“Yes, we are so lucky that Sister Angelyan can invite Sister Toreni here!”

“Really, this ability to truly feel emotions with plants and flowers is so amazing. Sister Toreni, I also want to learn from you.。”

“Yes, although our Lord God is powerful and all the sisters are also powerful, no one can think of taking care of the scenery of the Kingdom of God and just let it develop.

Although such an original and natural look is beautiful enough, the development it has achieved today is all due to sister Toreni!”

“Oops, if you continue to praise me like this, I will be really embarrassed. "

The tree fairy felt like she was about to float as she listened to the flattery and praise from the many beautiful sisters around her. She quickly took two steps back and begged for mercy


“I am lucky that the angel can bring me to the Kingdom of God and sign a contract that allows me to manage this beautiful garden.

Sisters, please don’t say that. My contribution is very small. I can barely stimulate the growth of a little flower. After all, I am still very weak now... I can hardly bring money to the heavens of the real Kingdom of God. Caidibao.。”

“Moreover, no matter how beautiful this garden is, no matter how complicated it is, in this Kingdom of God, the truly beautiful ones are all the sisters..."

Torene held up a blooming flower and waved it slightly in front of everyone, smiling. He said:

“Beauty is like a flower, and the flower reflects the beauty. These flowers are just embellishments for the many beauties and gods in the Kingdom of God. "

As she spoke, Toreni's mood suddenly dropped, and she became a little inexplicably melancholy.

Indeed, no matter how beautiful the flowers in the Kingdom of God are, they are just embellishments for the beauties of the Kingdom of God. Just

like herself, no matter how beautiful the Kingdom of God is , No matter how well you take care of the garden plants, they are still the administrators who come to apply for the job in the Kingdom of God.

And they are not of God...

This man is as strong and handsome as the Lord God, and there are many beautiful God sisters around him. No matter how much you think about it, you won’t fall in love with your thin willow appearance, right?。

“What can I say, even if flowers are used as embellishments, the first thing to be embellished is a beauty like my sister. "

Qiao Huangrong, who was so thoughtful, instantly felt the loss in the other person's words and quickly persuaded her.。

“But I... alas~ I am just the manager of the Garden of God no matter how you say it,"

Torreni forced a smile, but the feeling of loss became more and more drawn: (To read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Although they are worthy of being sisters among you, they are not truly gods after all. Oh, think about it, how could the Lord of Gods do it?…”

“.Haha, is this little coquettish girl feeling excited? "

Just when Toreni was feeling lost, a crisp and teasing voice interrupted her.

As soon as she finished speaking, an inexplicable black shadow appeared out of thin air, and Tokisaki Kurumi flashed in the air.。

“Toki, Tokisaki Kurumi? !”[]

When Toreni saw the visitor, she felt a little scared. She subconsciously shrank her neck and hid behind the many sisters.

What the person in front of her did in her own plane at that time (Qian Wang Zhao) really scared her.。

“Oh, do you still hold a grudge? "

Tokisaki Kuangsan held a lollipop he grabbed from somewhere in his mouth and took two steps forward. Then many beauties and gods subconsciously took two steps back. It was obvious that he had always had the power of a

little devil from the Kingdom of God. The so-called Tokisaki Kurumi also made even the sisters who joined the Kingdom of God before her very fearful.

After all, not long after she joined, Tokisaki Kurumi was already known as the God of Mischief. ..

Người mua: sabmado

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