That's right, the world that this girl and Atsushi are currently experiencing is exactly the dream world drawn by Katarina, the girl herself.

A dream created by subconscious nostalgia for the past high school life and reluctance to let go of the past.

In this dream, all the people are fictional characters created by the girl Katarina, except for one person, the girl Xiao Dun in front of her.

Obviously, Xiao Dun knows that this world is fake. You know that the girl in front of you is no longer the girl herself. She is dead in the past.

Her real name now should be Caterina, the daughter of a duke in a different world.

Xiao Dun knew about "Four Nine Zero", and even the spirit transformed by one of his thoughts in that world had been reincarnated, and he became best friends with the girl in front of him again.

She knows everything and understands everything, and she also knows that the most important thing to do now is to explain everything clearly and let Catalina go back and wake up quickly to prevent other people who care about her from worrying.


“I can’t bear to leave you~"

Xiao Dun thought sadly. Although there is a part of her spiritual sustenance in that world, that sustenance does not have her own memory and thinking.

To put it bluntly, that world is real to Catalina. To him, it is just a lie.

Although the girl in front of him is also false, it is real to him. It

sounds very complicated and nonsense, but to put it bluntly, it is the same thing. Xiaodun is now reluctant to be with the girl in front of him. The girl left.

Because once she left, he might never have the chance to see her again.

After all, this girl was already dead...

Thinking of this, Xiao Dun's eyes showed infinite sadness.。

“What's wrong? "

The girl was keenly aware that something was wrong with her best friend in front of her. Although she was called a girl like the monkey king in this world, she was still very delicate to the people she cared about.。

“Xiaodun, are you okay?”

“Well, I'm fine..."

Xiao Dun lowered his head, kept all his emotions in his heart and stopped exposing them. He smiled and said, "It's you, why did you call me over in such a hurry?”


The girl paused and said hesitantly, not knowing where to start: "I don't know why I always feel that time has passed for a long time. It feels like it has been a long time since I saw you, my mother, and everyone

. It’s been a long time since I met you, and I feel like the world has changed.。”

“And I seem to have had a dream,"

the girl murmured: "That dream was very real, and it made me care a lot. It was so familiar and real. I met a lot of people there and made a lot of friends, but even though it was very real, I seemed to have a dream

. It's true, but I don't know why but I can't remember the appearance of anyone in the dream or the name of anyone. I can't remember..."

The girl covered her head, seeming to be in a little pain, as if there was a large wave of memories trapped in the girl. My mind is wrapped in a barrier, and it will be difficult to recover for a long time.。

“Okay, I think you have played too many games. "

Xiao Dun smiled and remained calm on the surface, but she knew best in her heart that everything the girl said was true!

That dream was not a real dream, but everything the girl experienced, everything real. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) What

I am experiencing now is a dream.

In my heart, Xiaodun silently apologized:

“Forgive me for being selfish, I just wanted to stay with you for a while, and forgive me, Sofia and everyone, for making you worry....

At most one day, only one day, I want you to leave her forever, but even if it is only this day, let me enjoy it.

I don’t want to regret it anymore…”[]

“No way, I have been resting well these two days. "

The girl shook her head and didn't want to think about this anymore, and quickly started chatting with her best friend: "Well, speaking of games, I have been playing a game these days, but I really can't get through that dark lineage. It would be terrible if you accidentally bade it!”

“Well, I told you it is like this..."

Xiaodun smiled slightly, obviously knowing the meaning of this line, and explained it bit by bit.

Time stretched very long here.

She didn't know yet It was clear that a divine light had already emanated from the outside world and was about to reach the battlefield.

However, time in the spiritual world was always much slower than that in the outside world, and this process was enough to make her feel at ease.。


Outside, in the chat group.

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya didn't pay her salary: "Hey, why don't you talk to the newcomers on 4.4? A sister from my family came out to chat. I still have many stories to tell you." My sister is so cute

: "Please use your brain, please. My sister is in a coma and doesn't know whether she is alive or dead. Now that we have a way, she will definitely go crazy to save people. How can I have time to talk to you." I, Zhang Zifan, said

: "That's right, it has lowered the average IQ of our group to the extreme. I really convinced you to use your brain, okay? If you still have it!"

That stinky bitch Tushan Yaya didn't pay her salary: "Hey, You still have the nerve to speak? You are the guy with the utmost moral integrity in our group.。”。

Người mua: sabmado

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