Ninomiya Shizuku pursed her lips in dissatisfaction. It was true that she didn't think of herself when she had good things to do. It was a shame that she, a teacher, thought of them every day.。

“I'm so angry, we have such a tacit understanding, I feel like I'm an outsider, but……”

Ninomiya Shizuku was a little confused.

Why do they have this expression? Even if this god is real and his cultivation level has increased, why are they so shy?

“Why does it feel like meeting the little daughter-in-law of my male god? Oh, isn’t it just that the cultivation level has increased? At first glance, it seems that I haven’t seen much of the world. Look at me, teacher!”

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist……”

Ninomiya Shizuku said a prayer in a decent manner.

Then, this cheerful and intellectual beauty also saw the figure above the Kingdom of God.

Then, I met my boyfriend’s shy little daughter-in-law1!

“Oops, looking at their reactions, it seems to be like what the group said, when they met the Lord God and received blessings! "

Naze Hiromi looked at the three girls in the corner who looked confused after praying, and instantly became happy:

“It's great to find three Destiny's Daughters at once, not to mention there are still two candidates to be selected.

That's great. Now if Meiyue enters the Kingdom of God, she will be taken care of.

But...if possible, I really want to send Sister Quan up there.

Hehe, if Sister Quan can also go up, with her strength and character, my dear sister really doesn’t have to worry.

And when the time comes, I will be able to completely let go and have a good wave! "

The corners of Naze Hiromi's mouth raised slightly, but the words coming from beside him instantly made him lose his temper.。

“What's happening here? "

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. The owner of the voice is Izumi Naze who hurriedly came from the family!

Although his strength has become extremely powerful now, he just spread the name of faith and was rewarded again. (bceb) A lot stronger.

I don't think I need to be afraid of Naze Izumi anymore.

But after all, she is my eldest sister, and I still oppressed my eldest sister who has taken care of me for many, many years!

Not to mention how many years I have been crushed in terms of strength. , just now I was still thinking about how to send her to heaven...ahem, to the Kingdom of God.

This was enough to embarrass Naze Hiromi。

“Ahem. "

Naze Hiromi coughed twice and tried to straighten his body. Anyway, he wanted the other person's good, and sending it to the Kingdom of God represented infinite life and infinite glory! He was doing it

for her own good, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.。

“Sister Quan, this is what happened..."

Naze Hiroyuki told his eldest sister about his inheritance from the gods, his beliefs, and what happened just now.。

“So, you are saying that you believed in a god, and then your strength increased to the point where you could completely suppress the half-demon.

And Kambara Akito evolved himself just by praying? !

And Mitsuki and the others have begun to believe in that god.…”

“Are you sure you're not kidding me? "

Nause Izumi frowned and asked.。

“Facts are better than everything, sister, you have to believe it if you look around you, you have to believe it if you don’t believe it! "

Naze Hiromi said proudly, the corners of his mouth raised for a moment, and he felt a little happy. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You didn't have the guts to talk to me like this before! "

Nase Izumi looked at such a proud little brother, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a dangerous tone.。

“Ahem, I’ll tell you the truth, sister. "

Naze Hiromi was frightened, but he still managed to straighten his back and said forcefully:

“I'm not necessarily weaker than you now!”[]

Although my sister was a little restrained in her own cage in the frozen world, everything is different now.

With the blessing of the Lord God, he is not afraid of her!

“Oh, is it so? So...are you planning to challenge me? "

Nause Izumi asked with great interest.。

“This is not impossible。”

“That's good..."

The ethereal affirmation made Naze Hiroomi feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He quickly took two steps back to prepare for the battle, waiting for the battle to come.

This was the sense of oppression coming from his sister, so terrifying!


Naze Izumi chuckled. He did not attack immediately but turned his head to look at the sky, and then prayed:

“Praise my God, you are the incarnation of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believer, Izumi Naze, prays to you..." As soon as the words fell, the divine light appeared, and it was obvious that what Naze Hiromi had just said

, I brought this word of prayer.

After the divine light subsided, Izumi Naze's face was full of expectation, admiration and yearning. That soft smile made the beauty mark that originally showed strictness become so charming. This is Naze

Izumi Hiroshi had never seen an expression before. In his impression, his eldest sister had always been mature, steady, and serious.

This was the first time he had seen Izumi Naze show such a daughter-like expression. appearance。

“Wow, Sister Quan is really beautiful. I just thought that I might not be able to pass the trial of the Kingdom of God. Haha, it turned out that I was overthinking it.

This expression has obviously been approved by the Lord God, and the needle will not poke it!”

“Okay, let's start the battle! "

After gathering his emotions, Quan looked at his younger brother and said with a gentle smile:

“It seems that as a sister, I still want to let you know that in front of my sister, my brother will always be a little brother! ”.

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