And then... there is actually nothing more than that!

The real master-level demons have already come out, how can any demons dare to move here?

With a wave of Baphomet's hand, the demons lurking in the paradise turned into dust without even a word of begging for mercy.

Because this divine beast can indeed feel its summoner, the spokesman of the Lord God in this world is really angry.

It's no wonder that Iruma was too angry. Even during the evil cycle, Iruma's nature is still kind.

When seeing so many demons, under the banner of helping themselves, they even borrowed the name of the Lord of God to do this kind of bad things, persecute other living beings, and even persecute the believers of the Lord of God.

This has completely touched Iruma's bottom line. For this kind of guy, letting them die directly is the last mercy he can give them.

Then there is really nothing else.

Now that this true overlord-level demon, who was once famous in the history of demons, has appeared, he still stands in the camp of the Lord God.

So it stands to reason that it didn't take long for the entire demon world to be almost unified.

Of course, this is also because Mr. Sullivan, a grandson-loving grandson, led many managers in the demon world to promote this organization.

At this time, even the gangsters in the demon world were speechless.

What about the battles with gods in ancient times? In ancient times, his ancestors had all come out. No matter how much he talks nonsense, wouldn't he be forgetting his roots even more?

Until finally, unity was achieved.

As for Iruma, who stayed in Walter Paradise and waited quietly for the news, he was not in a happy mood.

He just kept guarding the ruins, like a lonely demon king, facing the waves with his back to all living beings, gently giving orders and promoting the divine religion.

At this time, he has fully understood that changing beliefs has indeed touched the bottom line of many people. If he does not decisively eliminate dissidents,

Then more innocent people will be sacrificed in the wanton vent of these so-called anti-ancestral demons.

So now he must be ruthless, even if it comes with a little sacrifice, but he must still execute it!

Every order was implemented by him, and every section was popularized by his faith.

It seems that Iruma has grown up, but those who know him well know that he is just sad, a sadness that comes from the deepest level of loneliness.

Then, with the silent click of the chains, Iruma-san's bad cycle was successfully passed.

Only then did the previous scene appear:

“What on earth is happening here? "

Iruma-san stared blankly at the ruins in front of him, a little confused. Countless memories entered his mind and kept changing. In the end,

he fell silent. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels net!)

“Iruma-sama 717, the last high ground has finally been illuminated by the glory of the Lord God, and our demon world has finally fully returned to the faith of the Lord God. "

At this time, Azmode ran over from a distance excitedly and quickly stopped and said。

“Well, I got it, thank you Aziz. "

Iruma nodded and said softly: "It's been really hard on you during this period.。”

“No problem, everything is for Lord Iruma, for the glory of Lord God!”[]

Asmodeus covered his chest and swore seriously and solemnly: "I am willing to work with all my heart and soul for your great cause without any hesitation!".

Người mua: sabmado

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