Ouyang is not crazy: "Welcome the newcomers!!! Hahaha, the newcomers who just arrived two days ago have not yet appeared, but two more have arrived!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "Welcome, welcome, sacrifice to the fire dragon! The longevity reward depends entirely on the fire dragon!"”

The one who kills monsters with a knife: "Pfft, blood spurts out ten feet high jpg!"”

Xie En of Primal Survival: "Long Ma's rap... is so magical! Long Ma is so talented!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "There is nothing I can do. There is no girl of destiny in my world to go to the Kingdom of God, so I can only sacrifice to the fire dragon. I have no choice but to jpg”

Queen Medusa’s eldest cousin: “Dragon Mom, when did you learn to rap!”

Everyone calls me Dragon Mom: "I saw the guy Sasuke uploaded, his name is the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and I thought it was interesting, so I tried to create my own! Isn't it a very childish rhyme? Worry jpg”

Tushan Yaya’s stinky bitch won’t pay her wages: “I laughed until I died jpg!”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "Bai Yue Yue, you bitch, go to hell! Waving the whip jpg!”

Support Dumbledore: "At least you still have a dragon to sacrifice. I can't find a dragon here anymore. I just sacrificed the wand of death to my god's treasure house of heaven and earth a few days ago and received a reward of 2000 years of life."。”

Wuhe Shidao was very afraid of elves: "Actually, he is still very professional! Come on, Lord Longma!"”

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here: "Speaking of rap, Kushida Kikyo is also good at it. I wonder how they are living with the Lord in the Kingdom of God.。”

I want the palace of Tianquan Ningguang: "Hey... maybe I'm pregnant."。”

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is here:“……”

King of Time who vowed not to be evil: "Ahem, let's talk about the newcomers! @北灵界好男@ has traveled to Marvel. @Oh my god, it's starting to collapse again. @Manxiaoman will become the greatest monster in two days. We have four newcomers! This is unprecedented. Newcomers and friends come out to bubble!”

Dagu didn’t want to be Ultraman: “I guess we were frightened by the information in the group file just like when we first joined the group.。”

Xiaoyu'er was afraid of Xiaojiao: "Yeah! It's all like this. Anyone who sees the image of the sacred beast of the Kingdom of God that can swallow the sky in one mouthful will be frightened!”

I just want to beat Lin Langtian to death: "@小鱼儿arealittlejalapeno. Have the destined girls of your world not gone to the Kingdom of God yet? If they haven’t set off yet, please ask them to help bring something to tell Ying Huanhuan’s father. Ying Xuanzi wants to hold a grandson! Smirking jpg”

Xiao Yu'er was afraid of Little Pepper: "Got it! Brother Lin Dong, don't worry, I will ask Palace Master Yao Yue to help you bring a message to Lord Ying Huanhuan!”

I just want to beat Lin Langtian to death: "You are so good, I will mail you a 'Unlucky Talisman' to prank the villain in the next lottery!”



“That’s awesome! ! !”

“This is the life of the protagonist. He opened the golden finger as soon as he traveled through time! Although this golden finger is a bit different, it is still invincible!”

Looking at the information displayed in the chat, Tang Tai grinned and said。

As a fan of Marvel movies and TV shows, I actually traveled to the Marvel Universe! Although I didn’t find any system or superpower after traveling through time, I was given a chat group from all realms that can connect with the God of Luck!

In addition, as the No. 0 spreader of faith, he can continuously receive endless blessings of luck and longevity rewards. For Tang Tai, who understands the Marvel Universe, it is really enjoyable!

“From now on, my brother’s superpower will be my God’s lucky light!”

“There are so many planets in the Marvel Universe, and once they all develop into believers, the rewards will be absolutely incredible! However, there are not many Destined Women, so it is estimated that only Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel can pass the purity formation test.。”

“No matter, let’s say goodbye first! Anyway, I only have this golden finger that I can use.。”

After Tang Tai thought about it, he knelt down and chanted the praise mantra without hesitation!


Sure enough, the light of luck fell on him under Tang Tai's surprised gaze!

It seems that knowing the plane Tang Tai is in is very important, so the lucky light this time is extremely strong! The huge energy completely enveloped Tang Tai, creating a unique opportunity to be reborn!

“This is... my god has given me an increase in my life level. Is it the "Super War Gene Reagent of the Kingdom of God" developed by the angels and goddesses in the group information? ? ? Praise my God, you are so generous, so that I can quickly spread the faith to you!”

Feeling his transformed life and endless physical strength, Tang Tai knelt down and kowtowed in ecstasy.。

Bang bang!

Several big holes were made in the ground directly by Tang Tai's head!

“I go! After this life upgrade, it even has a radar scanning function?”

“Now invincible!”

Tang Tai looked at the large map scan code image that appeared on his retina and said。

The place he traveled to was an abandoned village, located at the junction of New York and the Western Desert, and belonged to a no-nonsense zone. And here, based on Tang Tai’s understanding of the Marvel Universe, he knows that it is just when the Marvel heroes have just begun to show their prominence!

“Nine o'clock! The Ten Commandments Gang!”

“Those guys really kidnapped Tony Stark!”

“Before Tony can escape by transforming into Iron Man, go and steal some money to fund the development of the Lucky Cult.。”

Tang Tai smiled evilly.。

“Huh! There are many people ahead! There are heavy weapons!”

“The weapons in the hands of terrorists are all designed by Stark himself and are very powerful. When you use them later, try to avoid being targeted by heavy weapons.。”

After running at a speed comparable to that of a sports car for half an hour, Tang Tai finally approached the stronghold of the robbers who kidnapped Tony Stark. Tang Tai used his super gene to start to inquire about the situation inside.。


At this time, in the cave of the camp, huge machine gears were rotating and roaring.。

Two figures are nervously and carefully working on something.。

“Dr. Yingsen, double the power of the external ion coil! Yes, that’s it, we can definitely finish it today!”

Tony Stark, covered in blood and disheveled hair, continued to work meticulously.。

He is no longer surrounded by champagne, young models and meticulous female secretaries. Instead, there is only cold steel and a Dr. Inson with a general desire to survive.。

Ever since his heart was pierced by shrapnel, to Dr. Inson transplanting a nuclear-powered heart to him, and then to the terrorist leader forcing him to make new weapons, Tony Stark has never washed his face and has been fighting for his life. Hurry up!

“You're such an incredible talent, Stark! Such a set of fusion energy-driven steel armor is enough to destroy a regular army of a thousand men!”

“I feel so honored to be a part of it!”

Dr. Yingsen couldn't help but admired while assisting Tony Stark in testing the performance of mecha components.。

It seems that what they are working on is not a steel machine, but a perfect piece of art that can shock the world!

Yingsen believes that once this fusion energy armor is released to the world, it will become the most shining work of art in the world!

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