“Ah, this..."

Gojo Satoru looked at the tall and thick man in front of him, saying such pious words, and was a little confused: "The more I listen, the more I feel that you have been brainwashed, Huzi, are you still the dog I know? ?”

“Hehe, these words of teacher were taught to me by those seniors. I can’t say these words. To be honest, it’s really sad! "

Hu Zhang Youren also touched his head in embarrassment and said, obviously he is really not suitable for such literate words.。

“You're right, it's better to leave everything to time, but... I don't care. Gojo

Satoru nodded, suddenly changed the subject, and prayed devoutly to the sky:

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you……”

“This, this is a bit inconsistent with the 513 routine. "

Hiruto Knotweed was a little dazed. After watching the movie these days, he was bored and discussed a lot of things with the big guys in the group about how to persuade Wu Jiao Satoru. The theories one after another made him feel uncomfortable

. He almost felt like he was being brainwashed.

That’s why the previous scene happened, but he really didn’t expect that Gojo Satoru would act so unconventionally.。


In the divine light, Gojo Satoru took off his blindfold, sighed heavily, and his eyes were a little straight.。

“This kind of power, this kind of person, is there such a vast existence in this world? Gojo

Satoru said, and for the first time, shock appeared in his blue eyes that were as bright as stars:

“I feel a deeper strength! "

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and with a boom, the entire space began to collapse. Light like nebula particles flowed around him, and the moment was beautiful. However, after his life had sublimated, Hisahito Knotweed could indeed see that

, This seemingly beautiful brilliance contains power enough to destroy the world!

“Come on, can this legendary God Lord even increase this guy's power? This is too terrible! "

Before Huzhang Youren had time to say anything, suddenly his mouth opened on his cheek and he said in shock. Obviously,

during the moment when our tiger was absent-minded, Sutan saw the scene outside and was directly shocked. . (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although he hasn’t had many encounters with a senior like Gojo Satoru, he can tell just from the previous battle that this guy is almost useless. An existence that fell behind his own heyday.

And even such an existence can become stronger just by saying the words of prayer!

Does this represent himself, the path of a magician that has been almost blocked? , and also has a way forward?

“Hey, get out of here, don't pop out randomly, is it scary? "

Polygonum cuspidatum Hisahito reacted, pressed down the mouth with one hand, and complained unhappily: "Don't be so familiar, okay? Be careful, I will beat you in the spiritual world again!”

“Huh, little ghost head, you can act fierce at this moment, that is, you just swallowed a few of my fingers. If I regain all my strength, beating you won't be like playing?”

“Haha, that’s nonsense. Let’s not talk about it for now. I won’t be able to swallow your fingers when I’m free. That stuff tastes terrible!

Even if you regain all your strength, would you be a match for my teacher Gojo Satoru? "

Hiruto the Japanese knotweed said disdainfully. Now he doesn't care much about the guy in his body who was originally so afraid. It's just

a incomplete curse. Sooner or later, it will be removed!。[]

Người mua: sabmado

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