“Hmm, bad cycle or personality change, which one should I start with? "

The black shadow sat on Iruma-san, thinking for a while and not giving up thinking: "Forget it, let's come together, be bad, be bad, my dear little master!”

In Sullivan's house in the Demon World,

Sullivan sang a cheerful ditty and brought Opeth with him happily from his grandson's room to deliver milk.。

“Alas, it's a good morning. Iruma, breakfast is ready. The weather is also very good. Do you want to go for a walk? "

The transformed version of Sullivan said cheerfully, but this time they did not receive the thanks from their grandson for waking up quickly, but the sudden embarrassment


“Roadless race (so annoying)! "

The hoarse and demonic voice sounded, making Sullivan and Opeth next to him momentarily surprised.

Such a vulgar speech seemed not to be uttered by the kind and polite classmate Iruma.。

“It's still early in the morning, don't you bother me? Old man! "

Iruma classmate covered his head and looked at Sullivan impatiently with sharp eyes.

His tone was full of domineering and cold meaning.

Sullivan, in the morning of shock, as the milk in Opela's cup broke into pieces, Earth, Iruma-san is in a vicious cycle, and the beginning is slowly beginning.。

“Aziz, take your bag and let's go. "

After a frightening breakfast time, Iruma waved his hand to summon the carriage, threw his bag to Azmos who was waiting next to him, and rushed to the academy in a hurry. This operation made

Azmos next to him look confused. He followed the carriage in a daze. It took him a while to react, and he said excitedly to Mr. Iruma in front of him:

“Lord Iruma, are you finally willing to use me? Are we, are we going to start a battle and finally dominate the academy?”

“Dominate the academy? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Iruma glanced at the guy in front of him with cold eyes: "Tsk, that's just the beginning. What we want to dominate is the entire demon world!"

It is our responsibility to spread the glory of the Lord God completely in this world. Enough time has been wasted in the past. What I say next cannot be mistaken!”

“Yes, Lord Iruma! Aziz

said excitedly, with tears in his eyes. He had been waiting for this day for too long....

From the first day of school, I have been waiting for the opportunity to follow Iruma-sama.。[]

Although he has been following him since then, this was as a companion rather than a follower. Lord Iruma has never had any intention of competing for hegemony. Although he later showed it in order to promote the divine light of Lord God.

But after the number reached one million, Master Lujian almost returned to the state of Buddhism (after all, he already had the right to summon the divine beasts of the divine kingdom, and his life was protected.) And now, Master Iruma is finally going to do it again

. Are the fangs showing? !

In other words, Azmode is not very aware of the existence of Mr. Avery. If he knew that the latter was Iruma entering the 5.0 evil cycle that should not exist, he would definitely be grateful.

When Iruma entered the school, his impressive posture, domineering momentum, and invincible ability that despised the world instantly attracted a large number of spectators.

It didn't take long for everyone in the academy to know that this normally loving and kind-hearted Iruma student had entered a bad cycle!

However, they still don’t know what kind of turmoil, or even bloodshed, this academy, and even this world, will cause as a result! .

Người mua: sabmado

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