The once prosperous city has now become dilapidated.

No, it can't be said to be dilapidated, because the basic buildings of this city basically have no traces of damage. Although there are a few broken tiles and blood-stained walls, in the entire city, like A drop in the ocean can be ignored or ignored.

But the oppressive atmosphere in this city is indeed extremely terrifying. Even if the "157" magician is not allowed to see it, even ordinary people will feel creepy when they come to this city.

It was obviously spring, and the sunshine outside was bright and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. However, even such bright sunshine could not penetrate the layers of oppressive atmosphere in this city.

The entire city is under this dark sky and terrifying atmosphere. Although there are still humans living here, they are just surviving and not living.

He was so tortured that he had no energy. Although it seemed that there was no difference from his normal schedule. He should go to work and go to school. I hope you can tell by comparing it with people in other places. This is simply a city full of walking dead. City of puppets.

Obviously, this city is a city that the curses united and controlled after the divine light became popular.

Of course, it's not just one that is controlled by this group of garbage, otherwise they would be afraid that if they get ruthless and completely wipe it out, it wouldn't be fun.

This is just the central area, and these curses radiate from here, spreading far and wide.

On a bridge along the river, like the dividing line between the Chu River and Han Dynasty, the atmosphere on one side is full of warmth, and the atmosphere on the other side is full of coldness.

The two seem to be eternal opponents, never touching or violating each other.

But on this day, from the side full of warm sunshine, a group of people came over without fear, bringing changes to this dead place that had not changed for a long time.。

“Gojo-senpai, are we really going to start preparing for a decisive battle with that circle of curses? "

After taking a short break, a man dressed in white-collar clothing in the crowd still asked with some tangle after the team stopped.。

“Let's start a war. Those damn curses have long been doomed. Ever since they formed an organizational alliance, the only ones scattered around are those weak trash. "

The strong man Dongtang frowned and said very unhappily: "What's the use of bullying those rubbish? They are obviously strong, but they are hiding in this place. Damn, a curse is a curse, rubbish!”

“Of course I also want to kill them, but the power in their hands is not weak now, and most importantly, they control the lives of too many people..." Qihai sighed: "Otherwise, no matter how strong

these guys are, With the blessing of divine light, can we still be afraid of him?”

“Don't worry, we've already prepared for this kind of thing...”

Wu Jiao sat in front of the crowd and snapped his fingers to arouse everyone's mood: "Stop making trouble, the most important thing now is to lure them into taking the bait."。”

“Hahaha, so many people came this time, it’s interesting! "

Suddenly, a burst of harsh laughter circled in the sky, causing the magicians present to frown and resist this mottled mental attack.。

“We've been waiting for you for a long time! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of strange curses appeared in front of everyone, and their leader was a curse that looked like a human, a real person! No, it is not so much that the other party is a human, it is more like a broken piece after piece

. A rag doll sewn from cloth that looks very similar to a human being...

Người mua: sabmado

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