“But now I am living a happy life, my savings are almost 67 digits, I don’t even dare to think about it! "

Lying comfortably on the bed, Bai Yuechu thought happily.。

“Fortunately, the three sisters from Tushan's family were sent there, so there was no way they could disturb my comfortable enjoyment of life in the Kingdom of God.

Otherwise, it would be noisy and noisy every day, so how could I have the leisurely mood to enjoy this beautiful little life?

Especially Tushan Yaya, just because you are greedy for my salary, huh, I will never see you again in my life. "

Bai Yue thought happily, and suddenly another message was sent to the group.

The eldest cousin of Queen Medusa's family: "It's so mean, no, no, no, I can't stand it anymore...

Tushan Yaya, that 12-year-old bitch If we don't pay wages, I can't get through the Internet cable, but do you think I can't really cure you? "

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Senior cousin, do you have any advice? "

The eldest cousin of Queen Medusa's family: "Huh! My queen came back to visit her relatives a few days ago, but she said she would come back after a while!

At that time, I will tell my queen and ask her to lock this guy in Tushan as the next pilot location for the divine tourism in the Kingdom of God and give him a good treatment! "

They all call me Dragon Mother: "Good idea, strong support, but it's a pity that I don't have destiny here..."

Wu Geng, who wanted a hand: "Hey, indeed, you can also contact my sister when the time comes... Um, and cough cough. , go back and teach him a lesson together! Ouyang is not crazy: "

This time I just smile and don't talk much." "

I, Han Fei, just want to reform:" I just want to say that I agree with this plan. "

Other people in the group also agreed one after another.。

“No, don’t! "

Bai Yue was stunned for a moment again. How could this group of guys be so united and vicious!

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya didn't pay her wages: "Don't, I was wrong. Isn't it okay if I know I was wrong?

Woohoo, have mercy on me, I'm really sincere...it's not easy, it took a lot of effort to save so much money. As a result, so many people come to Tushan to eat and drink. I am going to die of poverty? "

They all call me Dragon Mother: "Stay JPG! Boy upstairs, what are you thinking about? "(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Suddenly, I feel a little embarrassed to bully the big fool. "

I, Han Fei, just want reform: "Hey, is there something wrong with this focus? That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya doesn't pay her wages, but we need someone to teach you a lesson. Are you still worried that the little bit won't be enough for me to have a meal? "

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya doesn't pay her wages: "Money is life! You can kill me, but you must not spend my money!

My young master Zhang Zifan: "I despise JPG! " Hey, everyone, I suddenly had a good idea. Look at this guy's ID. Miss Tushan Yaya seems to be a destined beauty who has entered the Kingdom of God. "290

The eldest cousin of Queen Medusa's family: "Well, I heard my queen mentioned that the three sisters of Tushan are favored in the Kingdom of God and have extremely high cultivation and status. "

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Hey, then you said that if we tell her this guy's ID and then invite Miss Tushan Yaya to go back, wouldn't that happen?

Ouyang is not crazy: "So calculating and insidious, but I like it! " "

They all call me Dragon Mother: "Maybe, this is the only way to deal a serious blow to this kid. "

Tang San, who doesn't want to travel back in time: "Approval +1"

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya doesn't pay her wages: "You guys are really so vicious! !”。[]

Người mua: sabmado

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