“Fubuki, I'm here to find you. My sister has a great thing that I want to share with you! Hehe,"

while Fubuki was complaining about these two strange strong men, Genos and Saitama, a familiar voice came from the sky.。

“Um? You are, Genos, why are you here and why were you beaten like this?”

“Sister...Tatsumaki, why is she here at this time? "

Fubuki raised her head and took a look, and sure enough, the familiar figure "187" appeared in front of her. Yes, the

person who came was none other than Tatsumaki. He was looking for his sister everywhere and planned to take her to join the divine cult. After searching for a long time, I felt the fluctuation here and finally rushed over.

In an instant, the tornado that had just appeared prepared a defensive action and guarded his sister tightly.

It was unimaginable that Genos was beaten like this Look like that.

Tatsumaki, who had just fought with Genos, was very aware of his opponent's strength, and yet he was tortured into this state. His opponent must not be underestimated. Even if

his life has been strengthened and sublimated, Tatsumaki doesn't dare to underestimate the other party.

What's more, it doesn't matter if she is alone, but now her sister is still by her side, so she must be protected!

“It's okay, Miss Tatsumaki, I just had a discussion with my master and wanted to ask him to join the cult. Genos

smiled slightly and said nonchalantly: "Now that the matter has been resolved, my teacher is also willing to join the cult."。”

“Ah? "

After hearing this, Tatsumaki was a little dazed, sparring? How can anyone spar like this? You are beaten to the point where only one head is left!

And his teacher is this bald? There are actually other people on the earth. Such a strong person?


After shaking his head and confirming that there seemed to be no danger, Tatsumaki turned around and looked at his sister with a questioning look.。

“These two people are so strong..."

Feeling the gaze from the other side, Fubuki wanted to turn her head away and say nothing, but remembering the way Tatsumaki had been protecting her in front of her just now, she hesitated for a while and said directly:

“It’s unimaginable that there are such powerful people in the world!”

“Hey, what? Was Fubuki-chan affected? "

Tatsumaki tapped his toes, floated up, circled Fubuki two or three times, and joked funnyly.。

“snort! "

Fubuki raised her head, not wanting to talk to this annoying guy.。

“Xiao Fubuki, I remember that you really wanted to become stronger and surpass me, right? But this is just a bit of a dream...”

“Bastard, are you here to attack me too? ! Fubuki ,

who had salt rubbed into the wound, finally couldn't help but retorted stubbornly: "Okay, you can go, I know I'm weak, I can't, I don't want to listen to you!" "

Tatsumaki turned two or three times, stretched out her hand to stop Fubuki's head, and asked the girl to look at her. She said seriously:

“This may have been true for you in the past, but now is your chance!”

“Um? ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Now there is an opportunity. If you seize it, you may surpass me or even those two guys next to you. What, are you willing?”


Fubuki was in a daze. After suffering countless blows over the years, she had long thrown out the unrealistic idea of surpassing her sister. But now...

she knows that this guy Tatsumaki will not be here. This kind of 3.0 thing is just a joke, could it be said that the opportunity is really coming?

“I do!”[]

The girl said firmly。

a long time,

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you……”

On the scarred earth, a bald girl and a stubborn girl prayed devoutly. .

Người mua: sabmado

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