I, Han Feizi, want to reform: "So, the young human named Allen will never be a slave. Go forward, kill all these damn scum, and restore clarity to your world. Reform is better to use violence !


Young Master Zhang Zifan: "Hey, Han Feizi, who used violence to reform and preach, has appeared again!"

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "I agree to the point that I can't agree anymore. That group of trash should be killed, and yet you dare to use God's Name, haha, no matter whether those bullshit false gods exist or not, only the God Lord will live forever!"

Human beings will never be slaves: "Thank you everyone, I understand. I will clear out these scumbags when I turn around, and I will never let them come back. Disgusting to the real heroes!

However, I still want to ask something...

I just discovered the power of the giant bloodline in my body when I was practicing. There is the influence of the giant in the bloodline. This, this, the people around me What should I do at most? I'm very anxious and waiting online!"

Shidao Wuhe was very afraid of the elves: "Nani? What's going on? Didn't you say that you are a human being, and the old enemy of human beings is the giant? Why do humans appear in the bloodline? Could it be that the influence of giants is your ancestors?……”

Human beings will never be slaves: "Don't be disgusted with me! I don't know! However, I am also worried about this kind of thing..."

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "Why should I worry about this kind of thing? I have the strength and strength of a giant in my body. Inheritance, no matter you want to kill all the giants and guard the human mind - what impact will it have?"

Humans will never be slaves: "No impact? But my purpose in life is to kill all the giants, like this and now When such a situation arises, how can you not think more about it..."

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand, said, "You really don't need it. Like the humans in our world, you have been enslaved by the gods for generations, but I also have it in my body. The power of the gods, use their power to kill them, it’s more fun this way, isn’t it? "

Humans will never be slaves" "Ah this?"

I, Han Feizi, want to reform: "Exclude a group and hate a race, but there is no need to be too exclusive In their affairs, learn from the barbarians and learn their skills to control the barbarians, learn their strength, master their power, and then use their power to kill them. This is indeed a cool thing!" Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "That's right

. That's right, although we snake people rarely use the power of other races, I heard that humans still often eat various bloodlines, mixing them together to make themselves stronger." Please read Huahua novels,

just Go to Feilu Novel Network! )

“So, it seems that you understand a little bit? "

Alan looked at the senior members in the group who introduced this kind of thing to him one by one, and his heart moved slightly for a moment. It

seems that what he said is really right. Although it is indeed a bit uncomfortable to use the power of a giant, but he Use this power to wipe out all the giants.

This is the best end to those damn giants![]

“Huh, if that's the case, I don't have to worry too much...wait, something is wrong. "

Alan was about to exhale, but suddenly his eyes flashed, and his eyes focused on what Medusa said about swallowing, devouring blood to strengthen himself. Although there is no news in

this world that anyone eats a giant and then becomes a giant. Things like giants, but it's like his father...

The scene in front of Allen changes. Although a long time has passed and the memory is still a bit blurry, he still remembers what happened in a certain night with his strengthened behavior. ..

Người mua: sabmado

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