“Hahaha, stupid guy, I originally thought you were a strong person, but I didn’t expect you to be so cowardly and choose to get hurt for such an ant, hahaha! "

The ugly and terrifying monster screamed crazily. First, it was ruthlessly attacking the robot in front of it, trying to cause a double blow to the opponent physically and mentally:

“Just because of such an ant, hahaha, it’s ridiculous. Now you only deserve to curl up at the feet of the Deep Sea King, come and beg me for mercy? If you beg for mercy, I will let you go, hahaha! "

That's right. Although this ugly guy is very powerful and terrifying, he is not the opponent of the cyborg in front of him. In other words,

the two are evenly matched and can fight back and forth.

In this self-proclaimed deep sea When the king's guy is still at a disadvantage, it stands to reason that even if the robot cannot win, it will not be so seriously injured.

But the situation that caused the current situation is just that the Deep Sea King casually wanted to kill the noisy ants next to him, and This cyborg rushed forward regardless of his own safety...

Although he successfully rescued the innocent child, he was at a disadvantage because of it. The situation was reversed and the cyborg was beaten to the verge of death!

“Pooh! "

The robot who was about to be beaten to death obviously had no intention of surrendering. His eyes were full of perseverance. It was obvious that death could not make him surrender.。

“Hahaha, I just like to torture you guys who look like you have tough bones, so just let me die! "

The Deep Sea King laughed wildly again, then turned around and launched an even more fierce attack on the cyborg in front of him!

“Am I going to die? "

For a moment, even though the companion robot tried its best to resist, he was still in a state of near-death due to his weakness.

At this time, he had no fear, only unwillingness, unwilling to accept his own weakness, and unwilling to be able to reverse the situation of the battle. Not willing to give in, but not having any regrets like that child。

“I'm sorry, Teacher Saitama, I might die here... I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your high expectations and still haven't caught up with you. "

Genos, who was about to fall into coma, murmured, and he vaguely heard a voice:

“Ding, congratulations on being selected to join the Wanjie chat group!”

“Wanjie Chat Group, what is this, the Kingdom of Heaven... Am I really dead? "

Genos murmured in his mouth, but when he was completely lost for a moment, he suddenly heard many people calling him。

“It's so annoying."

Genos, who was in a mental state, hit his head and became a little irritable: "I'm going to die, why can't I just be quiet? And what are they talking about now?”

“Do you have to be bald to become strong? Hello newcomer, no need to say more, just follow me.……”

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you……”

“What god? What prayer? Can you save me? Haha, can it still make me stronger instantly? Even if I can, it doesn't matter. I'm almost dead..."

Genos thought faintly and suddenly he thought again: "No, I'm going to die anyway, what can't I think about. ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Let me see what you are going to say. Praise my God. You are the embodiment of light above the mist and the master of luck above all living beings.……”

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely bright and warm and sacred light fell from the sky.

In just an instant, he passed through the endless dark clouds, passed through layers of dense rain, and instantly shone on Genos's body.。

“This, what is this? "

When the ugly Deep Sea King saw that holy light, he felt a little scared for a moment.。[]

Because he saw and felt the endless oppressive power from this light. How sacred and supreme it was. Compared with this light, he felt even worse than a tadpole!

“.Is this God? If so, please save us and save the hero in front of us!”

“It’s such a bright light. Is this the hero’s back-up plan?”

“As expected of an S-class hero who can summon such light, I feel the urge to kneel down and worship him! "

The people in the stadium were talking a lot, and many people thought that this was a back-up plan left by Genos.

Didn't they look at the direction of this divine light and head towards Genos?

“Ahhhh! ! "

Genos, who suddenly came into contact with the divine light, felt extremely intense pain. (King Li's)

own skin and the mechanical components in his body seemed to be melted and dissolved bit by bit in this divine light!

No, it's just being transformed!

It becomes more and more powerful after being updated again, surpassing the limitations of the mechanism in the normal human body, and the mechanical original parts are also being changed little by little. Transformed

into an alternative metal, what is this? Definitely not the intensity that should exist on Earth!

“How is this going? "

Genos struggled to stand up. He felt that he was pulled out from the near-death state by a pair of big hands.

Now his body is filled with endless power, and he feels that he can fight the enemy at any time. Three hundred and thirty-three million rounds!.

Người mua: sabmado

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