Regarding Iruma-san's situation, the group really felt that it was difficult, and for a while, everyone really couldn't think of any way to persuade him.

After all, this situation has never happened before, although they all understand and have experienced the sacrifices caused by advancing their faith.

But everyone present, who is not a courageous person, not to mention the sacrifice caused unintentionally, even if it is intentional, it will result in ruthlessness.

A change of faith that touches the bottom line of many people cannot be so peaceful in itself.

But Iruma was different. He was just a human boy who had been addicted to part-time work for about 10 years. His parents were evil, but he didn't suffer much harm.

Even though he was sold to the 463 Demon Realm, the Demon King-level Sullivan loved him extremely and did not let Iruma suffer any real injuries.

So his mind is very pure now, not like some pseudo-child Tang San.

Therefore, when encountering this kind of situation, although it is a good thing for the entire world, it still causes the casualties of innocent people. If you are Iruma in the evil cycle era, you can barely accept it although it is sad.

But for Iruma, who is the most sensitive, pure and kind-hearted person in the ordinary era, this is really a dimension-reducing blow.

Moreover, there are rarely such pure-minded children in the chat group. The arrival of Iruma, although he seems extremely innocent, sometimes makes various group members feel gloomy or something.

But not surprisingly, he became the favorite of the chat group, so now everyone is very anxious looking at Iruma in such a sad state.。

I, Han Feizi, want to reform: "Iruma-san, don't be too anxious to be sad and autistic. It is normal to encounter sacrifices in the process of advancing reform. I don't want to say more about this kind of thing. I just want to ask

, Do you understand the demon world? I mean, do you really understand it?"

Seeing this question, Iruma's dull and dull eyes suddenly brightened up, and he replied:

“Real understanding? "

I, Han Feizi, just want reform: "Yes. According to what you shared in the group before, what you experienced in the demon world (bcef) was nothing more than your own family and college, both of which are pure lands in the demon world.

As for the actual demon world, although it is not as terrifying and difficult to survive as in the legend, is it really that good?

Lord God brings the popularization of faith and the divine light of hope. This is undoubtedly a good thing. Talking about good things is ultimately too empty. Iruma, you can go and see what the demon world was like in the past. Divine Light What will the demon world look like after it becomes popularized?

And... what about those people who died, their closest relatives and their families now? "

I, Han Feizi, just want to reform: "I think it may be difficult for us to persuade you here to be effective, because after all, we have never been to the devil world, and we cannot empathize with you after all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So, you can go and have a look and observe it with your own eyes. Maybe you can find answers to your questions here. "

Go and see the changes in the demon world between the past and the present?

Pity the weak and helpless humans in the demon world: "Thank you, senior, I probably understand!"

I won’t talk about it for now, I want to observe the world seriously and wait until I come back. "

As he said this, there was silence in the chat group. It was obvious that Iruma-san had already left.。[]

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Can you please persuade me? Why does it sound a little foggy to me?"……”。

Người mua: sabmado

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