In the chat group,

a long time has passed...

everyone heard the message from Iruma classmate crying and recounting their experiences in the past few days.

For example, after defeating Asmodeus, for example, after defeating Asmodeus, his reputation reached the highest level and he was sought after for a while, and his photo even ranked No. 1 on Babimus College's freshman insurance policy.


the defeated Asmodeus has now become a clingy guy, surrounding himself all day long and saying that he wants to be his servant.

Oh, and there was that female demon...but her presence was too low, and Iruma-san didn't say much.

Faced with such an extremely miserable experience as Iruma.

Of course, many group members... immediately became happy!

Then when they were noisy again, they suddenly discovered something and instantly became speechless.

Although survival in the wild is almost easy for everyone in the group.

It is even said that this guy Shane is famous for playing wilderness survival.

But as a teenager who is only about 10 years old, under what circumstances would he have countless part-time jobs, even to the point of working in the wilderness to survive...

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya didn't pay her salary: "I didn't say that, Poor weak and helpless humans in the demon world, your life in the human world is too miserable. Why are you still

thinking about returning to the human world? Are you uncomfortable in the demon world? As far as your sharing is concerned... Peace of mind in the demon world to that person Isn’t it good to be the grandson of a boss?”

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand, said: “The fate of mankind is always in the hands of mankind, so how can we commit ourselves to a foreign race!

Of course, my suggestion is the same as his, to live in the devil world. It's better to stay alive."

The eldest cousin of Queen Medusa's family said: "Ahem, although this guy Bai Yue is usually so cheap and annoying, what he said this time is really right. I highly recommend you to stay in the demon world. ..."

Xiaodi, who had the ring, said: "That's right, we demons are much kinder than the humans you mentioned."

A slime said: "Same as above, but reality also has practical benefits, such as more people and the Internet. It spreads relatively quickly. In the future, when you become stronger, you can borrow root carvings like this and return to the human world to preach and spread the faith of my Lord God.。”

…(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Faced with Iruma’s experience, everyone in the crowd discussed and gave suggestions.

But at this time, even Bai Yuechu, who liked to be funny the most, gave the advice to stay in the demon world instead of returning to the group of real demon parents.

Otherwise, even if Iruma's kind and gentle character gained strength and was extremely strong with the blessing of the Lord God, he would not be able to escape the oppression of his parents.

Not to mention that there are so many other things in society...

The Demon Realm is much better in comparison. Not only does it have a powerful and boundless grandfather who protects and cares for it wholeheartedly.

This world is more about the law of the jungle. Although the term "law of the jungle" sounds bad, it is a fairer existence when there is strength.。


Iruma-san looked at the words in the group, all of which were words to advise him to stay in the demon world. For a

moment, he was also a little confused.

In the past, he was forced to have no choice, but now he has accumulated enough He has a certain strength, and grandpa also said that you can decide whether to stay or go if you give yourself a choice.

So should you stay in the demon world or return to the human world...

Người mua: sabmado

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