He has already made this decision, so now Bulma has expressed his attitude, in fact, he doesn't want to object, if Wu Di wants to do this, he will set off quickly, the sooner he goes, the sooner he will come back, Bulma thinks so.

Now Wu Di has also understood Bulma's thoughts, although he disagrees with what he said, but he did not force it, and he did something he didn't like to do, Wu Di was quite satisfied.

At this moment, they discussed for a while, and they had already begun to rest, Wu Di was also very happy lying on the bed, at least Bulma always thought about himself.

Besides, Wu Di's ability to improve is also to protect this family, protect the people around him, and protect the earth, and at the same time, he has also made some contributions, not for himself at all.

23 Two days later, Wu Di was ready to go, he said goodbye to Bulma and brought some equipment, he had already left the house to meet Sun Wukong and them.

Everyone has been notified that the three of them will get together.

Wu Di is with Sun Wukong and Vegeta at the moment, and they are ready to go, the three of them, flying with qi, the speed is very fast.

They now rely on the Dragon Ball Radar Navigation to be their navigation, and the location of the Dragon Ball Radar Navigation is very accurate, and they have now locked the position in the North Galaxy.

In this way, the Dragon Ball Radar Navigation can directly reach the North Galaxy, and they will not lose their way, and now they will give him tips according to the Dragon Ball Radar Navigation.

Non-stop, they just want to arrive at the North Galaxy as soon as possible, so that they can complete their plan, and now Wu Di feels very enjoyable.

Vegeta and the two of them are also very happy to follow him, and Sun Wukong now he also flies with qi, but he sometimes flies with somersault clouds.

Sun Wukong was very excited, preparing for a two-day trip, and finally ready to go, they are now flying in the air, and the direction given to them by the Dragon Ball radar navigation is correct.

They have been flying in the direction of the North Galaxy, as for when they can arrive, they don't care so much, and even if they encounter some obstacles when flying, they will get out of danger safely.

They are still spinning rapidly in the air, and the somersault cloud under Sun Wukong's feet is also very fast, but Wu Di and they fly with their qi, and they are even more powerful than themselves.

Sun Wukong can also control his own ability to fly, but with this kind of cloud, some obstacles can be reduced.

"It's so enjoyable today, I can finally wait for your news, we can go, now we are already on the North Galaxy Road, the process of flying is really enjoyable, it has not been like 007 today for a long time, the last flight was a relatively remote place. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This time, the three of us will go to the North Galaxy together, and we will definitely get a lot of energy, and it is very good how to cultivate that place well. "

"It's really nice to be able to absorb more abilities and get more opportunities, and I can finally get my wish, you think more about this day, anyway, the two of us will follow you and listen to your command. "

How could Sun Wukong not be excited at this moment, and this time there is one more Vegeta, and it would be better for the three of them to go to the North Galaxy together, and take care of each other.

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