“Let's go and see who these people are。”

Chen Xian stopped Ling Qingzhu and disappeared in an instant.。

“I have met the Lord God!”

“It turns out that the Lord God was at Sister Qingzhu’s place early in the morning!”

“Just say that sister Qingzhu is much more beautiful than usual!”

Gao Yao, Tian Tian, and Haruno Ying smiled and saluted.。

“I also heard from afar that Lord God and Sister Qingzhu were painting ink paintings together, but he didn’t ask me to participate. I can do that too.。”

Ying Huanhuan pinched her waist and pouted.。

“What is ink painting? Is it valuable to draw it?”

Ning Guang said doubtfully。

“Please, this is the kingdom of God. Ningguang, can you stop talking about money all the time? It hurts your feelings.。”

Keqing rubbed her forehead and said。

Qin and Lisa snickered and covered their mouths. After a day and night of breathing, they were now close to the level of innate creatures! I also know that in places such as Xianbao Pavilion and Wanjie Library, all resources can be obtained for free, as long as the qualifications and cultivation are up to standard! Such a beautiful place has no need for such a thing as "mola"!

And in Yan Lingji's words, starting from the second floor of Xianbao Pavilion, any artifact is worth almost as much as a planet! The combined wealth of the entire Teyvat continent cannot afford to buy a 9-star fairy treasure, let alone an artifact!

After knowing the value of these fairy treasures and artifacts, Ningguang was so excited that he didn't sleep all night!

“In fact, the most valuable thing in this Kingdom of God is the Lord God’s throne.。”

“Ningguang girl can find a chance to have a good experience.。”

Yan Lingji said with a meaningful smile.。

“The Throne of God...I know!”

“I'm going to see the Lord God tonight.。”

Ning Guang said seriously。

Reina on the side covered her face, thinking that this girl was too easy to fool, she just wanted to talk about money! Since Ning Guang is not as strong as an innate creature, I might have to lie down for several days before I can get up after going to the God King Palace to serve.……

“Here it comes! Hey, the newcomer's aura is so weak this time, she is just an ordinary girl!”

Liang Bing looked at the teleportation beam falling from the sky and said。

“Could it be that they come from a peaceful world like Kasumigaoka Shiu and the others?”

“They can’t all be everyday girls, right?”

Yan Lingji and Esdeath also came and said with interest。

The recent battle gods have been coming in a few days, and I haven’t seen the maid of the daily gods for a long time! The last time a divine maid was added, Moa Aizaki was willing to be demoted!

“Not bad, I guessed it very accurately.。”

Chen Xian smiled and said。

Buzz! Buzz!

The light beam disappeared, and under everyone's surprised eyes, five vitality girls appeared in front of everyone!

“Ahhhh! Truly the kingdom of the gods! This view is so beautiful!”

“Just take a breath and all the cells in your body will feel hot!”

“That is...the Lord God!”

“There are so many beautiful sisters! And angels! ! !”

Kushida Kikyo and others jumped up with excitement!

“Suzune Horibei, pays homage to the Lord God and all the Godly sisters!”

The most stable eldest daughter of the Horikita clan, Horikita Suzune, was the first to recover. She knelt down in front of Chen Xian with a pretty face and said solemnly.。

“Kushida Kikyo!”

“Sakura Airi, Ichinose Honami, Sakayanagi Arisu! Meet the Lord God and all the sisters of God!”

The four girls, Kushida Kikyo and Ichinose Honami, also reacted and quickly fell to their knees with red faces!

“What a pure and energetic girl! No wonder you are qualified to set foot in the Kingdom of God!”

“This Horikita Suzu has a good voice, she is a top-notch beauty!”

Yan Lingji and the others narrowed their eyes and nodded.。

“They are just adults, so they can't compete with each other. Looking at how young and energetic they are, they somehow feel a little old!”

Tsunade said helplessly。

“Master, who made you change back? How cute did you look like a loli before?。”

Haruno Sakura Taoist Show。

“If I don’t come back, I’ll be ‘touched and killed’ by you all day long! I'm the Hokage, don't you want to lose face?”

Senju Tsunade pinched her waist angrily and said。

Yan Lingji, Zhou Zhiruo and others snickered!

“It seems like this is really the case, I just liked it and scratched it several times.。”

Liang Bing Le Dao。

Everyone was in a state of confusion when they heard "Hobei Suzuyin", they couldn't understand everything. How could someone change their age and control their age at will?

“Is this the divine nature of Lord God? He can be so beautiful!”

“Is it because you become a god that you can be so beautiful?”

Seeing the noble temperament and peerless appearance of Yan Lingji, Liang Bing and others, Horikita Suzune couldn't hide her envy!

To be stronger than her, it really feels like becoming a fighting god!

Unfortunately, before coming here, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had already said that their world did not have enough spiritual energy, and they could only build the screening formation of the God Maid! However, the maid of God can already set foot in the kingdom of God, understand the true meaning of the heavens and the universe, and have eternal youth!】

Of course, the prerequisite is to do a good job as a maid of God and serve the Lord God well!

Horikita Suzune, who caught a glimpse of the beautiful images of the Kingdom of God while worshiping, naturally knew that what Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said was true. In the face of the true God and the creation of the Kingdom of God, the survival challenges on that campus were just a matter of playing house.。

Therefore, Horikita Suzune and others did not hesitate to scream for the election of God's maid and step into the gate of God!

Now that they see the creation scenery of the Kingdom of God and the appearance and temperament of the God Lord Chen Xian, Suzune and the others are in a trance! It’s really beautiful, like a dream!


“Get up. Although the five of you entered our Kingdom of God through the selection criteria of God’s Maid, there are still ways to advance if you want to become a God of the Combat Attribute.。”

“Stabilize yourself first, and then I will give you a chance to be promoted.。”

Reading Michibei Suzune's will to win, Chen Xian looked at the delicate girl in front of him and smiled.。

“yes! Thank you Lord God Hongen!”

Horikita Suzune didn't expect that the other party could be so transparent about her thoughts. She couldn't hide her excitement and bowed to the Lord God again!

“Can we also have the opportunity to become gods? That’s great! People don’t want to admit defeat either!”

Kushida Kikyo jumped up happily and said。

“Are you the kind of god who fights and kills... so scary!”

“It turns out that you are so strong, Kikyo, but you are just like a good girl on weekdays.。”

Sakura Airi and Ichinose Honami exclaimed。

“Haha, it’s good to be motivated, but the road to promotion is not easy.。”

“Let's go to the maid office building of the Divine King's Palace with Yan Lingji and stay there. Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others will tell you everything about the Divine Kingdom.。”

“Qingzhu, our ink painting has not been completed yet. It will probably take a long time this time.。”

Chen Xian smiled and said。

After saying that, he took Ling Qingzhu with him and disappeared.。

“Is ink painting that interesting? If I had known, people would have learned from it!”

Liang Bing scratched his head and said。

The girls were speechless!

“If you were to draw ink paintings, they would probably be series not suitable for girls.。”

Yan Lingji snickered.

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