“Just do it! Anyway, I'm not worthy of her princess, so I might as well exchange it for ten thousand years of life.……”

Man Xiaoman thought seriously.。

After this personal experience, under the leadership of the village chief, the entire Wowo Township has become Chen Xian's believers! And established the Lucky God Sect, using Wowo Township as its base to develop into the surrounding areas!

Countless real cases are before our eyes, and there are more and more pulse masters in Wowo Township!

“conscription! conscription!”

“The Holy Beast King List requires at least 2 demons from Wowo Township to go to Qujing No. 1 and scream for the Holy Alliance to fight against Kuiba!”

On a bright day, a beast cavalryman came to the long gate of Wowo Village with a document in hand and shouted:。

“Um, we get it。”

“This official brother, please dismount and come over for a cup of tea. We in Wowo Township have a secret to tell you!”

The old village chief narrowed his eyes and smiled.。

Seeing the old village chief's lewd eyes, staring at him eagerly, the cavalryman was stunned and subconsciously felt his anus getting cold.。

“no no! Don’t be afraid, little brother, it’s like this, we in Wowo Township have found a way to quickly improve your pulse skills!”

“Guaranteed to be 1000% effective! You help me go to the imperial capital to spread the word. You don’t have to spend money. You just need to use our unique secret method to worship God!”

The old village chief laughed dryly.。

“Holy shit! You even fooled the officers and soldiers!”

Man Xiaoman next to him was shocked。

I have the most sincere respect for this appointed deputy leader of the Lucky God Sect!

But after the old village chief finished speaking, the cavalryman ran faster.。

“Young people today are really impatient。”

The old village chief turned around and left angrily. There are still many places in the surrounding area of Wowo Township that need to be preached. He has been blessed by the true God and has served as the deputy leader, but he will not slack off.。

“People don’t believe us, sir, let’s join the mythical beast alliance too!”

Manji smiled and said。

After the light of luck, Manji has recovered some memories! But he still doesn’t know that he is actually the sixth generation Kuiba!

“Don't cause trouble, just go and hide at Princess Liliai's place! It would be terrible if someone knew your identity.……”

Man Xiaoman rubbed his forehead and said。

In the past few days, Man Xiaoman also knew that Manji had begun to awaken his memory under the protection of the lucky light, and he might be exposed soon.。

But his current strength is not enough to deal with the God Realm and the Holy Spirit Alliance! At the very least, it has to grow to 100,000 believers and enable the summoning authority of the sacred beasts of the Kingdom of God!



Just when Man Xiaoman had definitely settled Man Ji, and then ran to the crowded Holy God Alliance Army to preach as a driver。

divine space。

Chen Xian reluctantly glanced at Gu Xun'er's infinitely soft back curve again, and finally stood up.。

Under the service of Kasumigaoka Shiu and Horikita Suzune, I got dressed and left the Kingdom of Extreme God where I had reached the pinnacle in all aspects.。


“You are Chen Xian! The only ultimate true god in the universe!”

The ancient desert at the entrance to Tiandao battlefield。

The large army of the Destroyed Star Territory, which had been confronting the forces of the Holy Sky and the Dragon Court for a whole day, after seeing the appearance of their rightful master, led the supreme god Mie Huangtian and stared at Chen Xiandao with a blazing divine light.。

Big bosses from all walks of life have all set their sights on this super newcomer who has caused a sensation in the entire universe!

The wide scope and far-reaching influence this time has definitely exceeded Chen Xian's imagination!

Not only did it destroy the Divine Realm, but even the Great Heavenly Divine Realm, which was tens of thousands of light years away, sent people over to witness this unprecedented miracle with their own eyes!

A true god who only has the status of a lower-level god, but he can instantly kill someone with one move and half a step to the top!

Such a legend has already subverted the views of countless gods!

In just a few days, there are countless pseudo-god-level wealthy rookies in the entire universe trying to take the path of "extreme true gods"!

Unfortunately, no one has succeeded so far!

There is no other reason. Extreme Shinto is too harsh. Each small realm is divided into one hundred and eighty-eight thresholds. Not to mention the terrifying resources consumed in the process. Just these one hundred and eighty-thousand thresholds for each small realm, but there is no one that has not been passed. When you reach the limit, all your previous efforts are in vain!

Such a harsh cultivation method is simply the greatest torture in the world for those who practice Shinto!

This is not something that can be solved by practicing talent alone, but more importantly, luck! ! ! As long as you have bad luck and make a small mistake in your cultivation, you will never be able to embark on the path of "Ultimate True God" like Chen Xian!

Therefore, the more invincible power there is that the Supreme God supports the sky, the more curious he is about Chen Xian's identity!

“Is he Chen Xian? This divine aura is really not the Supreme God!”

“Invincible! He didn't even reach the top of the gods, and he actually killed him with one move, half a step to the top? How can we honestly call ourselves geniuses?”

“There is no true God before the limit. We are not even gods, okay? He is simply the number one super freak in the universe!”

“Let’s see how Mie Huangtian negotiates. It’s best to have a fight, and everyone will know better!”

“The general of Shengtian Longting was also there, and he was too willing to let Chen Xian go off to fight with the Supreme God. Tiansheng Linglong found such a young and invincible being as a man. It was true that all heaven was helping Shengtian Longting!”

The majestic gods all around whispered.。

Such a scene made Chen Xian a little surprised. He thought that everyone would continue to be as condescending to him as before because of his advanced level.。

“Hehe, it seems that we have hit the mark, and these old guys who only care about their realm have finally learned a lot.。”

Chen Xian sneered in his heart。

However, he did not immediately answer the words of the supreme god of the Destruction God Realm. Instead, he came to Tiansheng Linglong and Tiansheng General very freely.。

“I've been lazy these past few days, which has made you work hard。”

Chen Xian looked at the two of them and smiled.。

“Damn you guy, you're still polite to me。”

Tian Sheng's exquisite and noble face revealed a soft and shy expression. This kind of tenderness would only be shown to Chen Xian!

Everyone! ! !

Especially for the newcomers from the Holy Sky Dragon Court who came to help out, their hearts were broken many times when they saw the first princess of Kamigawa and how attached they were to Chen Xian!

This is obviously already together!

“You kid, you actually captured the princess so quickly……”

“And it’s better to kill first and then tell the story later! If you hadn't won two super-grade mineral veins for the Holy Heavenly Dragon Court this time, His Majesty the Terror God Emperor would have been so angry with you that he would have jumped out of the Burial Dragon Abyss!”

Tiansheng Yilong smiled bitterly.。

“Damn it! Do you think you can ignore me now that the Holy Heavenly Dragon Court is backing you?”

“Kneel down and explain!”

Mie Huangtian, the supreme god of the Destruction God Realm, was furious when he saw Chen Xian ignoring him so much!

The sky is full of catastrophic clouds!

The endless pressure is like the way of heaven, covering Chen Xian with the power to crush time.。

“Such power! I'm afraid I've reached level 5 Supreme God! ! !”

“One level higher than General Jin from Shengtian Longting!”

“Chen Xian is in danger!”

Everyone was shocked!

Tiansheng Linglong's pretty face was filled with anger, but she found that she couldn't even muster the courage to take action in front of Mie Huangtian!

The natural general was about to help, but he was stunned because Chen Xian didn't seem to be affected at all under that kind of pressure, and his demeanor remained the same!

“Blind old dog! Why don't you kneel down and explain to me?。”

“Mie Wuyan and I have agreed on the rules of the arena and the destiny of life and death, but you still dare to come to me and ask for an explanation? I wonder if I have upgraded again?”

Chen Xian sneered and slapped him in the face without looking back.。

A seemingly random slap was actually accompanied by three thousand golden law lotuses! With power beyond cognition, ignoring all legal obstacles, he slapped Mie Huangtian heavily on the cheek, and directly sent him flying out of countless time and space.……

Senseless! Everyone present was stunned!

Everyone looked at Chen Xian like a monster, thousands of gods, sweating like rain! ! !

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