There is no way, indeed, I can't control the temper of my Lord God, operating like this.

After all...

with their cultivation and character, there is no way they can persist in front of the Lord God, no matter how much they want to resist, they warn themselves that they are unwilling.

But in fact, when people come to truly face the depth, they fall completely into despair after just a few words... The Lord

God who faces this state is at most Sister Medusa, Sister Honghong, Sister Angel, and the like. , barely able to suppress it.

In a word, the girls fell into silence.

After a while, Wang Yuyan smiled reluctantly: "Okay, don't worry, anyway... it's of no use, ahem, I mean, no one wants to refuse anyway, right? With Lord Shen like this, the next step will definitely

be There must be some mischief, otherwise let's go back first and prepare ourselves properly, don't get too confused!”

“That is, let the Lord God know that we, the concubine, are not easy to bully! "

Zi Yan, the little girl next to her, also turned her head away and hummed softly, and the other girls responded.。

“That, but I want to say, how about we discuss it in advance..."

Zhao Ling'er raised her hand weakly and said shyly:

“No matter who is chosen by the Lord God’s prank, no matter what happens, you, everyone, please don’t just sit around and watch the show, okay? I’m really shy. "

As soon as these words came out, some of the beauties in the crowd who liked to watch dramas and gossips smiled sheepishly.

Indeed, no matter what the Lord God does to them, it will be over no matter how shy he is.

After all, this is all It is a secret technique between husband and wife.


if there are outsiders watching, it would be really embarrassing.

However, for some people, it is simply unacceptable to prevent her from gossiping and watching the show. It was uncomfortable for her to be the center of gossip.

So some girls just smiled awkwardly and talked without a single answer.。

“You guys are so abominable! "

Looking at this situation, Zhao Ling'er stomped her foot angrily. There was nothing she could do. No wonder she was so shy now.

Because she was the only one who was watched last time.。


“These girls are becoming more and more interesting. "

Even if he was thinking about something, how could the big and small motives in the Kingdom of God be hidden from Chen Xian's thoughts? He immediately controlled it and laughed out loud. Please give me flowers


“Isn't it easy to bully? Hey, little Shion, it’s time to let you know that Lord God, I can bully you as much as I want!”

“Forget it..."

Chen Xian shrugged and had no intention of teasing those shy people anymore. He turned around and walked away. The

sky in the Kingdom of God is very good, the sky is blue, the wind is beautiful, the sun is beautiful, the people are beautiful, and the flowers are fragrant. It’s been a while since I took a walk here。


While Chen Xian was taking a walk, there were several people working hard not far away from him.

The sunshine of the Kingdom of God is always so warm and soft, full of bright and vibrant atmosphere of dawn, but it never seems so hot and annoying.

Under the mythical sunshine of such a box of faith, the entire Kingdom of God appears alive and full of all kinds of active vitality. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although it can be like spring all year round in the Kingdom of God, at the suggestion of the Goddess, Chen Xian mobilized the formation to incorporate the changes in the cycle of the four seasons.

At this time, it is spring, the season when all things revive, and it is full of vitality...the most suitable time for planting! .

Người mua: sabmado

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