Mr. Zhang Zifan: "Huh, yes, the faith of the Lord God becomes extremely precious in times of crisis.

But from this, it seems that the doomsday crisis in someone's world is not too serious, don't you think so?" Newcomer? It’s time to get used to the end of the world.”

It’s time to get used to the end of the world: “Hey... Embarrassing JPG!”

Human beings will never be slaves: “Haha, brother, don’t hesitate anymore, so many deeds in the group are in front of you, and Why are you hesitating here?"

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "It's okay, you should get used to the end of the world. This title sounds like you should be burdened with a lot. They are all beings who have walked in the darkness. We can naturally understand it. .

But I still have to say one thing here. Belief in the Lord God does not mean what you are going to do, but it means what you can get. Belief in my God has always been about giving benefits, not asking for them."

It’s time to get used to this doomsday: “I understand everyone, thank you for your concern, I will think about it seriously.。”

Countless planes away, Dr. Roman looked at the words on the chat screen in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a self-deprecating smile:

“It doesn't mean what you do but what you can get. It doesn't mean it's a request but it means benefits or gifts. It's really an irresistible motivator... But it's

true. If this Lord God really exists, let's chat. The things shared by the group members did indeed happen, so this Lord God was really exaggerating.

If it were placed in the desperate situation I encountered a few days ago, maybe I would use it, but now, I really don't dare. "

Roman held his head in pain, feeling a little depressed after all.

There is no way, what he is carrying now is the future of mankind, and if he is not careful, everything may be lost, leading to the end of the world.

Even a few days ago , , in this short period of time, he and Chaldea, where he was, experienced time and time again the despair that was almost negative to mankind.

This lonely boat carrying the hope of mankind sailed helplessly on the sea of despair. , pitiful, weak and helpless, as if a storm can overturn it, and it may be destroyed at any time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) But fortunately, in the face of disasters again and again

, Although they moved forward with difficulty, they finally crossed over again and again.

Now, with only two special points left, it seems that the hope of human victory is not far away, but Roman's mood is getting worse and worse. The heavier it is.

After all, although the previous world was dangerous and difficult enough, each subsequent world will be even more difficult than the previous one! For example, the next

special location is in the age of the gods. , that era when the gods were traveling in the mainland, not to mention the two little guys Gudazi and Matthew 067, even if all the masters passed by, there was no guarantee of much chance of success. Da da


Dr. Roman tapped the table gently, his frown became more and more painful. The last master of mankind was about to go to the age of gods, but at this time, a chat group suddenly appeared, and there was also a master of gods... Although it seemed

that It seems to be a coincidence, but in the face of the difficult choices for the future of mankind, any coincidence is a variable that cannot be ignored.

It has to be said that Roman's heart is even heavier, it is really difficult to make a choice, and he really does not dare to reveal his trust easily. Exposing the future of humanity to others. .

Người mua: sabmado

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