
Suddenly, divine light flashed across, and the world that was originally broken compared to yours instantly stabilized.

The whirlpool that was about to pull the two away suddenly turned into two extremely quiet doorways. It seemed that this world no longer belonged to a dream, but had become a place where you could come and leave whenever you wanted.。


As soon as Xiao Dun finished speaking, he suddenly realized something was wrong and looked around in surprise.。

“Hey, hey, hey! ! ! "

Katalina was a little surprised and put down Xiao Dun, and hugged her happily: "It's great Xiao Dun, we finally don't have to be separated anymore.。”

“You are stupid, what are you thinking? "

Xiao Dun was not as surprised as the Monkey King. He looked at her anxiously:

“This is your dream. If we can't leave, I'll be fine, but as for you, you will never wake up in another world.

Fall into a deep sleep forever, and your friends and family will suffer forever!”

“No way? "

Catalina 12 obviously hasn't realized the seriousness of the matter. She stood around stubbornly and said with some doubts: "Isn't there a way?”

“It's so miserable, what door is it?”

“This is it..."

Katarina quietly opened the crack of the door next to her, trying to take a peek.。

“Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believer Gis prays to you……”

“Hey, I feel like I can wake up as long as I walk out of this door, right, right, this is it? This is Geese's voice! "

Katalina said with some surprise: "That's right, you don't know about the team, it's Giss, the evil lady in the game who is also my adopted brother. He has not grown up into the hateful and shameful young master. Now

. He is very innocent and treats me as a sister very well. "

The very nervous Katarina chirped, while Xiao Dun was lost in thought.

How could he not leave?

Could it be that this dream has been stabilized and turned into a world. In the future, Katarina and I Can Lina meet in this world?

The two portals represent two worlds. Does this mean that Catalina and I can go to both worlds?

I can go to another world... Catalina Na can come back?!

This, this is incredible, isn't it?

This is just a dream, how can it have such magical power?

“By the way, what is this guy Gis talking about, what kind of Lord God? Hey? Why don't I know when this guy believed in a god? "

Kanarina seemed to realize something was wrong. She was about to come into contact with the truth. She fell into deep thought. Xiao Dun on the side also looked at her with bright eyes, feeling that she could come to the conclusion of the truth.。


Suddenly, Katarina puffed up her mouth angrily and expressed some condolences: "It's so disgusting, has my brother really grown up? It’s so abominable that I also have a secret about my sister! "


Xiaodun was speechless for a moment after saying this, and sighed in his heart: "Oh, I know this guy is still the same as before.…”

“Stop talking, let me tell you good news..."

Xiaodun told Catalina the conclusion he had come to, and the latter was happy for a moment.。

“It's great. Xiaodun, we can all meet in this world from now on. It's great not to have to be separated from you! ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


“Woohoo, I can actually go back to that world. I don’t know how scared my mother will be when she sees me. Hahaha,

by the way, Xiaodun, you can also come to our world. I have many new friends I want to introduce to you! "

Katalina smiled cheerfully, and after talking for a long time, she always realized that something was wrong:

“But Xiaodun, how could we be like this?”[]

“I don't know, then..."

Xiao Dun shook his shoulders, shook his head and said, "Then I can only ask, your lovely brother should be caused by the divine power of the Lord God, right?。”

“ah? Does the Lord God really exist? Catalina

covered her mouth, her beautiful big eyes full of surprise and happiness, and said excitedly:

“Yeah, the Lord of God is great!”


In the glorious kingdom of God separated by countless planes and time and space.

Our Lord God, Chen Xian put away his fingers, raised the corners of his mouth, and sighed in a funny way:

“This little girl is really very nervous! "

Obviously, the reason for the stability of the dream between Katarina and Xiao Dun was caused by Chen Xian.

For Chen Xian, the god who has reached the limit of his realm, completely stabilize the fictitious spiritual dream. Coming down is simply a simple matter.

As for the two so-called portals, they are just two portals opened in a spiritually solidified place. The

principle is the same as the gate of the Kingdom of God. For Chen Xian, it is just a matter of reaching out. It can be easily constructed with just one click.

It’s so easy!

“Katarina, this girl, needs to pay more attention, or be careful of this crazy girl driving her crazy again... Hey.

Thinking of this, Chen Xian smiled and became a little distracted: "If this crazy girl comes to my own kingdom of God, who knows how crazy she will be by then?"

Người mua: sabmado

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