Zamas nodded, looking at Wu Di helplessly, he also knew that he was so close to Wu Di now, but now he couldn't sneak attack, after all, they still kept a certain distance, but Zamas had already noticed it just now.

How could Wu Di not find them, and the other party was so smart, they went directly to Wu Di when they appeared here just now, and then they could only sit here.

There are a lot of people in the audience right now, and they have to be vigilant now.

Zamas just stared at Wu Di like this, eager to break him into pieces, but they knew that their abilities were limited, how could they fight against Wu Di.

But today, in order to achieve such a goal, they have the courage to come here, and they are only qualified to fight against Wu Di by virtue of their ability to incarnate into the absolute supreme god of darkness.

Otherwise, they would not have been able to come here today, and they now know that the situation has been, so they can't retreat, if Wu Di escapes again today.

They don't have a good life, for the sake of the future, for the sake of future plans, they must go all out to take down Wu Di today.

Zamas saw these people in the ring again, fighting back and forth, all of them were up and down, and he didn't know who would win in the end, but his heart was not on it, he just wanted to complete the task.

Wu Diche sat here without moving, he didn't care so much at all, his ears had already exerted super energy, and he could hear Zamas talking to Black Wukong.

However, the other party's voice is relatively quiet now, but Wu Di still heard it, since the two of them have such thoughts now, they will attack after the game is over.

Wu Di wants to see what the two of them are capable of, why don't they dare to make a move now until this moment, maybe it is a game, they don't dare to act rashly now.

Once the two of them start attacking themselves now, I'm afraid that all their friends and masters around them will attack them and surround them here.

Then the two of them can't fly with wings, even if they can incarnate into the absolute supreme god of darkness with their strength, what can they do, they still don't dare to make a choice easily.

Although they came here, they had entered the fifteenth universe auditorium at this moment, but they were still sitting here and did not make any moves, it seemed that they were already in a hurry.

Black Wukong has already seen that this situation is simply powerless for them, and they can't do anything now.

Although they came directly to Wu Di, they didn't dare to make any choice until now, they sat here with Li Wu Di, keeping a certain distance.

Wu Di was surrounded by high-ranking people, although they stared at Wu Di, but no one else noticed the appearance of the two of them, maybe everyone was watching the game in the ring with one mind, and they didn't notice that these two people appeared at all.

Black Wukong also knew that this was the best opportunity, but at this moment, they didn't dare to make a choice easily.

Once Wu Di can't be taken down at this moment, then the lives of the two of them will be in danger, and it is impossible for them to do so now.

"Let's take a look at the situation of the game, let's visit the game, if we are too anxious, it will backfire, and the current situation is unfavorable for us, we can incarnate into the absolute supreme god of darkness, so what, Wu Di's ability is not unknown, he can carry a powerful clearing power'. "

"You can clear the God of Destruction just now, even if we can become the Absolute Supreme God of Darkness now, I'm afraid his strength has reached a certain level, it's not something we can imagine at all, for the sake of safety, we really can't be too careless now, how can I not understand what you think, but wait a minute." "

"Let's seize the opportunity now, once the game is over, it's more chaotic here, then let's take the opportunity to make a move, I believe that the other party will definitely be hit hard, I don't believe that Wu Di has no flaws, can he always stay so calm, without any relaxation?"

Wu Di was secretly smiling in his heart at the moment, did they really think they could really deal with themselves with their ability? Wu Di just waited until the game was over to see what they wanted.

Wu Di must eliminate them today and give them a little color, in fact, Wu Di doesn't want to kill people today, but if they are not good for themselves for a while.

Then Wu Di will definitely not spare them, even if he doesn't kill them, he will be crippled again.

Wu Di is just not in a hurry to make a move, since everyone is waiting, let's take a look, they are all living in the audience of the fifteenth universe now and watching the game quietly.

However, Wu Di's ears could hear each other's voices far away, and Wu Di could hear what the two of them were saying clearly, what they wanted to do now, and when they were going to act.

Wu Di already knows everything about it, and with the strength of the two of them, they dare to come out to deal with themselves, which is really beyond their means.

Are they tired of living? Wu Di is also thinking about this question, and it is funny.

Black Wukong didn't know why, obviously the combined strength of the two of them couldn't fight against Wu Di, but he always wanted to give it a try today.

Since they can incarnate into the absolute supreme god of darkness and can get super power, isn't it an opportunity to confront Wu Di and see if they can eradicate him?

Black Wukong knew in his heart that if they missed this opportunity, they would never be able to go again, they could only come to the Tenth (King Li's) Five Universe Auditorium to try it, and now they felt very uncomfortable sitting here.

But there is no way, now that the game is in progress, there are more masters around Wu Di.

When the game is over for a while, and everyone goes out, then attack him, maybe then you can catch him off guard.

"As long as he relaxes, let's break through his defense line and annihilate him in one fell swoop, that is a correct decision, we have come here today, we brothers should not be too anxious, after all, we have not been discovered by others yet. "

"But Wu Di is indeed on guard, so what? If he doesn't attack now, it proves that he doesn't want to ruin all this now, and he doesn't want to be discovered by others, once the fight starts, the game can't be carried out normally, isn't this a big loss?"

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