Seeing Mashu's weakly supporting huge shield and trembling body as he desperately resisted the attack, several people under the shield were also trembling a little.

Because what does this mean?

This shows that Matthew can’t bear it any longer!

And looking at the golden light on the opposite side that almost occupies the entire world, everyone knows in their hearts that if there is no shield to defend against such an attack, they will probably be cold if they meet it.。

“Matthew? How are you doing? ! "

Gudazi asked anxiously.。

“Senior, this attack is really too strong, I'm afraid, I might have to use the Command Seal. "

Ma Xiu frowned, and there were fine beads of sweat all over his delicate white forehead, which were constantly pouring out and flowing down. It was obvious that the girl alone could not withstand

such an attack. She had to It’s just a matter of combining forces with 247’s own Master.


This is the first day after all when I came to this world, so I have to use the Command Seal?

This era of gods is indeed so terrifying...

Gudazi The corner of his mouth twitched, and he felt a little unwilling after all. He kept touching the communicator that no longer glowed, longing for Dr. Roman in Chaldea to give him advice.。

At the same time, Dr. Roman has already experienced the light of the Supreme God of Luck. In her personage as King Solomon, she has already seen from her clairvoyance the future that was originally in a fog of destiny. Revealed the light of hope。

“Lord God, you are truly a being that makes people believe and admire you. "

Roman shook his head and sighed. At this time, he felt that the burden on him was finally much lighter. He

could not help being the leader of the last organization to save the future of mankind, and the controller who was responsible for preventing the future of mankind from heading towards despair and destruction.

The burden on Roman is really too heavy, not only because of this, but also because even the clairvoyant who is no different from him, as the most crowned magician in mankind, is limited by many rules and forced Under the pressure of reality, there is really no way to reverse all this.

It is too difficult, too dark, and too despairing...

all of this! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Gudazi, a human being, The last Master seemed to have solved the first few special points extremely easily, but only those who have truly understood and participated in it know how terrifying these special points are. Every time there is a danger and a close call

. The disasters we avoid are always marching slowly on the tightrope of terror between life and death.

Just one careless move may lead to the loss of everything, and the future of mankind may be completely ruined! What's

more, the current problem that needs to be solved The special position is really more difficult and more dangerous than the last. This road becomes narrower and narrower, and the more dangerous it becomes, the more dangerous it becomes. So a

tomorrow full of hope is very beautiful, but many people do die. On the evening of the day before yesterday。[]

Therefore, Roman's responsibilities and burdens are becoming more and more stressful!

Even he couldn't hold it any longer for a while.

But now, he could finally let it go. A glimmer of hope finally appeared in the gloomy fate in front of him. He knew that the name of the Supreme God of Luck would lead Chaldea and the future of mankind to welcome that hope and welcome that hope. true freedom。

“Thank you to my God and praise my Lord God! "

Dr. Roman covered his chest devoutly, expressed his gratitude with great respect, and then walked out of his bedroom happily, his eyes full of vitality.

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