Ouyang is not crazy: "Hahaha! They are new members, and our team has grown again! Applause and welcomejpg”

Itsuka Shido was very afraid of the elves: "With the two joining in, I am finally not considered a newbie anymore! A kind smile jpg”

Xiaoyu'er was afraid of Xiaojiao: "We have to speed up the progress! I didn't expect you, Wuhe Shidao, to come from behind! It's all my fault that Lord Yue Yue Palace had to go to Cihang Jingzhai to preach, otherwise the Gate to the Kingdom of God would have been built by now. It's a headache jpg”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "The newcomer comes out to report his measurements! Is he a boy or a girl?”

They all call me Dragon Mother: "The new female member last time was Master Jue. The female camp in our chat group is seriously lacking. Shake the fan jpg”

I am not convinced by anyone in the Moon Worshiping Cult: "Huh? Can Master Jue be considered a woman?”

Tushan Yaya’s stinky bitch won’t be paid: “Pfft——”

Bucky, who is still in jail: "Ah ha ha ha! Lord Moon Worshiper, you really have the guts! You really laughed your head off jpg”

Known as Extinction: "Old man worshiping the moon! The poor nun and you are at odds with each other! Draw your sword jpg”

The man who kills monsters with a knife: "It seems that the last time Master Miejie used Fairy Zhou Zhiruo to threaten Brother Baiyue, he was still remembered! Smirking jpg”

Support Dumbledore: "Fortunately, the 'Unlucky Talisman' cannot contain the names of people from other worlds, otherwise the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult would be unlucky! I remember that Master Miejie drew a 'Unlucky Talisman' last month Yeah! Smirkingjpg+1”

Ouyang is not crazy:“……”

Ouyang is not crazy: "Damn!!! Harry Potter, you are simply a genius. Of course, the 'unlucky charm' can write the names of characters from other worlds, but the effect will be compromised."。”

Everyone! ! !

I am not convinced by anyone in the Moon Worshiping Cult: "!!! No way...why didn't you tell me earlier?”

People call it extinct: "Hahahahaha! Baoyue, you old bastard, give me a year of bad luck! Bad smile jpg”

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is not convinced by anyone: "Please think about it! The effect of using it on me will not be good! Ah sneeze - shit! I, who was promoted to a congenital creature, actually caught a cold! Can you destroy me?……”

Known as Extinction: "Haha, yes, I have already written your name on the 'Unlucky Talisman'! Proud jpg”

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult refused to accept anyone: "Asshole nun! I'm not done playing with you! Oh, whoever put a banana peel on the ground, drag him out and beat him!"”

I want the palace of Tianquan Ningguang: "Pfft, jpg can still be played like this!”

Tazmi didn't want to kill anyone: "Don't be afraid, moon worshipper. Our god's lucky lights cancel each other out, and at most we can only step on banana peels! Smirk jpg”

Shane from Primal Survival: “So, just stay away from bananas and you’ll be fine?”

King of Time who vowed not to be evil: "Shocked jpg! Brother Xie En is really a thinking wizard!”

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "How can it be so easy to crack! That's an unlucky talisman made by my god! Face covering jpg”

His name should still be Uchiha Sasuke:“……Were you fooled by the sun in the wild?”



In the chat group, when everyone was having a great time。

《In the world of "Quiba", Man Xiaoman, who has just joined the group, is looking at various group files in the chat group in a daze!

“It can not be……”

“Have I met the true God? A true god more powerful than the world of gods?”

“Impossible! It is said that the pulse beast of Kuiba can easily knock down a hill, but the sacred beast of the Kingdom of God can actually swallow the entire planet in one breath? ? ?”

Man Xiaoman swallowed and was frightened by the "player video" he was watching!

“dad! What are you talking about, what kind of sacred beast from the Kingdom of God?”

Just when Man Xiaoman was reading the chat group information in his mind, Man Ji, the furry child he picked up and adopted, ran over and said in confusion.。

“How many times have I told you, don’t call me daddy, call me a great man! I am a man with the strongest demon tattoo in history!”

Man Xiaoman tried hard to correct him.。

“yes! Quite an adult!”

Manji stood at attention and shouted very seriously。

Until now, he has always believed that Man Xiaoman is his biological father. The reason why Man Xiaoman demands so much of himself is just because he wants to pursue the glory that the demon clan and demon warrior deserve! So Manji is still very obedient!

“Well, you have a good attitude. How are your pulse skills going? Call me and see.。”

Withdrawing his thoughts from the chattering group, Man Xiaoman sat up straight and looked at Man Ji and said。

“Okay, quite an adult!”

“Feel the shape and pulse, unite the body and pulse, penetrate the pulse gate, and vibrate the pulse to attack!”

Manji excitedly began to practice the pulse technique that Man Xiaoman gave him.。

However, the final "Zhenmai Attack" could only launch a cyclone the size of a small smoke ring.……

“Quite an adult! Am I done with this?”

Manji maintained his final punching posture and asked anxiously.。

“Um...the pulse gate has been loosened! This should be considered accomplished!”

“here you go! Let’s go find the village chief and have another fight now!”

Man Xiaoman nodded hard and said。

“marvelous! I will definitely win this time!”

Very anxious and excited。

Who knows, at the moment when Manji's veins were loosened, the twelve demon generals far away in Wajima all looked up in shock!

“The sky is bright! Kuiba's sky-high sky lit up, and it felt Kuiba's breath!”

You Ruoli, one of the twelve demon generals from Gromohe, said in surprise。

“Very good! After waiting for so many years, Kuiba is indeed not dead!”

Orc Rangu clenched his fists and said。

“So what should we do now, go find him?”

Mist demon Youmi narrowed his eyes crazily and said。

He can't wait to give that cold-blooded and ridiculous Holy Alliance a heavy blow!

“No, we just need to stay here。”

“Kui Ba will definitely come back to get his Chong Tian Li. Kui Ba and Chong Tian Li are originally one body.。”

The stunningly beautiful Princess Lin Yao Hai Wenxiang looked at the sky and said。

“But there is a barrier outside this turbine island. How can he get in and get the Sky Powder?”

You Ruoli frowned and said。

“Don't forget that he is Quiba. If he wants to, he will definitely come in.。”

Hui Yao Qiu Luo Mu laughed and said。

Just when Kuiba's old men were excited because they sensed that Manji was still alive, the gods in the God Realm were also shocked!

“God, how could this happen! The Tianxuan Mirror detected Kuiba's life signal appearing in the underworld!”

“Quiba is not dead? ? ?”

“It shouldn’t be. The last Yuan Point attack consumed so much energy in our God Realm. Didn’t it even kill Quiba?”

All the elders of the God Realm flashed out one after another and said。

“I think I'll go down to the next world and kill him with my own hands.。”

The beautiful girl with a cold appearance, the chief god of the Xuanjing Division calmed down and stepped forward.

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