Seeing that Chef Lin said so.

Liu Dehua is not good at refusing again.

He smiled and said, "I've been greedy for Chef Lin's craftsmanship when I watched your show before, and it would be my honor to be able to eat your dishes today!"

When Chef Lin heard this, he immediately said happily: "Brother Hua, do you have any taboos? Do you like to eat spicy or sweet, and whether the taste is heavier or lighter?"

Liu Dehua said: "I can do it, but my wife who has followed me has been a vegetarian more over the years. "

When he said this, a few dishes immediately appeared in Lin Shuwei's mind.


Huang Xiaoming suddenly asked: "Brother Hua, I heard that you seem to like to eat steamed fish and that dish made of tofu the most, I really want to forget the name!"

Liu Dehua didn't expect him to know this.

Suddenly, I felt a little moved in my heart.

He hurriedly reminded: "That dish is called 'Golden Pillar Fungus Three-Storey', and it is indeed mainly made of tofu, and as for steamed fish, it is also a must-eat dish when I was young, because it is more nutritious and healthy." "

I see.

After hearing what Liu Dehua said.

Lin Shuwei was a little embarrassed.

The steamed fish is okay, and he hasn't heard of any of the three floors behind, although he said that it is made of tofu, but there are thousands of ways to make tofu, and he can't match any of them in his mind now. "

seemed to see Lin Shuwei's embarrassment.

Liu Dehua said to him: "Chef Lin, you can just cook me a few simple vegetarian dishes, I am now influenced by my wife, and I am not so particular about eating." "

Although that's what he said.

But Lin Shuwei finally served his idol once.

How can you say that it will be done?


A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

Speaking of tofu, Xiaotian is an expert in this area, and he even picked two baskets of tofu from home today.

The taste is not comparable to the tofu in the general market.

Come to think of it.

A confident smile returned to his face.

He said: "Brother Hua, don't worry, although I don't know what the three-story method is, but I will definitely make a special tofu today, and you will be satisfied!"

"Yo, Brother Xiaolin, why are you suddenly so confident, could it be that you still have some unique skills hidden?"

Tensor quipped.

Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Liying also looked at him very curiously.

Liu Dehua was also very surprised.

However, after all, he was not familiar with Lin Shuwei, and he didn't know how much he was capable of.

Since everyone has said so.

He just had to wait and eat.

Liu Dehua thanked very politely: "Then there is Chef Laurin, to be honest, I can't wait, haha..."

I saw that everyone was very puzzled about their sudden change.

Lin Shu laughed slightly.

"I have a secret weapon!"

After saying that, he strode into the restaurant.

Huang Xiaoming and the others who were left behind looked at each other.

Suddenly, Li Fei exclaimed, "Ah, I know why Teacher Lin is suddenly so confident!"

"Why?" "Because of what?" "Xiaofei, tell me about it?"

Several people said almost at the same time.

Li Fei smiled proudly and said, "I guess, Brother Xiaolin, he must have gone to find Xiaotian, after all, the tofu made by Xiaotian is even ashamed of him." "

That's right!!

Several people suddenly realized.

Tensor: "Yes, why didn't I expect it, Brother Xiaolin 100% went to Xiaotian for help." "

Zhao Liying: "Haha, Brother Xiaolin's brain is spinning so fast this time, I haven't even reacted!"

Zhang Tianai: "Fortunately, we have Xiaotian, otherwise Brother Xiaolin is afraid that this time I am really out of line." "

Huang Xiaoming: "Oh, this Brother Xiaolin, at this time, he is still selling with us, hasn't it been guessed by our Xiaofei!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience also woke up at this moment.

"Damn, Chef Lin is too a chicken thief, I thought he really wanted to do it himself!"

"That makes sense, Chef Lin must have gone to find Xiaotian, but should he make tofu soup again?"

"Isn't Liu Tianwang coming for Xiaotian this time? After eating the dishes he made for a while, I can't buy the song anymore, haha..."

"Xiaotian's song is very sought-after now, and others can't buy it if they want to!"

"I feel that since Xiaotian came, everyone has relied on him so much, and sure enough, gold will shine everywhere. "

"I don't know if Xiaotian will make a new dish today, I followed the soup last time, and it feels pretty good, but I don't know the seasoning ratio, otherwise the taste will definitely be better!"


Liu Dehua saw that everyone looked suddenly enlightened.

But his confusion was even greater.

Lin Aijia next to him stepped forward and reminded: "Boss, Xiaotian is a good cook, especially about tofu." "

This reminder by the assistant.

Liu Dehua suddenly remembered that when he watched the live broadcast at that time, he seemed to have seen Yi Xiaotian make tofu soup for a day.

At that time, he looked still greedy.

"Oh, I remember, it seems that this must be the case, yes, but I can eat the tofu made by Xiaotian, and my trip is not in vain!"

Liu Dehua said after reacting.

Huang Xiaoming heard this.

Hurriedly asked: "Brother Hua, you even know that we Xiaotian can make tofu?" I originally thought that you had just said that you had watched our live broadcast just talking, so it seems that you have really watched it!"

Hearing this, Liu Dehua smiled.

He said: "Of course, I like Xiaotian very much, I really like the songs he wrote, and I came specifically for him this time." "

Huang Xiaoming said: "Then I really want to say a word of honor for Xiaotian!"

After a polite look.

Liu Dehua couldn't wait to go into the restaurant to meet Yi Xiaotian, who he was most looking forward to seeing.

Under the leadership of Huang Xiaoming.

Everyone entered the dining room.

At this time, there were already many customers sitting inside.

But due to the arrival of Liu Dehua, everyone is also very patient to wait.

There are even customers who are holding their mobile phones to record the whole process.

Some carefully took a few photos and prepared to post them on Moments.

After Liu Dehua came in, many customers had already gathered around and wanted to take photos and sign autographs.

In this regard, Liu Dehua accepted it with a smile one by one.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience is sighing that Liu Tianwang is really too down-to-earth, and there is no star frame at all.

Just when Liu Dehua was busy filming with fans.

He suddenly noticed that the last little girl who was in tune with him seemed to be a little familiar.

Moreover, this little girl is too innocent and good-looking!

Although she was dressed plainly, she couldn't hide her beautiful face at all.


Lin Aijia shouted violently: "You are... Yi Wan'er !!"

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