“Sister, you must take good care of yourself when you get to the Kingdom of God! "

Finally, as his younger brother said goodbye, the divine light poured out from the sky again and shone on many of the daughters of destiny. In an instant, the whole country rejoiced, and all the subjects, princes, and nobles of the entire kingdom became


“Congratulations to the daughter of destiny~, ascend to the Kingdom of God! "

It has to be said that although the Supreme God of Luck has not spread on this continent for too long -.

But the power of the Lord God is known to everyone in the entire kingdom.

For others For the gods, believing in them is just to find a spiritual sustenance for one's soul.

But for this legendary god, if you put in your faith , you can get real rewards.

With the popularity of this kind of faith, Under this, the entire kingdom is developing prosperously, and it can truly realize a happy society. Food, clothing and warmth are just the foundation.

This situation, although there is magic element, cannot be popularized in ancient society, it is simply It’s just outrageous.

So under this situation, they naturally yearn for the divine kingdom of the Lord God. If

someone from their own kingdom can ascend to the divine kingdom of the Lord God, many of the same subjects can naturally feel it. Supreme glory!

Speaking of Katarina, I have to say that this girl of destiny may be the reincarnation of the Nine Killer Monkey King.

As soon as she entered the formation and was spread by the divine light, all the worries in the girl's heart disappeared .

Facing the strange pattern of the formation. She jumped up and down with joy, stroking around, feeling the formation on it, and looking at the divine light curiously. Don't get me wrong,

with Catalina's qualifications it is definitely not Integrating with the divine light, she realized something like Maria. She just wanted to try to see if she could climb out and see what was going on outside.。

“Miss Katarina, don't be like this, please be quiet for now. There may be danger outside.

Seeing her young lady's condition, the maid An couldn't help but persuade her: "After all, this is not our country anymore, not even on earth, but the real kingdom of God. "

Miss Katarina, you should restrain yourself first, and don’t attract the disgust of those godly adults above the Kingdom of God.。”

“Yes, Miss Catalina, please be patient for a moment, everything is still unknown before us. "

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Meili also took a step forward, hugged Catalina and said softly: "When we stabilize and stand firm, we will definitely protect her. your.

You can do whatever you want then!”

“Yes, Miss Catalina, for your safety, let’s stabilize it first! "

At this time, Maria, who was in a state of enlightenment and fused with the divine light, suddenly opened her eyes and quickly persuaded.

Sofia next to her also nodded repeatedly.。

“Alas, I'm... well aware of it, so there's no need to worry too much. "

Under the gaze of everyone, Katarina stopped angrily and said with some embarrassment:

“I’m not that promiscuous, I just want to give it a try, so I’ll give it a try, okay?”

“Miss Katarina!”[]

Everyone was speechless and shouted in unison。

“Okay, okay, it’s okay for me to listen to you. After all, I didn’t think so..."

Katarina was so frightened that she nodded quickly, looked away from the wall with nostalgia, and became quiet...

Người mua: sabmado

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