have a title song. "

"Little brother, you can do it, I believe in you, come on!"

"Could it be that Liu Tianwang is going to run out this time? Then this news is estimated to be in the headlines tomorrow. "

"Actually, I think Xiaotian is already very powerful, and he has created so many songs in a row in the past few days, and he will feel that his talent will run out!"

"Upstairs is right, support Xiaotian, to be a man is to do what you can. "


Everyone's evaluation varies.


The wry smile on Yi Xiaotian's face, which was sitting in the seat, was even worse at this time.

Seeing that everyone is talking about it.

He said helplessly: "Everyone really misunderstood, what I just said is actually that you have to think about what kind of song you should write for Brother Hua, not that you refuse to cooperate with them." "


Everyone heard it.

Suddenly, all of them were full of embarrassment.

Lin Aijia smiled even more embarrassedly: "Eh, Xiaotian, you are really... Ha ha... But as long as you agree to cooperate with us, your words just now really made my heart rise, whew, scared me to death!"

Liu Dehua also laughed at himself: "Me too, I thought I would run for nothing this time!"

See them with a false alarm.

Yi Xiaotian said apologetically: "I'm really sorry to let you misunderstand, but it's really a lot to ask for four songs at once, I'm afraid it will take a little time." "

Liu Dehua and Lin Aijia glanced at each other.

Neither of them knew exactly how long it would take for him to say this.

Lin Aijia said understandingly: "Xiaotian, don't worry, how much time do you need, just say, we can wait." "

Liu Dehua nodded.

That's what he meant, too.

"Haha, he won't say that it will take more than half a year for a while!"

"If it's really more than half a year, I guess Liu Tianwang's intestines will be repentant. "

"Normally, it would take at least a month or so, after all, it doesn't take a moment to get inspiration. "

"It's going to be after he comes back from the audition at the earliest. "

"Maybe Xiaotian will surprise everyone or something, I think it's probably three days! Let's wait and see. "

"I also think it's going to be three to five days, and I'm super confident in my little brother. "


In the barrage, most of the audience showed strong confidence in Yi Xiaotian.

And Yi Xiaotian didn't seem to be ready to disappoint everyone.

He suddenly looked at Huang Xiaoming with a serious face and said, "Brother Xiao Ming, I may not have time to help you work in the afternoon." "

Huang Xiaoming thought that he would tell him something important.

I didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

He smiled, "No problem, you've already helped us a lot at noon." "

After saying this, he suddenly felt as if something was wrong.


Zhang Tianai reacted and said in surprise: "Xiaotian, don't you want to say that you can write four songs in one afternoon, right?"

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