Demonic world,

Babirus Academy.

As the largest demon academy in the entire demon world, the welcoming ceremony for new students in Babirus can be described as extremely grand.

The rare 7th and even 8th level experts appeared one after another and sat in the audience seats, looking at the new generation of demons.

It is even said that at this freshman meeting, even Sullivan, one of the candidates for the Demon King in the Demon World, the chairman of the college, will come to play music and watch the ceremony.

For this reason, at the freshman entrance ceremony, a person who can give a speech on behalf of the freshmen will receive the highest attention and be highly anticipated.

With the end of the opening ceremony.

The demons in the audience were eagerly waiting for the new student to come up and give a speech.

It's a pity that the figure 983 of the strongest freshman Asmodeus, who was originally tall, strong, handsome and beautiful, never appeared. Instead, there was just a thin... devil?

“Let us welcome the representative speaker of this new student class, special admissions student Iruma!”

“Iruma? Who is this? Which family's demon is so strong that it can replace Lord Asmodeus?”

“A name I have never heard of. This person does not seem to exist on the freshman list.。”

“Of course, there is no list of freshmen anymore. Didn’t you hear what the host just said about special admissions?”

“Special admission, I really don’t know what ability I have, but I was able to be specially recruited by Babirus Academy, and even replaced Lord Asmodeus’s speech quota.。”

“It seems that his body is too thin and not strong at all... Could it be that this person has great potential in magic? "

With the host's voice, the pent-up doubts and incomprehensions of everyone in the audience were completely exploded, and they started talking one after another.

You said something to me, but no matter how much we discussed, we couldn't come up with the truth about this special admissions student. What is the origin?

Of course, no one can imagine that this existence who openly appeared in the special admissions of Babirus, the highest school in the demon world, and was giving a speech, was just a human being.…


With a cough, the audience gradually became quiet.

No matter what the identity of the new student is or his strength, being able to serve as a special admissions student and give a speech as a freshman representative means that he must have something special.

At least for now, In the eyes of the management, this person named Iruma is the number one new (bcei) student.

Everyone held their breath and gave the special admissions student in front of them the greatest respect.。

“Hello everyone, I am special admissions student Iruma, here, here..."

Iruma walked up to the stage tremblingly, controlling the trembling of his body forcefully, trying not to look so scared.

But look Looking at the many "students" in front of the stage, his teeth were still chattering a little. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) There is no way, the humanoid ones are okay, but those with strange shapes are like

beasts A classmate who just now sang that he would treat human beings as food and suck out the soul of flesh and blood.

Iruma really can't treat him with a normal heart.……

“Forget it, let’s fight this time, I hope the seniors in the group can give me some help, God Lord bless me! "

Taking a deep breath, Iruma used almost all his courage and said seriously into the microphone in front of him:

“Here, I want to praise my God!”[]

“Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believer Iruma prays to you..." As soon as these words came out, the

whole place was in an uproar, and many demons were shocked and said no. Say something!

This new student, the new representative of Babirus, is he praying to the gods?!.

Người mua: sabmado

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