Wu Di no matter where they go, Rebecca doesn't have to be too anxious, and it is impossible to catch up with them, after all, they don't know where they go and how to catch up.

It is possible that they may have gone to another planet, or to another place, or to a snow-capped mountain or a canyon.

Now that Rebecca can't judge, then don't think about it so much, just wait for Wu Di and them to come back.

Rebecca stood up and was ready to say goodbye to Bulma and leave here, he didn't see Wu Di, he and Sun Wukong went to a far away place, I don't know where they went, they are all unknowns, they are unknowns.

What is Rebecca doing here now? She talked to Bulma for a while, and bought the things for the kids, and Rebecca was very happy.

Besides, now that Wu Di's ability has improved so quickly, they are always cultivating, and they have already improved a lot of heights, so they don't have to worry about it at all.

Rebecca already understood, so don't follow it anymore, and quietly go home and wait for Wu Di's news.

When they come back, Rebecca will naturally know about it, and won't there be an answer to where they went?

Bulma saw Rebecca stand up, and he also stood up to send Rebecca to the door, and also knew that Rebecca was going to ~ leave and wouldn't stay.

After all, Bulma has a lot of things to do this day, she has to take care of the children, she has to clean up the housework, she has to cook, and at the same time she has to think about a lot of things, and she is also cultivating when she has nothing to do, and she doesn't want to regress.

Even if you are at home with children, it is also to improve your skills, and Bulma also knows Rebecca, who is a relatively bold person.

Since he didn't know Wu Di's news, he didn't ask again, so it didn't make any sense to save Bulma from having to find some excuses to deceive him.

Things are already like this, Wu Di and they have already set off, Rebecca should not know too much, and when Wu Di comes back, what he said will naturally be clear.

Now Bulma is in a calm mood, and he knows that Rebecca is reasonable, and besides, he doesn't need to pester himself, he doesn't have the right to ask Wu Di about it, Bulma just doesn't want to say it ugly.

"If you want to leave, then I won't send you, I won't keep you, you see my family is so messy, I'm going to clean up, the children are asleep now, when they wake up, I can't do anything, you don't have to think too much about Wu Di's affairs, they will be safe and sound, and they are very sure." "

"They are not in any danger, no matter how evil and how many monsters they go to, then there will be no worries, with their ability, nothing can happen in the hospital, I believe that their ability is super strong, and their level has reached such a level, you don't have to think too much about it now." "

"Hurry back, when Wu Di and they come back, I will naturally let him tell you the news, if there is any situation, you can study it yourself, then you will know where he went, I just don't want to walk now, it's okay, you have to come often, I won't send you." "

Bulma chatted with Rebecca and saw that he had left the house, so Bulma hurried home to clean up the house.

After all, let's wait for Wu Di to come back, I don't know when Wu Di will come back after they go to Zrumap Snow Mountain this time? .

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