“Praise my God..."

Dr. Roman covered his chest and said very piously. But just halfway through his words, he got stuck in his throat and could no longer say the next words.

Because he saw and saw the entire Chaldean members. They are all working hard, and everyone's face is full of seriousness, fear and deep tiredness.

Waving his hands, the screen in the surveillance camera appears. Gudazi and Matthew are also training rigorously. An ordinary person does not have much experience in fighting or magic, but now under intense training, he has gradually become a strong man on his own...

Even Leonardo da Vinci, who usually always laughs and laughs at his place, Privately, I have been training hard in silence, and have been working hard to grow myself to the point where I can face the crisis in Doomsday 953.

Everyone is working hard and using their abilities to help mankind overcome the difficulties.…!

“And now, am I actually seeking help from outsiders? "

Seeing this scene, Dr. Roman, the leader, murmured.

He is not that pedantic. After all, if human beings can survive this apocalyptic crisis through external forces, let If the future of mankind is preserved, let alone him, even the other members, including Da Vinci and Gudazi, will never mind.


the others gave the leadership to themselves without reservation because of trust. Let yourself take the power and control everything, and be able to lead all these plans.

But now, do you really want to seek help from outsiders without saying a word?

At this time, Dr. Roman deeply thanked him for the pressure on his shoulders. So important.

He is really different from other people. Others in the group may have experienced the end of the world, genocide, serious crises, etc. At that time, they were not leaders but just one of the ordinary people. .

The responsibilities and concepts they bear are relatively one-sided, and they are all one of them.

As for Dr. Roman, what he is carrying on his shoulders now is the future of the entire human race. Every action he takes may affect the future survival of mankind. .This

burden and responsibility is glorious and great (bcfe), but also extremely difficult and heavy. Even Dr. Roman, the legendary crown magician, can't breathe as a Solomon.。

“Doctor Roman, Doctor Roman? ! "

Suddenly, the shouts of the people next to him startled Dr. Roman. He woke up instantly. Only when he saw the person coming did he slowly let out a breath:

“Huh~ I’m scared to death, it’s you, Ritsuka..."

The person who came was none other than the last Master of mankind, Fujimaru Ritsuka. At this moment, he was looking at the person in front of him with some curiosity, and asked doubtfully: "Doctor, were you there just now? What are you thinking about?”

“God, it’s nothing, no! Dr. Roman

shook his head violently, sighed and said, "Nothing. What's the matter with you coming to see me?"”

“Forehead? "

Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched his head, seeming a little puzzled: "Doctor, we are about to go to the last location. We asked you to preside over it, but I couldn't find you anywhere I looked.。”

“What? Leave now? ! "(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dr. Roman woke up with a start. When he looked at the time, he was in a daze for a whole day and night.

This person is extremely busy and does everything himself. For Roman, who refused to leave God, this was an incredible event.。

“Sure enough, am I still too nervous? ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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