“Believer Tokisaki Kurumi, thank God for His grace!”

Kurumi Tokisaki, who screamed for half an hour, finally washed away his boundless sins with the fire of karma after dying 96,000 times!

During this process, Chen Xian's true divine form had long since disappeared, but the divine light of luck had never been interrupted, because Kurumi Tokisaki's strength was simply not strong enough to withstand the burning of the karma fire several times. Without the protection of the divine light of luck, Kurumi Tokisaki would have vanished into ashes and never been reincarnated!

Tokisaki Kurumi, who knows the power of time and reincarnation, understands this clearly in his heart. He knows what kind of supreme existence he has encountered now and what an opportunity he cannot miss!

“Just being able to go to the kingdom of God and follow the divine path! Whatever you ask me to do!”

Seeing Kurumi Tokisaki who has the power of the true god, his strange eyes are full of yearning and madness。

“Hello! you! I am God’s messenger on earth, right? What are you doing in the cold? Hurry up and build an altar for the Lord God to develop followers!”

“Also, you know the way to get to the Kingdom of God, right?”

“Don't be lazy, you are not allowed to sleep these days, you must start working quickly!”

Tokisaki Kurumi crossed his arms and looked at Itsuka Shidou with an urging expression.。

Itsuka Shidou covered his face!

“This guy...changed too quickly!”

“Are all female elves so receptive?”

In the command room in the distance, Itsuka Kotori looked at Kurumi Tokisaki with the corners of her mouth twitching!



In the following time, due to the great assistance of Kurumi Tokisaki, and the blessings of his millions of believers, Shido Wuhe obtained incredible spiritual power, and could easily suppress the elves from all sides!

So at this time, the revival organization that AST changed its name to the Lucky God Sect has already conquered many female elves such as Tobiichi Origami, Yatogami Tohka, Shigenai, and even the beautiful star Yuya Miku. !

“Finally... the gate to the Kingdom of God is finally built!”

“Dear elven ladies, when you arrive in the Kingdom of God, you must remember to ask for my autograph, and then give it to me when you come back from the lower world!”

“Also, please help take care of my sister Itsuka Kotori!”

Itsuka Shidou looked at the beautiful elves like Tobiichi Origami, Shigeno and others who were about to step into the gate of the Kingdom of God, and he bowed seriously and said。

“Don't worry, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't know that there is such a divine master in the universe. I will help you get your autograph when you come back to play in the lower world in the future.。”

Miku Miku, who was wearing an expensive dance dress, had an intoxicating smile on her delicate and pretty face.。

When she thought about entering the kingdom of gods to serve the Lord, she had been so excited that she couldn't sleep for two days and two nights!

“What does your sister need to take care of? She can barely take care of us.。”

The fourth series is also blushing.。

“Brother, don’t worry. I don’t know if there are lollipops in the Kingdom of God, but for the sake of eternal Shinto, you can’t miss the opportunity.。”

“But, brother, if the information you provide is wrong, we will come down to deal with you.。”

Itsuka Kotori clenched her fists and said。

After saying that, he waved his hands with a little nostalgia, and led the team of beautiful elf girls to step into the gate of the Kingdom of God one after another!

For them who possess the spiritual power of elves, it is so easy to pass whatever the Destiny Formation detects!

In the space of the Kingdom of God at this time。

Princess Yushu, who danced for the Lord God last night and stayed overnight, fell asleep next to Chen Xian after experiencing an unforgettable and crazy night.。

The delicate skin and beautiful facial features are even more pleasing to the eye under the morning light and are unforgettable.。

“oh? There are so many elves and gods who have activated the teleportation circle of the Kingdom of God.。”

“There is no other way, let’s go and take a look first。”

Chen Xian reluctantly kissed Yu Shu on the lips, and then disappeared into the God King's Palace.。

“I have met the Lord God!”

Seeing Chen Xian's figure, Medusa, Dongfang Huaizhu, Zhou Zhiruo and others smiled and bowed.。

“Everything that came today is quite complete.。”

Chen Xian waved his hand and smiled.。

“Because I heard that Lord God is going out to the Kamigawa Star Territory today to solve some troubles. Sister Kesha’s communication crystal told us.。”

“Now we are somewhat advanced. Don’t feel bad if we need to fight.。”

Dongfang Huaizhu stepped forward and responded gently while helping Chen Xian tidy up his clothes.。

“Hehe, they are just a few little miscellaneous fish. How could we need you precious little ones to go out and fight in the Kamigawa Star Territory? Kesha, you are well-informed. I think I told Qiangwei and Qilin yesterday.。”

Chen Xian looked at Kesha and said。

Tiansheng Linglong transmitted her message through the communication crystal yesterday. A large number of people who destroyed the God's Domain have arrived at the entrance of the Tiandao battlefield. They named them and asked them to go out and solve them.。

With Chen Xian's current strength, coupled with the source of faith of hundreds of billions of believers, it is probably possible that the God Emperor, who has not been seen for hundreds of millions of years, can fight with Chen Xian. Therefore, Chen Xian didn't take the Supreme God who destroyed the God Realm seriously at all, so he mentioned it casually. Unexpectedly, it made the girls worried.。

“Lord God, please don’t blame me for talking too much. It was Reina who revealed it.。”

Kesha blushed slightly and said。

Especially when she recalled the absurdity she and Liang Bing had with the God Lord Chen Xian in the God King's Palace the day before yesterday, she was too embarrassed to look into Chen Xian's eyes.。


“Ah! Keisha, you are here to confess me!”

Rena stamped her feet in shame and anger.。

Qiangwei and Qilin told her before the lower world yesterday, but they also said that the Lord God did not want to spread the news and affect the cultivation of the girls.。

“Is there really any trouble? What is the state of the other party?”

Xiao Longnu, who had been silent all this time, walked up to Chen Xian for the first time in front of the other girls, and said with some worry。

But that slightly sad appearance became more and more endearing. Only then did Chen Xian remember that he had not been to Xiao Longnu's palace for a week.……

“Don't worry, I'm invincible in the universe。”

“You don’t need to worry about these things in the future. When you cultivate your own divine throne, I will take you to go around the Shenhe Star Territory, saving you from worrying all day long.。”

Looking at Feng Qingxue, Zhao Ling'er, Ling Qingzhu, Yan Lingji and others who also looked worried, Chen Xian smiled and assured.。

“real? ? ?”

“Very good! ! ! This is the driving force for cultivation!”

“You can keep your word and take us to the Kamigawa Star Territory after we have cultivated the Divine Throne!”

“I really want to see the place where the Lord God grew up! Are the people there all gods from birth? ? ? ?”

Yan Lingji and others were surprised, and Gao Yao jumped up excitedly.。

Even Kesha and Luna, who are usually steady and dignified, have wonderful eyes and are full of yearning!

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