“Can it still be like this? ? ?”

“Yi Xiaochuan, you have really met the true God and blessed you! No wonder he was able to become an official in the Lu family!”

Looking at his instant recovery from injuries, the good fortune of those around him, and the light of luck that never dissipated in the sky, Gao Yao swallowed a gulp of saliva.。

“Haha, in fact, I am not only an official of the Lu family, but also the messenger of the God of Luck in the world! You are the leader of the Lucky God Sect. As long as you work hard with me to develop followers for our god, it will be a trivial matter to achieve prosperity and wealth. You may even receive the blessing of longevity. From now on, why don't you just follow me and work hard? First, I'll make you a divine protector!”

Yi Xiaochuan said proudly。

“real? Can you even get longevity?”

“Do you get paid as a law protector?”

Gao Yao's eyes turned red with excitement.。

Because seeing is believing, Gao Yao, who has actually benefited, no longer has any doubts. Just kidding, the miracles in the sky are still hanging, and the people in the market who are kneeling around and worshiping are all getting different benefits. This is something that only gods can do!

“Of course, let me tell you, our goal is to capture the entire Qin Kingdom!”

“And then there’s the whole world!”

“In this era, we are fully capable of developing an entire unknown continent like Columbus, you know? We are going to rewrite history!”

Yi Xiaochuan said with a bad smile。


Gao Yao couldn't help but giggle as he listened!

Yi Xiaochuan……

It seems that I gave this guy too much blood, but don't go too far and kill this guy later. Then I won't be able to explain it when I get back.。

“Leader! We have received God’s gift, and we will also help in missionary work!”

“Yes, Master, my god even cured my eyes that had been blind for several years, but he didn’t ask for anything. This is a magical way to save the suffering! He is more spiritual than Guanyin Bodhisattva. How about we build a statue for our god and worship it every day?”

A wealthy squire among the people gave some advice:。

“Thank you for your enthusiasm and suggestions, but the appearance of my God is not something we will have the opportunity to see. The Dharma of the true God implies the ultimate principles of heaven and earth and is ever-changing. How can it be expressed in a stone statue?”

“If you are interested, you can come to Lufu. We will use Lufu as a basis to build an altar of the Lucky God Sect. It would be best to sacrifice cattle, sheep and livestock to our god. At that time, those who participate in the sacrifice can once again receive the blessings of our God, and be safe, lucky, and free from illness and disaster!”

Yi Xiaochuan explained seriously。

“Very good! If this can be done, it will be a great good in the world!”

“There is no more precious gift than safety and health. We must have the money and strength to contribute!”

“yes! Leader, please arrange things for everyone! Nowadays, in the chaos of war, it would be nice for everyone to be together and have someone to take care of us!”

Everyone became more enthusiastic。

“That's great. If you all have this intention, why worry that the Lucky God Sect can't support the vast number of people!”

Yi Xiaochuan said with emotion, thinking that this is the real benefit. There is no need to work hard at all. People who have received the blessing will organize themselves spontaneously.。



“Yi Xiaochuan, you are quite good. You have found so many believers in such a short time?”

Looking at the hundreds of people who were busy building an altar in front of the Lu Mansion, Lu Su also said with joy in his heart.。

“They help for free, but they save a lot of money for father to build an altar.。”

Lu Pheasant also said happily。

Now she and her sister have proven to have the blessing of destiny. According to Yi Xiaochuan, when the number of believers reaches 1 million, that is when they will have the opportunity to enter the Kingdom of God and achieve great achievements of God!

Lu Zhi was so happy that she wanted to jump up when she thought that she could become a god and fairy in the sky. Even if she was not as profound as her younger sister Lu Sufuyuan, who directly received the divine power from the True God, she would be satisfied just to stay young forever!

“It was my good luck blessed by God that I met an old friend, Gao Yao! Come and meet Miss Lu Su and Miss Lu Pheasant, our deputy leaders of Lucky God Sect!”

Yi Xiaochuan greeted the busy Gao Yao in the distance.。

“I'm coming! Oh My God! Such a beautiful woman!”

“Ahem! I, Gaoyao, have met two young ladies from the Lu family!”

Gao Yao is also very good at talking about things.。

“Hello, thank you for the compliment. From now on, everyone will be members of the divine religion, so there is no need to be so polite.。”

Lu Su smiled and said, Gao Yao and the people around him were a little frightened by the gentle and jade-like fairy appearance.。

“I said to Yi Xiaochuan, did you have any intention in making this person a deputy leader? Let me warn you, my sister is still waiting for you to go back in the future world, so you must not do anything excessive!”

Gao Yao pulled Yi Xiaochuan aside and whispered:。

“What are you talking about? Lu Su and Lu Pheasant are the daughters of destiny, and Lu Su is a fairy blessed by my god’s power! Are you different from us mortals? How can I have the courage to compete with my god for women?”

Yi Xiaochuan said angrily。

“That’s good, that’s good! It turns out that Miss Lu Su has become an immortal. There is hope!”

“In Peixian County, Mr. Lu is helping to support the officialdom. If Miss Lu Su is so powerful, we can make it bigger and treat the entire Peixian County as the base camp of our Lucky God Cult, and then we will noisy the development of the capital!”

Gao Yao reminded。

“Not bad for you! Let me tell you, I actually already know someone there. Do you know Xiang Yu? Well, don't look at me like that. I was sworn brother to my God before he was blessed by me!”

“When the time comes, with the help of the power of the Western Chu Overlord, our Lucky God Church will develop even faster!”

Yi Xiaochuan said proudly。

“Such a development will really change history!”

Gao Yao said with trembling heart。

As everyone knows, this move saved him even more and made history less of a famous eunuch!

“Is Mr. Lu here? Liu Bang, the owner of the dog meat stall, came to pay a visit!”

A shout came from the door of the outer courtyard:。

Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao looked up in surprise!

“Liu Bang, holy shit, he shouldn’t be the founding emperor Liu Bang in the future, right?”

“Probably not. How could Liu Bang come from a dog meat stall?”

Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao secretly communicated。


“What a beautiful beauty! The Lu sisters are so beautiful!”

Looking at Lu Su and Lu Pheasant who looked like heavenly beings, Liu Bang swallowed his saliva from a distance and said。

“You're a dog meat seller, but you dare to have ideas about fairies!”

Seeing Liu Bang's drooling look, Yi Xiaochuan instantly turned black and became angry. He walked over to surprise him and kicked him away.。

Gao Yao! ! !

“I go! The founding emperor of the country was kicked out by you just like that? ? ? "

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